The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 928 933 Unsealed? 3 more

Chapter 928 933 Unsealed? 3 more

The Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation is an extremely rare formation. Even if this formation is mastered, it may not be able to exert its full power.

The wind blowing up in the big formation became stronger and stronger, even the ground was rolled up, Ding Ning's clothes fluttered continuously, and the soil around the soles of his feet was all rolled up above his head.

However, Ding Ning's feet were nailed to the ground like spikes, so that no matter how the strong wind blew, he couldn't shake him.

How could it be possible to catch him with a mere gale.

Is it just that?

Ding Ning was a little bored, waiting for other changes in the formation.

When the strong wind started to get colder and colder, Ding Ning squinted his eyes and said, "It's kind of interesting."

He stretched out his hand, feeling the chill of the wind, but it was not enough to hurt him.

But it didn't take long, the cold wind became colder and colder, and the temperature dropped all the time.

The surroundings began to freeze, the air felt like it was frozen, and it was difficult to breathe.

Ding Ning found it difficult to move his feet, because the feet and the ground seemed to be frozen together, even if he lifted it up and then dropped it, they would still be connected instantly.


At this time, the wind blows again, and it is very biting.

Even Ding Ning's vajra god demon body felt the chill like a pinprick.

Ding Ning showed a look of surprise. It seems that Yelu Kunlun has really exerted a lot of power. If he hadn't been surrounded by Vajra gods and demons, if he was replaced by other Mahayana monks, he would have been trembling at this moment.

People outside the formation could see the situation inside the formation at a glance, and found that after Yelu Kunlun activated the formation, Ding Ning still hadn't been harmed.

"I've already attracted the extremely cold wind from the second heaven, but still can't hurt him?" Yelu Kunlun frowned. The Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation, as the name suggests, is related to the Nine Heavens, because it can use the power of the Nine Heavens to refine enemies.

Among them, the extremely cold wind is one of the means, but judging from the current situation, it is obviously useless.

"It won't trap him, and there is nothing to do with him."

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to have any effect if Senior Yelu controls the formation."

"It's the first time I realized that it's so hard to kill someone, and he's too strong." Someone complained that Ding Ning was hard to kill.

This sentence has won the approval of many people. Ding Ning fought several people alone, and he was still in the state of just crossing the catastrophe. He did not lose, but saw that the opponent had killed a lot. Even if he was trapped in the big formation Inside, there is still no injury, just like a god and a demon.

"Don't forget his true identity. He is Old Devil Ding. He has survived the Heavenly Tribulation twice in the Mahayana realm. It would be strange if he is easy to kill." Someone reminded.

After saying this, everyone thought of Ding Ning's identity, and then thought of the scene of just crossing the catastrophe. Indeed, even the catastrophe could not kill Ding Ning, let alone other people.

"Look..." Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Everyone immediately looked and saw that Ding Ning raised a little thumb towards the sky in the picture projected in the void, and then nodded down, as if to say, you are too rubbish.


Chi Guoguo was provocative.

Everyone didn't expect Ding Ning to be so arrogant. In the big formation, provoking everyone was more than gestures. He was too defiant.

"Even if he is Old Devil Ding, a legendary figure of a generation, seeing how arrogant he is, why do I still have the urge to beat him up?"

"Hehe, dude, don't tell me, I have the same idea as you."

Everyone present, seeing Ding Ning's gesture, felt scorned.

I didn't fight a lot, I felt panicked in my heart.

Ding Ning's actions made Yelu Kunlun's face turn pale, Lei Mengsheng came to Yelu Kunlun's side and said, "Do you need me to act together to activate the formation?"

"Okay, let's use the power of the third heaven to kill him." Yelu Kunlun agreed.

Immediately afterwards, the big formation changed from a gloomy cold wind, and countless clouds appeared in it, and turned into various creatures, biting at Ding Ning.

Ding Ning looked at the creatures that were transformed into countless clouds, and directly punched them out. In an instant, the creatures in the clouds were shattered, but they recovered automatically the next second after they were shattered.

The cloud creature bit Ding Ning's body. At this time, other cloud creatures also surrounded him. Although Ding Ning's fist was powerful, hitting the cloud was like hitting cotton. The cloud creatures surrounded him, and in a blink of an eye, he was no longer visible.

Seeing this scene, Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng looked at each other and smiled, they finally had the means to punish Ding Ning.

Cheers of joy came from the surrounding crowd.

"Let him be arrogant, now, let's see how he resolves the predicament." Someone couldn't help but proudly said, as if he made those cloud creatures himself.

"That's right, so what if you are strong, if you are too arrogant, extreme joy will turn into sorrow."

For Ding Ning's arrogance just now, and now this scene, everyone feels very relieved.

"He came out!" Suddenly, someone shouted, and Ding Ning's figure appeared again, and he broke free from the cloud creature.

There were quite a few blood spots on Ding Ning's body, all of which were bitten by those cloud creatures. The guy who looked soft and was just a mass of gas could actually hurt him.

Ding Ning did not think of this either.

"These cloud creatures should be the creatures of the Second Heaven." Ding Ning said to himself, he still knows the Nine Heavens quite well.

It is said that if you want to enter the fairy world, besides breaking through the tribulation realm and accepting guidance, you can also take another path. directly into the fairyland.

That's why many people want to cross the Nine Heavens and directly enter the Immortal Realm. However, none of them succeeded. Even if they read all the historical books, they have never heard that this road can be successful.

Because of the Nine Heavens, there is a terrifying murderous intent in each of the Heavens, and if you want to cross it, it is almost the same as crossing the Heavenly Tribulation.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to step into the Nine Heavens?

"Although these cloud creatures can change at will, and even make my attack ineffective, as long as they have a body, they are easy to target." Ding Ning turned his palm and took out the blood god banner.

Swish swish.

The six blood gods lined up around Ding Ning, and it was time to use the blood god banner to kill the enemy.

A large number of cloud creatures came to kill, and the six blood gods rushed forward one after another.

Ding Ning stood on the spot, frowning slightly.


Qi Lingdaotong's voice sounded a little excited.

"Master, I have thought of a way to leave this formation."

Ding Ning's expression flashed, and he asked, "What can you do?"

"Master, have you forgotten? You are now in the Mahayana realm, and you can unseal the fifth floor of the tower. Once unsealed, the power of the tower will increase accordingly. Maybe we can use this to leave." Qi Lingdaotong explained.

"Oh? This is a good idea." Ding Ning's eyes lit up, thinking it was feasible.

(End of this chapter)

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