The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 934 939 Grinding the Enemy! 3 more

Chapter 934 939 Grinding the Enemy! 3 more

One step too late, Lu Yijian fell!
The remaining five Mahayana-level powerhouses all had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. They looked aggressive just now, but Ding Ning killed one of them in the blink of an eye, which really demoralized them a bit.

"This is just the beginning, you all have to die." Ding Ning looked at the five people and said slowly.

"He may still have a pill made of corrosive mist on his body. Be careful, everyone. This time, we should not be too far apart, so as to give him an opportunity." Yelu Kunlun said.

Several other people nodded one after another. As long as the distance is closer, even if Ding Ning wants to kill, he can't do it. Others can rescue him at any time.

Five people came side by side, all within a distance of one meter. A whirlwind rolled up around the five people, sweeping away or blowing away the pervasive corrosive mist.

They didn't attack easily, but wanted to clean up the corrosive fog around them first. After all, there were still many people suffering from the damage of the corrosive fog.

The air became clear, and the screams were much less, and a long distance could be seen at a glance.

The corrosive fog was almost blown away.

At this time, many people could see burn marks on their faces, and their skins were festered. These were all caused by the corrosive mist, and those who had been onlookers couldn't help but feel a chill.

If he was a member of Snake Mountain or the Dong family, he would probably end up like this at this time.

Everyone's attention was quickly shifted from these weaklings to several Mahayana strongmen. After all, they are the key figures who dominate the success or failure of the battlefield.

"Huh? Why is there one person missing?"

"It seems so. There are only five figures left. I remember they were six before."

Many people noticed that among the figures surrounding Ding Ning, one person seemed to be missing.

Soon, the people in Jianzhong discovered that their most powerful man had disappeared.

"Where is the Supreme Elder? Where is the Supreme Elder? What about others?"

Everyone in Jianzhong was silent, Lu Yijian disappeared in front of his eyes, there was only one answer, and it was not difficult to guess.

"One died so quickly." An old casual cultivator sighed.

"It's not likely that one Mahayana-level powerhouse will appear in hundreds of years. Today, there are five Mahayana-level powerhouses who have fallen alone!"

From Snake Qingwu to Li Wuji, Dong Yu, Qin Jun, and Lu Yijian who just disappeared, there are indeed as many as five.

These few are all well-known powerhouses, and most of them belong to the strongest existence among the top ten forces. After this battle, no matter what the result is, the top ten forces will definitely reshuffle their cards.

The five people stood side by side and slowly surrounded Ding Ning. This time, they would not let Ding Ning get rid of them, and kept fighting with Ding Ning to the end. As long as all directions of Ding Ning were blocked, he would not be able to escape.

"Want to surround and kill me? Do you think I can't see it?" Ding Ning said suddenly, and Yelu Kunlun shouted: "Do it."

In an instant, the five of them greeted Ding Ning with their respective attacks.

Ding Ning smiled slightly, and the light yellow mist appeared again.

Puff puff……

The corrosive mist pill exploded again, turning the sky into a place filled with thick fog.

What followed was Ding Ning's sudden disappearance.

The five of them immediately realized that Ding Ning was probably hiding in the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and the light yellow mist was still pervasive. Fortunately, they could still see the blurred figures of other people.


As several strong winds rolled up, the corrosive fog disappeared.

Yelu Kunlun and the others looked at it and felt that something was wrong.

What is wrong.

"We are missing one person." Lei Mengsheng said suddenly.

Yelu Kunlun's expression flashed suddenly, he looked at the other people, and sure enough, one of them was missing.

Feng Xuan of the Fengmen sect disappeared.

What about others?
If Ding Ning killed Feng Xuan, they would not believe it. Ding Ning's strength could not be so strong that he could instantly kill Feng Xuan and destroy the corpses. Otherwise, he would have killed them all in an instant.

But Feng Xuan was not killed, where did he go?

This incident must have something to do with Ding Ning.

They guessed right, Feng Xuan's disappearance was indeed related to Ding Ning, this Feng Xuan was nowhere else, and was currently in the Tower of God and Demon Inheritance.

The fifth floor of the tower.

Feng Xuan looked around, it was like a purgatory, the sky was gray, and there were ruins everywhere.

What is this place?
"Welcome to the fifth floor of the tower." Ding Ning's figure appeared.

"Did you get me into the God Demon Inheritance Tower?" Feng Xuan asked.It is not difficult to guess that Ding Ning is the successor of the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, and has a mysterious inheritance tower.

Ding Ning smiled: "That's right."

"Even if you got me here, it would not be easy to kill me." Feng Xuan was very calm.

"Hehe, I won't kill you." Ding Ning laughed.

Hearing this, it was Feng Xuan's turn to be confused, only to hear Ding Ning explain: "Because someone will do it for me."

Feng Xuan was wondering, suddenly, he found that there was a vibration on the ground, as if there was an earthquake.

He turned his head slowly and looked behind him, only to see a huge figure appearing in front of him.

This is……

The huge figure patted Feng Xuan with one paw.

Feng Xuan looked at the big guy in front of him in astonishment, his mouth was drooling, his sharp claws, sharp horns, and the ancient aura emanating from his body.

"Ancient Fierce Beast!"

He knew the true identity of the big guy in front of him, it was a fierce beast from ancient times.

Now he knew why Ding Ning said that, because Ding Ning was going to use the power of this beast to kill him.

After recognizing the ancient beast, Fengxuan knew that he could not be the opponent of an ancient beast, so he immediately ran to Ding Ning, even if he was attacked, he would drag Ding Ning.

Seeing this scene, Ding Ning smiled slightly at Feng Xuan and said, "I wish you good luck."


"Stop!" Feng Xuan's outstretched palm grabbed an empty space, and Ding Ning disappeared.

His face was gloomy, and he knew that he was being tricked, but he couldn't do anything about it. This is the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and he couldn't get out without Ding Ning's consent.

At this moment, he can only face the ancient fierce beast in front of him.

Feng Xuan swallowed, and couldn't help regretting in his heart, why did he stand up and imitate Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, and Mu's family?

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it now. From the moment Ding Ning opened the fifth seal, the balance of this fight began to tilt towards Ding Ning.

"Master, this fifth floor is for training you, can you use it to deal with the enemy?" said Qi Lingdaotong.

"Who said that I used the fifth floor to deal with the enemy, I was honed by them."

Qi Lingdaotong twitched his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "It's obvious that he killed someone with a knife."

"What did you say?"

"Hey, it's nothing, it's nothing, master, if you say you are training, you are training."

"Help me pay attention, don't let that big guy devour your soul, I still have to sacrifice it to the Blood Refining God Banner."

"Of order." Qi Ling Daotong responded, turned around and disappeared in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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