The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 937 942 The last battle! 1 more

Chapter 937 942 Final battle! 3 more

Young faces, thin figures, standing in the void.

However, many pairs of eyes looked at the past, and what was contained in them was the color of fear.

This is a guy who has killed several Mahayana experts one after another. Among the top ten forces in the cultivation world, it can be said that half of them were killed by Ding Ning.

The five most powerful men died at the hands of Ding Ning, which was witnessed by everyone.

Don't look at Ding Ning as a mere person, but in everyone's mind, he is more terrifying than thousands of troops.

One person is worth more than ten thousand people, and it refers to a strong man like Ding Ning.

Among the remaining top ten powers, there are only Li Sunu from Sushui Palace, the two most powerful people from Wuxiangmen and Dong Family, and the last one is He Zhenren who participated halfway in the war and voluntarily withdrew halfway. .

"Fengxuan and Youhuang, both of them are in the tower in your hands, right?" Yelu Kunlun asked.

Ding Ning smiled and shook his head.

"They are all here." Following Ding Ning's opening, the Blood God's Banner appeared in front of his eyes. At this time, the Blood God's Banner regained its blood energy.

The six blood gods are lifelike on each banner, and the red color that makes up the blood gods is extremely bright, as if fresh blood was splashed on them.

The eyelids of Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng twitched. When Ding Ning said this, he was clearly telling them that he had already held up the banner of the blood refining god.

"Teacher..." Han Qianhuang of the Ghost Sect clenched his fists. Was his teacher killed by the other party like this?This made Han Qianhuang very angry, but he knew better how powerful the person who killed his teacher was. The gap between himself and the other party was as if there was a gap between him and him. He now has no strength to take revenge.

Everyone in the Ghost Sect was silent when they heard the news of the fall of their own strong man.

The enemy is right in front of him, but no one dares to stand up and seek revenge on the enemy.

As for the Heavenly Demon Sect, they were neither happy nor sad.

Because Qin Jun, the only remaining strongest person in the sect, was killed, it can be said that there is no one left in the Mahayana realm. This is a devastating blow to a sect.

But there is another piece of good news for the Heavenly Demon Sect, that is, their first suzerain is still alive, that is, the young man in front of him. He is brave and invincible, and he has beheaded several Mahayana powerhouses one after another. He is called the invincible God of War.

Elders such as Fu Mo and Qin Mo looked at this figure with complicated emotions.

Is he really the first suzerain?

This is what they care about the most.

"I didn't expect so many of us to kill you. Before we do it, I have a question, how did you come back to life?" Yelu Kunlun asked.

"Do you think I will tell you?" Ding Ning said lightly, "But don't worry, I will kill you thoroughly, and I will never give you a chance to come back like I did."

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about between us, so let's see who can have the last laugh."

The three of them fought together again, and Ding Ning did not use the method of arresting the generals of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, because he wanted to personally kill these two people.

In the sky, the three of them were like three bolts of lightning. The fight this time was even more violent than before, because Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng knew that after Ding Ning killed the other strongest people in succession just now, no one would easily intervene. To kill Ding Ning, he could only rely on the two of them.

The two cooperated with each other seamlessly, but they still couldn't seriously injure Ding Ning. Ding Ning's strength seemed to have increased again, stronger than before in close combat.

Ding Ning's strength is getting closer to the realm of the previous life.

It is not far from the peak of the late stage of the Mahayana Realm of Demon Dao.

Both of them couldn't help feeling anxious. The higher Ding Ning's level was, the lower their chances of killing Ding Ning.

At this moment, neither of the two of them was hiding their clumsiness anymore, and urged out all the methods that they had suppressed at the bottom of the box. In an instant, the entire sky was full of storms and clouds.

All kinds of brilliance radiated, and the power of the rolling ultimate move made people tremble when viewed from a distance.

"Old Ancestor, you must kill him." Yelu Zheng, the patriarch of the Yelu family, was looking forward to the scene of Ding Ning being beheaded. He witnessed so many strong people being killed by Ding Ning, and the entire Yelu family knew it. If Yelu Kunlun is also killed, then his Yelu family will inevitably be squeezed out from the top ten forces by other forces.

The children of the Yelu family who were present all understood what it meant to win or lose in this battle. Many of them closed their eyes and prayed for Yelu Kunlun's victory.

The children of Snake Mountain, Dong Family, Martial Arts Daomen, and Sword Sect pinned their hopes of beheading Ding Ning on Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng. If Ding Ning still couldn't be beheaded, no one would be able to kill Ding Ning. .

"Tuoxuan Tianjue, the ninth level, chasing the wind and chasing the moon!" Yelu Kunlun moved his hands, evolving his strongest method so far, and it is also the strongest attack he can show.

A big sun and a bright moon reflect the sky at the same time.

I saw the two sun and the moon, which were condensed by the method, suddenly fell from the sky.

huh huh.

At the same time, Lei Mengsheng was surrounded by thunder and lightning, just like a god of thunder, only to hear him spit out: "Nine Heavens God Thunder, I am punished by heaven, come down!"

Boom boom boom...

The sound of heaven and earth shattering appeared, and a slender sky thunder descended from the void, which was very similar to Heavenly Tribulation.

Wherever the sky thunder passed, there was a scene of being bombarded into ashes. Even the stars could not bear it, and they were immediately reduced to pieces.

Both of them resorted to the strongest means to kill Ding Ning together.

Feeling the power of these two supreme methods, Ding Ning didn't hide immediately, but rushed forward with his body.

Straight to kill the past.

Boom boom boom...

The sun and the moon smashed down, and the sky thundered.

Ding Ning's figure was submerged, and the void was distorted, forming a chaotic scene.

The people watching the battle all took a breath, shocked by such a terrifying attack power.

Everyone in Snake Mountain, the Dong family, and the Wuji Taoist sect all thought that under such an attack, Ding Ning would definitely not be able to remain unscathed.

You must know that the ultimate moves of the two of them just now are so strong that they have both reached the level of half-step crossing the tribulation realm.

"I don't believe you can withstand such an attack." Yelu Kunlun said lightly.

"It takes nine layers of power to rain down the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and he has no chance to enter the tower." Lei Mengsheng said.

Both of them are very confident about the attack just now. The attack of one person alone is enough to kill a peak powerhouse in the late Mahayana stage, not to mention the attack of two people appearing together and affecting each other. bigger.

But just as the two of them finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"I'm afraid you two will be disappointed."

The expressions of the two people who heard this voice changed suddenly, and Ding Ning was not dead.

"It will only be the two of you who will die, Yelu Kunlun, I will send you on your way first."

When the two were looking for Ding Ning's figure on the left and right, a murderous intent suddenly descended from Yelu Kunlun's head.

Yelukun looked up, and he saw a smiling face, and then this smiling face was replaced by a huge tower bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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