The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 929 Gold Seeker Beast! 934 more

Chapter 929 Gold Seeker Beast! 934 more

Ding Ning disappeared, leaving only six blood gods fighting with the cloud creatures.

This scene was seen by people outside the formation, and they immediately thought that Ding Ning must have entered the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons. Was he afraid of the creatures in the clouds?
Many people can't help but feel joy when they think of this.

But since Ding Ning wanted to hide, why didn't he put away the blood god banner and hide together.

The blood god's banner reached six sides, and each blood god had the power of the peak of the Dao realm, but when facing the cloud creature, the six blood gods were quickly surrounded and retreated.

You must know that the cloud creatures are existences that can bite through Ding Ning's body, how can the blood gods in the Dao state be able to resist their siege.

After the six retreated to a certain extent, the light flashed, and they merged into a huge blood god in an instant. Immediately, their combat power was greatly improved.

The blood god was fighting with the cloud creatures outside, while Ding Ning was fully immersed in how to unseal the fifth floor of the gods and demons inheritance tower.

He mobilized the power in his dantian, and according to what Qi Lingdaotong said, he began to attack the seal of the fifth floor gate.

On the gate of the fifth floor, there are various runes engraved, which are the sealing runes. He needs to refine these runes one by one.

The power of the dantian began to wear away the seal rune, and time passed.

Looking at the number of sealed runes, it is not something that can be done in an instant if you want to open the door to the fifth floor.

"What the hell is this guy doing when he got into the tower?"

Regarding Ding Ning not fighting against the Yun Duo creature, people began to speculate one after another. One thought that Ding Ning was afraid, and the other thought that Ding Ning was afraid that he was trying to break the formation.

No matter what Ding Ning was doing, Yelu Kunlun didn't want to make Ding Ning feel better. His purpose was to kill Ding Ning, and then he and Lei Mengsheng immediately led more cloud creatures into the formation.

Because the blood god who has become one is very fierce. Unlike humans, it has no physical body and is composed entirely of energy, so even if the cloud creature bites it, the effect will not be great.

Ding Ning also used the Blood God Banner because he thought of this point.

The huge blood god is like a lone wolf, but all the cloud creatures that pounce on it are all sent flying with one paw.

The blood god's arms moved, and the cloud creatures surrounded him like moths to the flame, but they were all knocked away.

The whole scene looked like a blood god showing off his might.

Many cloud creatures were irritated, and they all showed anger, and they also imitated the blood god and merged into one body.

All the cloud creatures ran into the body of one cloud creature, and all of a sudden, the cloud creature also became an enlarged version.

Even taller than Blood God.

The two huge monsters began to fight. This time, the Blood God couldn't slap each other away, because the cloud creature was concentrated like it, and its power was terrifying.

People outside the big formation watched the fight between the two giants. The blood god gradually turned from the upper hand to the lower hand, which made many people watch it and couldn't help but enjoy it.

In the God Demon Inheritance Tower, Ding Ning is hurrying up to refine the seal.

"Huh? Are you starting to lose the enemy?"

Ding Ning frowned suddenly, he realized that the blood god was retreating steadily, unable to withstand the opponent's attack.

After all, creatures of the second heaven also know how to merge into one body and become even more difficult to deal with.

Ding Ning sighed, the Blood God Banner is still weaker after all, if it were the Seven-faced Blood God Banner, it would definitely not be like this now.

Forget it, take back the blood god's flag first, lest the blood god be killed, and the blood god's flag will be sacrificed to the sixth side in vain.

With a thought, the blood god's banner disappeared instantly, making the huge cloud creature lose its target.

"Haha, I won."

"The two seniors made a move, and it was indeed mighty."

Many people showed joy, but soon they thought, how to deal with Ding Ning now that Ding Ning and Blood God disappeared.

"Have you become a turtle again?" Yelu Kunlun's face was not like other people's, so much joy, even if the blood god was repelled, Ding Ning was still alive, everything was useless.

Right now, Ding Ning is hiding in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and the God and Demon Inheritance Tower has shrunk to an infinitely small size, which cannot be detected by the naked eye. It is useless for him to target Ding Ning.

How to do?
Yelu Kunlun was a little anxious seeing the creatures in the cloud looking for their opponents, but unable to find the location of the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower.

"Fellow Daoist Yelu, leave it to me to find him. I have a way to find him." Lei Mengsheng said suddenly.

Yelu Kunlun's expression flashed: "Friend Lei, what is your method?"

Lei Mengsheng spread out his palm, and a small beast appeared in his hand.

This is?

The eyes of the onlookers turned to this little beast one after another.

Not to mention, Yelu Kunlun didn't even know him.

I only heard Lei Mengsheng explain: "This is a gold-seeking beast."

"Is it the gold-seeking beast?" Yelu Kunlun was stunned for a moment, because this thing is a legendary creature, and it also existed in ancient times. He never expected to see it with his own eyes.

"Is it really a gold-seeking beast?" Immortal Crane, Li Sunu and other Mahayana experts present at the scene were all stunned when they heard the name of the gold-seeking beast. After a while, everyone's eyes shot out. Different color.

Because they remembered the unusualness of this gold-seeking beast.

"What kind of spirit beast is the gold-seeking beast? Is it powerful?" Many people didn't know the gold-seeking beast, and they all had doubts on their faces.

Just looking at the small body of the Golden Seeker, it doesn't look very powerful.

At this time, an old man explained: "Don't underestimate the gold-seeking beast. This kind of creature existed in ancient times, and its number was very small. I didn't expect it to still exist in today's era."

"Dare to ask seniors, what is so strange about this gold-seeking beast?"

"Is it a strange thing?... If it is powerful, it is not powerful. It is best at escaping. Even if it is a god and demon in ancient times, it will take a lot of effort to catch it."

"Of course, it also has a very powerful ability, that is, it can easily smell anything within a hundred feet of its body, including the depths of a hundred feet underground. The possibility will be greatly improved."

Hearing the explanation, everyone suddenly realized that this little thing is so powerful, no wonder it is so rare in quantity. Once you get it, it is equivalent to getting a detection treasure. Think about it, the gold hunter can sniff out everything within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, including the earth's surface. Next, what a terrifying ability this is, and it is definitely the strongest weapon when used to find the inheritance of the strong.

More people looked at the gold-hunting beast in Lei Mengsheng's hands, showing greedy eyes, but although they had the idea of ​​taking it for themselves, they didn't have the guts. Dare to snatch Lei Mengsheng's things, which is no different from courting death .

Under the gaze of everyone, the gold-seeking beast jumped out of Lei Mengsheng's hand, got into the big formation, and began to search for the god-devil inheritance tower.

(End of this chapter)

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