The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 927 932 Are you a devil! 2 more

Chapter 927 932 Are you a devil! 2 more

Is Ding Ning miserable?
No, he's not miserable at all, he's just sitting there cross-legged, nothing happened, okay?

But everyone who saw this scene thought they had read it wrong. Didn't they say that the turbidity and corruption are very strong? Ding Ning should be corroded unbearably at this time. What is it like sitting there unscathed?

"Lord Supreme Sovereign, he doesn't seem to be as miserable as you said!" A young disciple standing beside Master He said in a low voice.

Master Crane looked bewildered, he clearly remembered that the description of the turbid and rotten gas could not have any effect.

Or is the description of the turbid and putrid gas he saw false?
Immortal Crane also wanted to ask what was going on.

The embarrassment is not limited to He Zhenren, the most powerful people like Fengmenzong, Jianzhong, Wuxiangmen, and the Dong family are also embarrassed. The explanation they just gave to the people around them is similar to that of He Zhenren. After the real situation in the big formation came back, everyone's faces were slapped.


"Tens of thousands of people mobilized the formation, and the nine-day demon refining formation created a turbid and rotten gas that completely permeated the entire formation. It is impossible for him to be unscathed." Yelu Kunlun's face was full of astonishment, which was completely unexpected. Same.

In the picture, Ding Ning stood up from the cross-legged position, patted his buttocks, swept off the dust, and then began to twist his limbs and do warm-up exercises.

Obviously he wanted to see Ding Ning's miserable state, but he turned into admiring Ding Ning's leisurely appearance. Does this look like someone trapped in a large formation?

Lei Mengsheng stared at the screen and didn't speak for a while.

The ones who hit the hardest were the four top ten forces of Snake Mountain, Wuji Daomen, Dong Family, and Yelu Family. They poured most of their own power into the formation, and the result in exchange turned out to be like this, no one would accept it. no.

Yes, Ding Ning will be very miserable?Actually not.

"Who can tell me what's going on?"

"How could he be so relaxed? Could it be that everything we did just now was in vain?"

Many people turned their attention to Yelu Kunlun. Yelu Kunlun secretly handed over the nine-day demon refining formation to them. Although Yelu Kunlun is a strong Mahayana realm, they all held back their desire to question Yelu Kunlun.

What about the great formation that was promised?
Is it just that?

Yelu Kunlun could feel the gazes of many people, with complex emotions such as anger, incomprehension, and doubt in those gazes. Although he didn't care about these people, he also wanted to understand what was going on.

There must be something wrong.

"Why didn't I see the turbid and rotten gas?"

Suddenly, Lei Mengsheng said such a sentence, Yelu Kunlun took a closer look, and there was indeed no turbidity in the picture projected from the big formation.

What about turbidity?Without the turbidity and rot, Ding Ning would naturally not be injured.

Yelu Kunlun turned his eyes, looked at the crowd and said, "Listen to me, I don't know why he wasn't injured, but one thing, I can be sure that your efforts just now must have had an effect, but I don't know why he didn't get hurt. Seeing him, I hope everyone will try again, he killed Fellow Daoist Snake, Fellow Daoist Li, and Fellow Daoist Dong, I believe that none of you do not want to take revenge, if that is the case, please believe me again."

"Inject all your strength into the big formation, and the big formation will generate turbid and rotten gas. When the gas is thick enough, it can kill him."

This time, Yelu Kunlun explained in detail.

Hearing what Yelu Kunlun said, tens of thousands of people mobilized their strength and sent them into the formation.

Yelu Kunlun stared at the screen, he wanted to see where the turbid and rotten gas went, and there was no reason why there was no turbid and rotten gas.

With the reinjection of strength by tens of thousands of people, a curl of yellow mist was born in the big formation.

It is turbid and rotten.

Everyone's eyes were on Ding Ning's every move, and it was obvious that the turbid and rotten air was slowly drifting towards Ding Ning. Looking at Ding Ning's appearance, there was no change in expression due to the appearance of the turbid and rotten air.

clack clack...

Beads of light resembling lightning flashed in the formation, and Ding Ning didn't try to hide. Even if it landed on him, he didn't even frown.

Ding Ning's physical body is strong, everyone can understand this, what they want to see now is how Ding Ning will deal with the turbid rot.

The turbid and rotten air had already arrived in front of Ding Ning. At this moment, Ding Ning suddenly raised his head, showing a smile on top of his head, and everyone who watched was taken aback.

Does Ding Ning know that everyone is watching him?

And in the next second, everyone understood the whereabouts of the turbid and rotten gas.

In the picture, after Ding Ning laughed, he opened his mouth facing the turbid and rotten air, and he devoured all the turbid and rotten air that permeated his surroundings.

It was only an instant effort, and the turbid and rotten air produced by tens of thousands of people pouring their strength into it unexpectedly became Ding Ning's meal.


Ding Ning burped, wiped the corners of his mouth, and looked like he still had something to say.

Nima, it looks like you haven't had enough, have you?

"Madman, this guy must be a lunatic!" This is the evaluation of a Mahayana realm demon cultivator.

And this scene, in the eyes of other Mahayana realm powerhouses, is not only a lunatic, it is simply frenzied, how hungry are you, you can eat even turbid rotten gas with relish.

Ding Ning's move shocked Yelu Kunlun, Lei Mengsheng and his friends.

You are a devil, no normal person would think of eating turbid and rotten gas.

Immortal Crane and several Mahayana realm powerhouses couldn't help but feel hot again on their faces, because they described how turbid and rotten the qi was before, but when it came to Ding Ning, it was completely food.

You say embarrassing is not embarrassing.

Very pleasantly surprised, very unexpected.

No wonder Ding Ning was unscathed, he had eaten all the turbid rot, how could he be hurt.

"This guy..." Yelu Kunlun recovered from his astonishment. Since the turbid and rotten air has no effect, he can only use other killing moves.

The Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation is not limited to this move.

However, in this case, he had to play in person.


Yelu Kunlun's figure flashed, and he came to the front of the formation, and ordered everyone else to back off, "I will preside over the formation next."

As he said that, Yelu Kunlun began to form seals, and continued to join the formation.

A series of golden seals were integrated into the big formation, and new changes took place in the big formation again, and the turbidity and corruption no longer appeared.

"Have you changed the attack method?" Ding Ning realized that someone was controlling the formation when he saw strong winds starting to blow up in the formation.

What he did just now was completely intentional, just to anger the other party.

It seemed that he had succeeded in provoking the other party, and even changed his attack method.

"I can't get out of this big formation for the time being, but I don't want to use this to get rid of me. I want to see how many layers of power you can display this big formation." Ding Ning whispered, waiting for the next attack.

(End of this chapter)

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