The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 930 935 The fifth floor is open! 5 more

Chapter 930 935 The fifth floor is open! 2 more

The gold hunter looks like a pangolin, with smooth scales, a pointed mouth and a small tail.

After it entered the large formation, its nose moved, and its limbs moved forward slowly.

People outside the big formation could see this scene clearly through the projection screen inside the big formation.

Not long after, the gold hunter stopped and stared at one place, as if there was something there.

found it?
Everyone couldn't see anything, because the inheritance of gods and demons can be reduced to the point where it is almost invisible to the naked eye, but Lei Mengsheng smiled slightly and said: "It seems that the tower of inheritance of gods and demons is here."

After confirming the hidden location of the God Demon Inheritance Tower, the two of them activated the large formation, concentrating all their attacks on that place.

Boom boom boom...

Sure enough, after a few bombardments, the God Demon Inheritance Tower suddenly enlarged and appeared in front of us.


The Divine Demon Inheritance Tower suddenly flew towards the Golden Seeker. Ding Ning, who was inside the tower, had already recognized the Golden Seeker. He knew that this guy's ability to find objects was top-notch. As long as the Golden Seeker was here, he wouldn't even try to hide quiet.

Therefore, Ding Ning was going to let Qi Ling Daotong kill the Gold Seeker.

He can't make a move for the time being, once he stops refining the seal, his previous efforts will be wasted, so Qi Lingdaotong can only do it for him.

"I didn't expect that in this era, the lineage of gold-seeking beasts has not been completely cut off." Qi Lingdaotong was also quite surprised when he saw the gold-seeking beasts in the same ancient period. No matter how sensitive your nose is, you can't find me."

Qi Lingdaotong's words are true. If all the nine floors of the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower were opened, the gold hunters would really not be able to find them if they wanted to hide them at that time. But now, only four of the nine floors are opened, and the power is limited. It's not surprising that the golden beast was found.


The God Demon Inheritance Tower flew towards it very fast, and it was about to fall down in a blink of an eye. If it was really heavy, the Golden Seeker would be seriously injured even if it didn't die.

The gold-hunting beast is first-class in finding things, but its own strength is not high.

So seeing the God Demon Inheritance Tower approaching, the Gold Seeker screamed, feeling the danger.

Naturally, Lei Mengsheng would not let the gold-seeking beast be killed. If it wasn't for the purpose of finding Ding Ning who was hiding, he would not have easily displayed the gold-seeking beast in public.


The creature Yun Duo rushed over, blocked the gold-seeking beast, and then bit the God Demon Inheritance Tower.

Qi Ling Daotong was not afraid that these cloud creatures would bite the body of the tower. How could the majestic God and Demon Inheritance Tower be bitten.

After the cloud creature discovered that the god-and-devil inheritance tower could not be damaged, it changed to other attacks.

Small balls of white light spit out from its mouth, landed on the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and then exploded.

A small white light sphere looks like nothing, but when thousands of white light spheres appear and link the explosion together, it will be terrifying.

The entire space of the Nine Heavens Formation shook with the explosion.

Qi Lingdaotong was so dizzy from the bombardment that he immediately urged the God Demon Inheritance Tower to move, so he couldn't be a target.

With the movement of the God Demon Inheritance Tower, a large number of cloud creatures immediately chased after them and bombarded them.

And as long as the God and Demon Inheritance Tower shrinks and hides, the Gold Seeker will point out the hidden location of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, causing it to continue to be bombarded.

Qi Ling Daotong has nothing to do with these cloud creatures. Even if the God and Demon Inheritance Tower hits it, the cloud creatures will immediately disperse like a cloud of air, and after a while, they will gather together again.

There was no other way, Qi Ling Daotong could only urge the God Demon Inheritance Tower to dodge continuously, waiting for Ding Ning to open the fifth floor.

It was rare to see the Tower of Gods and Devils deflated. Of course, Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng had to make persistent efforts. Even if it cost a lot of their own strength, they had to attract more cloud creatures to drive them to kill Ding Ning.

Ding Ning in the tower can feel the turbulence of being bombarded from time to time, but he has no way to intervene. He can only refine the seal and open the fifth floor.

Time ticked by, and half a stick of incense passed in the blink of an eye. Although the cloud creature had the upper hand, the God Demon Inheritance Tower was still in good condition, but it was a little bit embarrassed, and it kept dodging and rarely fought back.

People outside the formation saw this situation and thought that even if more time wasted, Ding Ning would not be able to be killed.

We have to find a way to force Ding Ning to show up.

Of course Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng were also aware of this problem, Lei Mengsheng said: "I integrated the Penta-kill Heavenly Thunder Jue into the big formation, and bombarded it with thunder, I didn't believe it, and I couldn't force him out."

Yelu Kunlun agreed, and he also used the Thunder Way method to bombard and kill the gods and demons inheritance tower together.

With the sound of the first thunder, Qi Ling Daotong trembled all over.

"Do you want to bully me while the master is refining the seal?" Qi Ling Daotong didn't know that the other party was attacking its weakness. Knowing that it was afraid of the sky thunder, he used the sky thunder to deal with it.

With the ubiquitous lightning strikes, Qi Ling Daotong had to be more careful, because if he didn't get it right, he would be struck by lightning.

"Master, you must refine all the seals as soon as possible and open the fifth layer, otherwise I will be cooked." Qi Lingdaotong can only pray that Ding Ning will succeed soon.

Ding Ning knew that Qi Lingdao was afraid of thunder, so he immediately refined the seal at a faster speed.

But the seal left by the ancient gods and demons is so easy to be refined. In order to speed up, even the righteous deity was used and refined together. Although the righteous deity is still in the Dao realm, at least it can play The point is that the refining time is longer.

In this way, with the joint efforts of Zhengmo and Zhengmo, the number of sealing runes on the fifth floor of the golden heavenly gate became less and less.


Soon, fifty more breaths at most.

"Is the master still not okay?" Qi Lingdaotong was about to cry on his small face, because the sky thunder in the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation was almost everywhere, and it had nowhere to hide. Qi Lingdaotong's head was hacked and smoke came out.

Just when Qi Lingdaotong felt that he was about to be split in half, the fifth layer of seal was finally refined.

The door on the fifth floor was slowly opened, and a force was injected into Qi Lingdaotong's body.

Its breath suddenly became much stronger.

clack clack...

Several thunderbolts fell, and Qi Lingdaotong didn't hide any more, letting the thunder hit him.

With the opening of the fifth floor, Qi Lingdaotong has the power to withstand more thunder bombardment.

It doesn't have to be too scary.

Ding Ning, who was standing in front of the golden heavenly gate on the fifth floor, looked at the opened gate. From the outside, he could see the white gas gushing out of it, so he couldn't see the world inside the fifth floor clearly.

Ding Ning couldn't help but walked forward, and slowly stepped into the fifth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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