The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 938 943 Self-destruct, Impossible! 1 more

Chapter 938 943 Self-destruct, Impossible! 1 more

A thick sound sounded, and the Tower of Gods and Demons forcibly smashed Yelu Kunlun from the air to the ground, sinking deep into the ground.

"Old ancestor!" Yelu's family members shouted one after another.Many people had tears in their eyes, watching Yelu Kunlun being smashed down with their own eyes.

The tower of god and demon inheritance is so heavy that even a strong Mahayana realm can't bear it.

Ding Ning immediately took back the Divine Demon Inheritance Tower. He looked at a body smashed into mud under the deep pit. It was the body of Yelu Kunlun.

Was it smashed to death?
Staring at the body, Ding Ning's eyes flickered, "I don't believe that you will be killed by me so easily."


Ding Ning directly bombarded the deep pit and was about to dig three feet into the ground. Sure enough, before his attack landed, he saw a Nascent Soul jumping out of the deep pit quickly.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth twitched: "You really are not dead."

Only Nascent Soul left, Yelu Kunlun looked at Ding Ning with resentment on his face, flew straight towards Lei Mengsheng, and shouted at the same time: "Brother Lei, help me!"

Although Yelu Kunlun didn't die, his physical body was destroyed. Although it wasn't fatal, losing his physical body in Mahayana fights meant he lost his greatest advantage and couldn't display his strength.

Under such circumstances, Yelu Kunlun would certainly not continue to fight to the death with Ding Ning.

He thought he was hiding, so that Ding Ning thought that he was dead and could escape the catastrophe, but Ding Ning did not believe what he saw so easily that he had to show up.

"Nobody can save you."

Seeing Yelu Kunlun's soul getting closer and closer to Lei Mengsheng, and Lei Mengsheng was also rushing towards Yelu Kunlun at the same time, Ding Ning quickly formed a seal, and immediately clicked with his hands, countless chains emerged from the void, and then at an extremely fast speed, immediately Coming around Yelu Kunlun.

The ink-devouring chains are like tentacles, constantly climbing forward, getting closer and closer to Yelu Kunlun.

Yelu Kunlun realized that he would be entangled by these chains if he came in front of Lei Mengsheng, so he stopped moving forward and changed direction abruptly.

Unexpectedly, it flew straight towards Ding Ning.

Ding Ning was stunned for a moment. Does Yelu Kunlun want to take the initiative to seek death?
Just when this thought flashed, Yelu Kunlun was already 30 meters away. He stared at Ding Ning and said viciously at the same time: "Old Devil Ding, even if I die, I will definitely pull you with me. You don't want to kill me!" Where to sacrifice your magic weapon, stop dreaming, haha..."

Yelu Kunlun's state became crazy, and his eyes were full of madness.

What is he going to do?
Immediately afterwards, Ding Ning knew Yelu Kunlun's purpose, and a destructive breath rippled from Yelu Kunlun's Nascent Soul.

He's going to blow himself up.

The self-destruction of a Mahayana strong man is no less than the destruction of a star, and the power produced can destroy the surrounding creatures within a hundred miles. It is not a problem at all.

What's more, at such a close distance from Ding Ning.

No wonder he flew over on his own initiative, Yelu Kunlun no longer planned to live, and wanted to die with him.

"Old Devil Ding, die, haha..."

"Don't you want to kill me yourself? I just don't like you, and you will never be able to do it."

Yelu Kunlun laughed, the Nascent Soul became bigger and bigger, colliding more and more, like a balloon, and the facial features became distorted.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and it was unknown who was the first to shout, "Hurry up, he's going to blow himself up."


The self-destruction of a strong Mahayana realm is no less than a nuclear explosion. Destroying followers around is no problem. Immediately, everyone began to flee desperately. Even the top ten forces had to retreat quickly in the flying boat at this moment , dare not get too close to the battlefield.

"Let's go!" Li Sunu didn't care about letting others push the flying boat, and immediately, a force of her power pushed the flying boat away quickly.

The same scene happened in Wuxiangmen and Mujia.

As for Snake Mountain and the others who had lost the strongest, they had long since lost their backbone, and they all only cared about escaping for their lives and tried their best to leave this place.

A large number of demon cultivators did not dare to underestimate the self-destruction of a Mahayana strong man, and they were also quickly moving away.

At this time, only the most tragic ones with low strength ran slowly. Seeing that Yelu Kunlun was about to explode completely, many people were so frightened that they almost cried.

Yelu Kunlun was about to launch a counterattack before dying, and beheaded Ding Ning with his own self-destruct.

This is the strongest attack he can unleash right now. The power of self-destruction is not weaker than the strongest method used before, because the explosion is based on the source, and the lethality will exceed any previous attack, reaching the peak level. But this kind of attack comes at a huge cost of destroying oneself.

"Die! Old Devil Ding... Let's see how you can come back to life this time."

Yelu Kunlun was getting closer and closer to Ding Ning, and his Nascent Soul had swelled to the limit and was about to explode.

Ding Ning did not escape, but stared at the crazy Yelu Kunlun, and said calmly: "I disagree, you want to die, is it possible?"

As he spoke, Ding Ning suddenly shouted: "Qi Ling."


The tower of gods and demons reappeared, this time, it hung over Yelu Kunlun's head again, and a beam of light shot out from the tower, wrapping Yelu Kunlun's Nascent Soul.

Yelu Kunlun, who was about to detonate himself, realized that something was wrong when he heard Ding Ning call out Qi Ling, but at the moment when he had a thought, he couldn't move himself. Don't listen to him anymore, even the power has lost his control.

How can it be?

How could the God Demon Inheritance Tower restrict his actions.

When the fifth floor is not opened, the God and Demon Inheritance Tower naturally cannot, but after Ding Ning opens the fifth floor, so that the God and Demon Inheritance Tower can capture others, this can be done.

Seeing that Yelu Kunlun was about to self-destruct, Ding Ning was thinking about how to prevent him from self-destruction, but Qi Lingdaotong said that it could do it, and only needed to use the detaining power of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Because once someone is about to be arrested, the power of the light beam emitted by the inheritance of the gods and demons can seal all the actions of the person being enveloped, including the movement of power, in order to prevent the opponent from escaping.

Ding Ning was shocked by this suffocating operation, can he still play like this?Then he decided that this must be done. Didn't Yelu Kunlun want to blow himself up to kill him? He had to give the other party a huge surprise.

When Yelu Kunlun found out that he couldn't even blew himself up, the expression on his face must have been wonderful.

At this time, Yelu Kunlun's expression was indeed very complicated, with doubts, surprises, and disbelief.

Not surprised.

Not unexpected.

Ding Ning walked slowly towards Yelu Kunlun, not worried at all that he would blow himself up, and at the same time said calmly: "I said, you can't kill me, you are the one who will die. Now, how do you feel that you can't blow yourself up?"

Lei Mengsheng, who saw this scene not far away, looked condensed, and murmured: "In front of him, can't you even blew yourself up?"

(End of this chapter)

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