The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 935 940 Arrest! 1 more

Chapter 935 940 Arrest! 1 more


Ding Ning and Qi Ling Daotong appeared in the fifth floor of the tower.

Because the battle was over, there was no suspense, Feng Xuan was torn apart by the ancient fierce beast, leaving only Nascent Soul and soul.

When the ancient ferocious beast wanted to swallow Fengxuan's Nascent Soul soul, Ding Ning snatched it all at once with the Demon Devouring Chain, causing the ancient ferocious beast to let out a terrifying roar, and then killed Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't have time to fight against this big guy, he immediately held the stone key and disappeared in an instant.

On the fifth floor, the ancient ferocious beasts roared angrily, and were furious because Ding Ning took away their food. They trampled the surrounding ground fiercely, venting their anger by destroying the surroundings.

After returning to the fourth space, Ding Ning ignored the ancient fierce beast, looked at Feng Xuan who was caught by him, and said calmly: "I didn't expect you to be defeated so quickly."

"Let me go, I can be your ally." Feng Xuan vaguely knew Ding Ning's purpose in snatching him from the mouth of the ancient beast, he didn't want to be the material for the sacrifice of the blood god's banner.

"Do you think I need allies with my strength?" Ding Ning smiled.

"I swear, as long as you let me go, on behalf of the entire Fengmen sect, I will never be your enemy, and I can give you compensation. My Fengmen sect is one of the top ten forces, and you should know how much I have. I can take I will give you a lot of spiritual stones to help you cultivate, and I, Feng Xuan, will be your friend who will never betray you." Feng Xuan said seriously.

"Hehe..." Ding Ning smiled, "It sounds very tempting!"

"I can swear to the way of heaven, if there is any violation, there will be five thunderbolts from the sky." Feng Xuan felt that there was something to be said, and added another sentence.

"Your compensation is really good..." Ding Ning clicked his tongue, and Feng Xuan was happy that he could survive. Then, Ding Ning changed the subject, causing his heart to fall to the bottom instantly.

"Unfortunately, I don't need it." Ding Ning directly took out the blood god banner, and threw Fengxuan's Nascent Soul and soul over there.

"Old Demon" Before Feng Xuan could finish a sentence, his Nascent Soul and soul were instantly absorbed by the Blood God Banner. Zhenren and others were all beaten into a blood mist, and the materials for recovery were urgently needed. For the six blood gods, the soul and Nascent Soul of a strong Mahayana like Fengxuan were naturally a great tonic product. All are scrambling to absorb Feng Xuan's power.

Feng Xuan's aura completely disappeared, and there was no such person in the world anymore.

"Obviously it has nothing to do with you, why did you join in? After all, you still want to kill me and seize the inheritance of gods and demons." Ding Ning said lightly.

He didn't believe that the other party was really trying to get rid of demons and defend the way, and he didn't want him to kill so many low-strength monks.

In the final analysis, Feng Xuan still had the idea of ​​inheriting his gods and demons.

Including Daoist He other than Fengxuan, and Lu Yijian.

After completely absorbing Fengxuan's Nascent Soul soul, the breath of the Blood God's Banner has almost recovered, it is no longer the dim look just now, full of luster, like a layer of water flowing on it.

"Now I will hunt you down." Ding Ning looked at the figures of Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng outside the tower. Open it, he can use the power of the fifth layer of space to detain the opponents one by one.

In the beginning, the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower did not allow Mahayana realm powerhouses to appear in order to screen out the successors of the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower. Now that Ding Ning has become the master of the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower, he can modify this rule.

He had also thought before that he could get his opponent into the tower of gods and demons inheritance, and use the strongest in each floor of the gods and demons' trial ground to kill his opponents.

However, the strongest tempered monster in the first four floors is around the early stage of the Mahayana realm. With this kind of strength, it is useless even if he detains his opponent in the trial field of gods and demons. Instead, he will be wrecked by the opponent.

However, when the fifth floor space was opened and Ding Ning found that the opponent in the fifth floor God Demon Trial Field was an ancient beast, he felt that his idea could be realized.

There are ferocious guys like ancient beasts, so they can be used to obliterate opponents.

This is how he captured Feng Xuan into the tower instantly under the cover of the corrosive fog.

"Master, are you going to use that big guy to kill your opponent next?" Qi Lingdao said childlikely.

Ding Ning glanced at Qi Lingdaotong, and Qi Lingdaotong realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately changed his words: "It's training, training them."

"Children can be taught." Ding Ning smiled, put away the blood god banner, straightened his clothes and said, "Let's go, don't make them wait."

As he spoke, Ding Ning took a step forward, and appeared in the void in the next second.

"He's there!" Someone spotted Ding Ning's figure for the first time, and immediately pointed to it. Everyone looked for his reputation, and sure enough, Ding Ning suddenly disappeared and reappeared.

"Devil, you give me back the strongest of the Fengmen sect."

"Where is my master? Hand him over quickly."

Seeing Ding Ning's appearance, many members of the Fengmen Sect questioned Ding Ning. The disappearance of Feng Xuan must be related to Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't bother to pay attention to these shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Even if the Fengmen sect had seven or eight elders in the Dao realm, they were nothing to him, so he just ignored them.

With this ability, he is more willing to detain another opponent again.

Who should I choose?

Ding Ning's eyes were vacillating on He Zhenren and Youhuang. As for Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng, he was going to kill them last. He would not let the other die easily.

"What? Aren't you looking for me? Now I've shown up on my own initiative? Come here!" Ding Ning looked at the four of them, showing fear to him, as if they were thinking about what he would do to Feng Xuan.

And since Ding Ning was able to wipe out Feng Xuan in an instant, whether he could do the same with them, this was what they were most worried about.

Therefore, even if they saw Ding Ning appear, they didn't kill him immediately.

"Since you don't come over, then I'll go over." Ding Ning walked towards the four of them with a smile.

"Get out."

Yelu Kunlun yelled that he couldn't wait any longer, if Ding Ning came straight over, he was afraid that no one else would have the guts to make a move.

Therefore, Yelu Kunlun was the first to kill, followed by the other three. In order to avoid being taken away by Ding Ning again, the four of them were very close to each other, so close that they were only an arm’s length away. Let’s see how Ding Ning can take away one person in an instant. .

Be careful.

The moment Ding Ning opened his mouth, a black sphere shot out, and Yelu Kunlun's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Ding Ning was going to do the same trick again, blocking everyone's sight with corrosive mist, and then took another person away.

The corrosive mist filled the air again.

"Friend Yelu."

"I'm here."

"Friend Lei."

"I am also here."

"Friend Crane."


"Fortunately, we are all here, and no one has disappeared."

"No, there is another person."

"What about Emperor You..."

No one answered!
(End of this chapter)

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