The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 933 938 Kill quickly! 2 more

Chapter 933 938 Kill quickly! 2 more

"No, it's corrosive fog, everyone be careful." Yelu Kunlun reminded everyone loudly.

Everyone felt a burning pain in the skin at the first time. The corrosive mist was too thick. Although it was not to the extent that it condensed into water droplets, the current density was enough to make Mahayana strong people feel uncomfortable.

"Isn't this corrosive fog a murder method in the Nine Heavens Formation? How could it be used by him?" Lu Yijian, the most powerful person in the Sword Tomb, complained, as if he was blaming Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng, because they had previously controlled Great array.

"This guy absorbs the corrosive mist and condenses it all together. I'm afraid he has long wanted to do this." Naturally, Yelu Kunlun will not forget the scene where Ding Ning absorbed the corrosive mist when projecting the situation in the large formation at the beginning.

At that time, he was still wondering, so much corrosive mist was sucked into his stomach, and nothing happened, it turned out that it was all condensed into a black sphere.

Thinking of this, a feeling of depression can't help being born. Obviously this method was used against Ding Ning, but Ding Ning used it on them instead.

"Use the method related to the wind to disperse the corrosive mist, otherwise everyone will be corroded." Yelu Kunlun reminded everyone again.

In front of the corrosive fog, even if you use your strength to condense the energy shield, it will be useless, and it will be corroded instantly. Right now, you can either fly out of the range of the corrosive fog, or blow away the corrosive fog. As long as the concentration of the corrosive fog drops sharply, it will not hurt them What a threat.

The corrosive mist filled the air very quickly. People like He Zhenren and others are powerful and their bodies are naturally strong and can resist the corrosion of the corrosive mist. It was the children of the top ten forces, including Snake Mountain and the Dong family, who all suffered disaster at this moment.

"Ah! My hand." Someone was screaming, watching his body being corroded, terrified.

"My eyes, my eyes can't see."

"I want to get out of here, out of this damn fog."

The screams kept ringing, but the corrosive fog filled the air, making it impossible to tell the direction. Everyone wanted to escape, but they rushed indiscriminately, causing people to bump into each other all the time.

Yelu Kunlun, Lei Mengsheng, and Master He immediately activated the Hurricane Method, preparing to disperse the corrosive fog.

However, how could Ding Ning, who created the mist that swallowed human lives, let the other party blow away the mist of killing people?


The closest to Ding Ning was Jianzhong Lu Yijian. Seeing Ding Ning's appearance, Lu Yijian subconsciously drew his sword and stabbed at Ding Ning.

Ding Ning tilted his head, opened his mouth, and spat out a black sphere.

The black sphere exploded, making the corrosive mist in front of Lu Yijian thicker immediately, even if Ding Ning was right in front of him, he couldn't see clearly.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, we're here to help you." Master He noticed that Ding Ning was going to kill Lu Yijian, so he rushed over immediately to help Lu Yijian resist Ding Ning.

"Can you help?" Ding Ning sneered, and then spit out another corrosive mist pill, which exploded in front of Master He.

Ding Ning's body was not limited to the corrosive mist pills that were released just now, there were many more in his dantian. After all, he didn't want to expose the existence of the corrosive mist pills in front of everyone at that time, and tens of thousands of people poured them The power is in the big formation, and the amount of corrosive mist is huge. The condensed corrosive mist pills in Ding Ning's dantian are more than what he spit out.

At this moment, these corrosive mist pills came in handy, and it could be said that they were reciprocating the other's way.

Daoist He was blocked by the corrosive mist, Ding Ning immediately got close to Lu Yijian. As the number one expert in the sword mound, Lu Yijian's swordsmanship was undoubtedly the highest. It was impossible for Ding Ning to let Lu Yijian play to his strengths, so he did not let Lu Yijian show his full potential in close combat The strength is the most secure.

Immediately, Ding Ning approached, and hit Lu Yijian's arm at once, removing the sword in his hand.

Without a sharp sword, Lu Yijian's strength was greatly reduced, and Ding Ning immediately punched him away.

Lu Yijian's body is very flexible, with special movement skills under his feet, he escaped easily. Ding Ning knew that his time was limited. If he couldn't get rid of Lu Yijian in such a short time, he would be even more so if other people came over and joined hands with Lu Yijian. Not good to kill.


Ding Ning didn't want to waste time, so he directly summoned the God Demon Inheritance Tower, which immediately appeared in his hands, and then threw it at Lu Yijian.

When Lu Yijian saw Ding Ning smashing at him with the Tower of God and Demon Inheritance, he put his fingers together and used his hand as a sword to shoot out a sky-shattering sword light.

"go with!"

With a light reprimand, Lu Yijian chopped down towards Ding Ning with the sword energy of his fingers.

The attacks of the two met in an instant, only to see Ding Ning's figure pause, and after a moment's pause, they continued to move forward.

On the other hand, that ray of sword energy was interrupted by the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and with a pop, Lu Yijian retreated again and again, his face turning pale.


The inheritance of gods and demons became Ding Ning's weapon, and it fell down all at once. A short sword that Lu Yijian took out from nowhere in his hand held the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons.

"Kill the sky with one punch!"

Ding Ning's other hand struck out the second weight of the Shifang Shenquan.

Lu Yijian's eyes were fixed, and he could only subconsciously resist with the other hand. Hearing the sound of "click", Lu Yijian's arm was instantly crushed by Ding Ning.

He grabbed Lu Yijian's shoulder, put his five fingers together, like eagle's claws, firmly clasped the flesh and bones inside.

Lu Yijian's expression changed, and the dagger in his other hand cut across the bottom of the God Demon Inheritance Tower.

Even if the gods and demons inheritance tower fell on his other shoulder.

Facing this crosscut, Ding Ning didn't dodge or resist. He just let the opponent's short sword fall on his neck, and as for the tower of the gods and demons in his hand, he smashed it down ruthlessly.


Lu Yijian's other shoulder was shattered, and the arm connected to the shoulder, the dagger in his hand, had just landed on Ding Ning's neck, leaving a scratch.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, we are here to save you." Yelu Kunlun, Lei Mengsheng, and Feng Xuan came close, just in time to witness the scene where Ding Ning smashed Lu Yijian's other shoulder.

Ding Ning didn't turn his head back. Since Lu Yijian couldn't raise his arms, he grabbed the God Demon Inheritance Tower and stabbed out, piercing Lu Yijian's dantian.

"Friend Lu..."

Yelu Kunlun and the others were still a step too late, Ding Ning had already crippled Lu Yijian's strength, and even Yuanying couldn't escape, being pierced through.

call out.

Instead, the soul jumped out in an instant, but Ding Ning grabbed it with his big hand, without giving Lu Yijian a chance to escape the soul, and put it in the blood god's banner, restoring the power of the six blood gods.

Six of the most powerful, timed out, and there are five left.

Seeing Lu Yijian's soul being sacrificed to the blood refining god, Yelu Kunlun and the others gritted their teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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