The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 932 Let's get started! 9371 more

Chapter 932 Let's go together! 937 more

He Zhenren and others had no choice but to make a move. Although they didn't think it was a good time to make a move, the crowd was so angry that they couldn't turn a blind eye because they were in high positions.

As one of the top ten forces in the realm of comprehension, it is even more of a duty to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, so how could they still stand by and watch.

Therefore, even if they were unwilling to take action, after Ding Ning killed many people, others would have to take action.

"Someone helped us, kill!"

Seeing Zhenren Crane and other several Mahayana realm powerhouses attack, everyone from Snake Mountain, Wuji Daomen, and Dong Family became more confident, and continued to kill without fear.

"Qiankun rushing to the thunder hand, destroy!"

As soon as Master Crane made a move, it was a lightning-like fist that directly locked on a blood god.

As a late-stage powerhouse in the Mahayana realm, the blood god with the six-faced blood god's banner is naturally not something that he can contend with. With just one punch, a blood god was beaten half to death, directly turned into a blood mist, and slipped back into the blood god's banner.

"Tianxuan seal, scold!" Feng Xuan, the strongest of the Fengmen sect, cast out a powerful seal. This seal transformed into ten thousand bodies, and split into countless small seals, all of which fell on a blood god, and then exploded with a loud bang. open.

Another blood god returned to the blood god banner.

"Wanjian Chaozong, sword rain comes out!" Lu Yijian, the most powerful person in Jianzhong, also made a move.

For a moment, all the most powerful people who made a move, one person confronted a blood god, all cut off the blood god in an instant, so that it could not continue to devour other people's souls wantonly.

As the six blood gods retreated back to the blood god's banner, the aura of the blood god's banner dropped significantly, and its power was greatly reduced. With a wave of his hand, Ding Ning retracted the blood god's banner and looked at the people in front of him.

In front of Ding Ning, there are five orthodox monks and Mahayana realm powerhouses, namely Yelu Kunlun, Lei Mengsheng, Hezhenren, Fengxuan, Lu Yijian, and tens of thousands of people including Snake Mountain, Dong Family, and Wuji Daomen.

The powerful Mahayana realm monk of the ghost sect, the ghost emperor.

There are as many as six of the Everbright Cheng realm powerhouses. This kind of lineup is not insignificant, but now, all of them are shot because of Ding Ning alone.

"Is it just you guys? Anyone else want to join in and want to kill me? If so, let's go together!" Ding Ning said lightly.

Even if he faced all enemies alone, he was still so calm, and even asked in an arrogant tone, if anyone else wanted to join in to deal with him.


Only a madman would be so reckless.

"Three fellow Taoists from Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, and Mu Family, what are they asking about you? Are you really not planning to intervene?" Master He said slowly, his voice echoing in the surrounding fields.

In front of so many people, being asked like this, in fact, for the three sects, it is somewhat embarrassing. After all, others have taken action, ready to eliminate demons and defend the way, and if someone does not stand up, it will naturally happen. Drop your tongue.

Although the tone did not mean to ask questions, anyone could tell that Master He hoped that the strongest members of the three sects would stand up and deal with Ding Ning together.

"I, Sushui Palace, will not interfere in this matter." Li Sunu's voice came from the huge flying ship of Sushui Palace.

There is no explanation, but it expresses its attitude. If Sushui Palace does not make a move, even if Ding Ning is killed, Sushui Palace will not participate in the battle for the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

"Wuxiangmen, Mujia, do you also mean the same?"

Following Master He's words, everyone's eyes fell on Wuxiang Sect and the members of the Mu family. The faces of the two sect's children couldn't help but feel a little hot. Although they also wanted to attack Ding Ning together with everyone, the strong men in their own family couldn't help it. Speak, no one dares to move.

"Wu Xiang Sect does not participate in the competition."

"The Mu family give up."

The two most powerful people expressed their views.

"Okay." Immortal He didn't say much, he just chuckled, then turned his head, and said to Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng: "Today, I'll help you two get rid of this monster together."

"Then I will thank you all." Yelu Kunlun smiled.


Several people agreed, and finally all eyes fell on Ding Ning.

"You, a demon cultivator, are here to join in the fun, do you want me to die?" Ding Ning was a little surprised by the appearance of the You Huang of the Ghost Sect.

Youhuang sneered and said, "Who made you too much of a threat? I don't want you to be on top of me again."

Back then, with Ding Ning in the Heavenly Demon Sect, it can be said that no one dared to provoke the entire blood world. Since Ding Ning disappeared, the blood world has undergone considerable changes. Youhuang is the one who has risen, occupying a lot of resources Of course, he doesn't want Ding Ning to return and take away what belongs to him.

"Originally, I just wanted revenge, but now there are people who want me to die, so don't blame me for killing me."

Ding Ning squinted his eyes, a red light flashed through it, then in front of everyone, he hooked his fingers at the five people in front, and calmly said: "Let's go together."

"Hmph, since you want to court death so much, I will help you."


"I'll wait to satisfy you."

The six most powerful men were all angered by Ding Ning's actions. Even if you have obtained the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, it is not an amulet of immortality. The real face is even stronger, and four of the six are in peak condition, not people like Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng who have fought for a while.

In the face of so many strong men, Ding Ning dared to be so arrogant, it was too contemptuous of all of them.

Let's start together.

The six people fulfilled Ding Ning's wish, and one after another, they all pushed forward. They wanted to see how Ding Ning dared to be so arrogant.


The six powerhouses are like six gods, and the aura of each of them is extremely terrifying.

The children of Snake Mountain, Wuji Daomen, and the Dong family all saw the hope of revenge. With such six superpowers joining forces, Ding Ning would definitely die on the spot.

"kill him!"

"Crush him to ashes."

"Let him die badly."

Many people were cursing, hoping that Ding Ning's death would be miserable.

As for the Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, and Mu Family who did not make a move, they all watched the scene silently. Although they did not make a move, it was a bit embarrassing and affected the reputation of the sect, but no one dared to discuss the three forces face to face.

The strongest of the three forces also wanted to see how Ding Ning would resolve the current situation.

Master He and the others got closer, none of them used any methods, but approached silently.

Ding Ning didn't move either, as if he was waiting for the opponent to come to him before a big fight broke out.

20 m.

ten meters.

three meters.

At a distance of one meter, the auras of the six strongest men all changed, and they made a move.

All kinds of attacks brewing in the body will burst out in an instant.

At this moment, Ding Ning smiled at everyone.

Then, I saw a sudden swing of the arm, and many black spheres flew out in an instant.

what is this?
The six people didn't feel any threat from the black sphere, and wondered in their hearts the effect of Ding Ning's throwing this thing, could it be that they still wanted to kill them with this?

However, not long after this idea was born, the black sphere exploded, and then, an extremely thick yellow mist was seen filling the air.

This is……

Corrosive fog!

(End of this chapter)

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