The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 936 941 Exit! 2 more

Chapter 936 941 Exit! 2 more

Youhuang was panicked because he found that he was being stared at by a huge creature, and that eye alone was the size of a fist. The most terrifying thing was the breath of this huge creature, which was not just as simple as Mahayana.

What is this?
To be honest, Emperor You has seen many spirit beasts, but the only one in front of him with such a strong breath is the one in front of him.

And being stared at by the other party is obviously not a good experience.

He doesn't worry about where he is now, he just wants to get rid of this big guy in front of him.

Youhuang mustered up the courage to move, and shot out in an instant.


The huge creature caught it with its claws, but Youhuang suddenly changed direction, making the opponent lose. For escaping, Youhuang is quite experienced. In the cruel blood world, defeating the opponent is second, and the means of registration is the first.

Emperor You still has a lot of confidence in the ability to escape from the enemy.

However, before he could be happy for a long time, suddenly, a claw protruded from the ground and grabbed his foot.

Youhuang's body was being pulled by the opponent, dragged into the ground, and Youhuang slashed at one of his legs without hesitation.


Blood splattered, and now he broke free from the opponent's claws, Youhuang continued to run wildly, even if he lost a foot, it didn't affect his speed too much.

"Master, this guy is really cruel to me." Qi Lingdaotong commented.

The scene of Emperor You fleeing was being played out in front of it and Ding Ning.

"It's better to lose a leg than to lose a life. Which is more important? He knows very well that a demonic cultivator is much more straightforward than an orthodox cultivator." Ding Ning said, because it was him who faced such a situation. Situation, will make such a choice.

"I want to see, which part of his body will he give up next?" Qi Lingdaotong said with a smile.

You Huang's journey of escape had just begun, and he discovered that this was not the outside world, but a special space.

Reminiscent of Feng Xuan's sudden disappearance before, he must have been taken into a space by Ding Ning just like Feng Xuan, could it be that he was in the God Demon Inheritance Tower?

Emperor You thought of the gods and demons inheritance tower that Ding Ning had been holding to kill the enemy. He knew that there were many layers of space in the gods and demons inheritance tower. Many people entered it before, trying to obtain the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, but Ding Ning got it up.

"Old Devil Ding, where are you? Fight me openly."

"Come out."

Emperor You shouted, hoping that Ding Ning would show up, as long as he could kill Ding Ning, the threat in this space would no longer be a threat to him.

But no matter how much he shouted, Ding Ning never appeared, instead he attracted the monster chasing him from behind.


Youhuang knew that the big guy was not easy to provoke, so he continued to run wildly.


A wet thing entangled him, like a tongue, Youhuang turned his head, and sure enough, this thing shot out from the monster's mouth, and wrapped around his other leg.

You Huang's eyes flickered back and forth, and finally cut off the other leg and gained freedom.

With his broken body, Youhuang quickly swam away. Fortunately, the physical injury did not pose a threat to his life. It was worthwhile to give up his two legs in exchange for two chances to sign up.

After running wildly for a while, You Huang found that there was no way ahead, and he had reached the end of the space.

After cursing, Emperor You immediately turned around and ran in another direction.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ding Ning let out a light snort. The situation outside the tower was clearly seen inside the tower, and he found that Master He had withdrawn.

Is this old guy scared?
In fact, Master He was really scared. Two people were dragged into the tower by Ding Ning one after another. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive. He was afraid that if he continued to fight against Ding Ning, he would be dragged into the tower too.

So, after seeing Emperor You disappear, he said to Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng: "I'm sorry, you two, I'm too late to quit."

Yelu Kunlun didn't expect Master He to withdraw at this time, he said with a serious face: "Friend He, you have offended him, even if you quit now, he will hate you, if we die in his hands, he will definitely I will seek revenge on you, you have to think twice."

"Fellow Daoist Yelu, fellow Daoist Lei, I've made up my mind. He has the inheritance of gods and demons, and he is in an invincible position. To fight against him can only be on the road of death. Although I, Daoist Crane, is not afraid of death, I For the sake of my sect, I am too close to the sect without the strongest."

Timely withdrawal was the result of Master He's deliberation. He made the move before because he did not expect Ding Ning to be so difficult to deal with. He was still so vigorous after fighting with others one after another. Now facing a strong man of the same realm, he can silently kill him. Getting rid of it, this method is too terrifying.

He was a little angry before that those three from Sushuigong, Wuxiangmen, and Mu's family were too timid. Now that he thought about it, he was too reckless. He could stay out of the matter, so why did he take the initiative to intervene.

Fortunately, it's not too late to quit now. He believes that if Ding Ning is given some compensation in the future, the other party may not be with him forever.

Immortal Crane returned to Taishangmen's big boat. This action caused a lot of discussion. People from Snake Mountain, Dong Family, Wuji Daomen, and Jianzhong said that Immortal Crane was too timid. At this time, he should be more determined to kill It was right to kill Ding Ning, even quitting, it was just an expression of fear.

Some people also said that Master He withdrew in time, otherwise the next person to disappear would most likely be Master He himself.

Sometimes it is also a kind of strength to put down your face and retreat bravely.

Although the people who came to the door were a little embarrassed, they still tried their best to speak for their own powerful people and help restore the reputation of Master He.

Although this action has lost face, in the eyes of many Taishangmen disciples, they agree with the actions of their own strongman. If Master He also falls like the supreme powerhouses of Snake Mountain, Dong Family, and Wuji Daomen, will he be able to survive in the future? Staying in the top ten forces also puts a question mark, but now that Master He is alive, then Taishangmen is one of the top ten forces and will not be shaken by others.

From the perspective of the overall situation, this approach is very correct, not to mention that it can save your life. If you are ashamed, you should be ashamed. Compared with your life, this embarrassment is nothing.

Without Immortal Crane, there were only Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengshang left in the sky.

Everything returned to the way it was before. The four Mahayana realm powerhouses who joined the battle later, once withdrew, three died, and the guy the two wanted to get rid of was still alive and well.

Others can quit, can they quit?


Fortunately, Lei Mengsheng is a loner, but Yelu Kunlun has the entire Yelu family.

As long as he dared to run, Ding Ning would dare to destroy his entire clan.

And once you do that, you will lose all your status and status, and you will become a joke in the eyes of others.

Yelu Kunlun did not allow such a thing to happen.

No matter what, Ding Ning must be beheaded, even if he pays all the price.

There was a wave of fluctuation in the air, like water marks rippling away.

Ding Ning appeared again.

"It's only the two of you left, how do you want to die?" Ding Ning said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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