The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 931 936 The battle situation is even bigger! 3 more

Chapter 931 936 The battle situation is even bigger! 3 more

"Huh? How do you feel that it is not particularly afraid of Tianlei?"

Lei Mengsheng stared at the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and found that the God and Demon Inheritance did not dodge the falling thunder at all.

what happened?
Just when the two were puzzled, suddenly, the God Demon Inheritance Tower suddenly turned into a stream of light, and rushed up towards the top.

What is it going to do?
Still thinking about rushing out of the big formation?
"This is the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation. How could it be possible for you to force your way out? Are you forced to rush?"

If the God and Demon Inheritance Tower made other moves, maybe they would still be worried, but seeing the God and Demon Inheritance Tower's posture of rushing out, they were not worried.

The Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation is one of the ten strongest formations, how could it be forcibly broken through.

However, not long after this idea was born, there was only a crisp sound, as if something had broken, and immediately after that, the expressions of the two of them changed abruptly, and they all showed expressions of shock.

How can it be!

The formation is broken.

The two of them clearly felt that the formation they controlled was disappearing. Ding Ning really managed to break out of the formation.


The tower of gods and demons inheritance hangs in the sky, no longer confined to the big formation, it is now truly displayed in front of people.

Finally got rid of the shackles of the big formation, and can appear anywhere freely.

All the people who saw this scene were stunned for a moment, and even many people felt dazzled.

That is the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation, how could it be forced out by someone.

There is not only one person who has such an idea, most of them find it incredible.

But it happened that this happened right in front of my eyes, I couldn't believe it.

How did they know that because of Ding Ning's release of the fifth-layer seal of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, the power of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower has been greatly increased, which is equivalent to a monk entering the Mahayana realm from the Hedao Realm.

"This is not true. Senior Yelu said that once he is trapped, he will never escape." An elder of Snake Mountain whispered, with the look in his eyes, how much he hoped that this scene was fake.

"He got rid of the big formation, can we still take revenge?"

Not only Snake Mountain, but also people from the Dong family and the Wuji Taoist sect were all in a daze. They agreed to kill Ding Ning by relying on the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation.

At this moment, an unknown person shouted, "Kill him and avenge the Supreme Sovereign."

Swish, the first figure rushed towards Ding Ning.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth...many figures all came up.

These people are the clansmen, apprentices, etc. of those powerful people who were beheaded by Ding you before.

"Kill, kill him, and avenge our ancestors." The members of the Dong family shouted slogans.

People from Snake Mountain and Wuji Daomen are also encouraging themselves.

Their strength is far from the Mahayana realm, but they took the initiative to kill Ding Ning, which is tantamount to moths to the flame, but they would rather be moths to the flame, they still want to give it a try.

For revenge, even if it is to pile up with human life.

Ding Ning's eyes were calm, without any expression on his face, watching thousands of people killing him, he turned his palm, and the blood god banner appeared again, and Ding Ning threw it out at once.


The blood god's flag was unfolded, and six sides were unfolded, and six blood gods walked out of it. Looking at the thousands of people who had been killed, the blood god licked the corners of his mouth, and took the initiative to greet them.


The first monk who rushed in front of the blood god was pierced through the chest by a blood god with one hand, and blood spattered everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the blood god bit his neck, tore off a piece of flesh and blood, and then pulled his body and head apart.

The other five blood gods did similar actions, punching anyone who charged to death, or biting each other's body, tearing off a piece of flesh and blood.

The scene was somewhat bloody and cruel. The blood god's killing was very cruel, but none of those who were targeted by him escaped.

Even so, it didn't stop the children of the top ten forces. They fought one by one without fear of life and death, but they fell one by one and were swallowed by the blood god and became food.

"If things go on like this, everyone will be slaughtered." The children of other forces expressed their opinions. In front of the six blood gods, those who wanted to take revenge would not be able to rush to Ding Ning at all. will be killed.

And he himself became the nourishment of the blood god, because every time the blood god kills a person, he will devour his soul and Yuanying to strengthen himself.

This is equivalent to supporting war with war.

Only demon cultivators are best at this kind of fighting method, slaughtering creatures with the magic weapon in their hands, and then absorbing the essence of the opponent to strengthen themselves.

"The devil, only the big devil can cause such a killing." If Ding Ning hadn't used the blood god banner, everyone would have ignored it. Ding Ning is a devil cultivator. So many casualties.

Many of the forces present on the scene felt a little unbearable and wanted to intervene.

"Sect Master, this big devil is too cruel, should we just watch like this?" the disciple of Fengmen Sect asked.

"Sovereign, we can't continue to wait and see. Once he kills these people, his weapons will become more powerful, and he might attack us." Some of Jianzhong's disciples hoped that their own strongmen would take action.

"Please suzerain, kill this devil."

"Please suzerain, kill this devil."

Many flying ships are pleading for their lives, and they cannot bear to watch a large number of lives being slaughtered and swallowed by the blood god.

They are orthodox monks, and it is natural for them to eliminate demons and defend the way. Now that the big devil is killing people, there is no reason to stand by and watch.

"That's all, in order to prevent more people from dying." The most powerful person of Fengmen Sect took a step and stepped out of the airship.

Here at the Sword Tomb, a man with a giant sword came to the void.

Immortal Crane also stepped out of the flying boat. Immediately, the three most powerful men joined the battle and rushed towards the Blood God.

Seeing this scene, Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng showed smiles on their faces, and finally pulled more people down.

Even if Ding Ning breaks through the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation, with so many of them, there is still a good chance of winning.


The two also shot again and killed them.

"I won't kill Boren, Boren wants to kill me, since you want to intervene, then I will kill you all."

The murderous intent on Ding Ning's body formed a powerful airflow that soared into the sky, and the murderous intent immediately enveloped a thousand miles around.

Everyone who heard this sentence felt the cold killing intent in it.

A battle started by one person started again.

"Old Demon Ding, since you are dead, you should die. Why do you want to come back? The blood world does not allow a strong man like you to return, so I will come and see you off." The strongest man of the Ghost Sect also killed To Ding Ning.

The five powerhouses immediately turned into six powerhouses, and the six murderous intentions were all aimed at Ding Ning.


Ding Ning spit out killing words.

(End of this chapter)

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