The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 943 948 Looking for someone! 3 more

Chapter 943 948 Looking for someone! 3 more

Changed into a light outfit, with a spear behind his back, Ding Ning smiled slightly, exuding a unique charm.

He is now Ding Mo, a young orthodox monk.

Ding Ning changed his identity and appeared as the righteous deity.

The Magical Artifact flying boat galloped past quickly, and Ding Ning stood on it and went straight to the realm of self-cultivation.

What made Ding Ning speechless was that on the way, he was surrounded by a group of people who wanted to rob him.

Ding Ning couldn't help but laugh when he saw a group of bandits composed of casual cultivators. The robbery was all on his head.

It is not surprising to think that he is now appearing as the righteous deity, attracting the attention of the robbers.

If they dared to rob Ding Ning, the result of these people can be imagined, they were all beaten to the ground by Ding Ning, each one submissive.

"Sir, forgive me."

"The little ones have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. I hope the adults will show mercy and let the little ones go."

These robbers immediately begged for mercy, fearing that Ding Ning would kill them all. It was indeed Ding Ning who fought against them. The head of the house was photographed to death.

With the leading figure gone, the whole countermeasure immediately withered. At this time, in order to survive, good words continued.

"Hand over all the things on your body." Ding Ning gave the other party a way to deal with him, and searched the robbers again.

Ding Ning has always been the only one who robs others, but what if he is the one who robs him.

"Let me ask you, what is the current situation in the cultivation world?" After ransacking these robbers, Ding Ning did not let them go immediately, and planned to get some information from these people first.

The robbers knew that they had met an expert. This young-looking boy was black and ruthless. They didn't dare to underestimate Ding Ning. They thought that Ding Ning was deliberately rejuvenated by older monks. When talking, everyone was very honest, and explained everything they knew honestly.

"Go away." Ding Ning didn't bother to kill these guys, if they didn't grab him, he didn't even bother to look at them.

The immobile robbers, who were suppressed by the breath, saw Ding Ning open his mouth, lightened up, and immediately ran away from this place, away from Ding Ning.

Ding Ning has become a nightmare for many of them, even if they had ten guts, they wouldn't dare to think about Ding Ning again.

From the mouths of these robbers, he learned a lot of information.

The world of comprehension is now very fierce due to the battle between the top ten forces. Among the top [-] forces, many Mahayana-level powerhouses have emerged.

This is not beyond Ding Ning's expectation. Among the top [-] forces, are there so many sects with hidden strength?

In fact, not only Ding Ning was surprised, but even the four veteran top ten forces of Sushui Palace, Taishangmen, Wuxiangmen, and Mu Family were also surprised, because even they didn't know that among the top [-] forces, there are so many hidden Mahayana realms .

This kind of struggle will not stop for a while, because no one can gain a firm foothold in the vacant position of the top ten forces.

Ding Ning didn't care about which sect power became the new top ten power. He wanted to know whether the power he ordered to disband was still there. If so, he didn't mind causing a massacre.

But the robbers didn't know about this, he could only find out when he went to the realm of comprehension.

Continue on the road. This time, there is no one blocking the front, and the distance from the cultivation world is getting closer and closer. When he was about to resist the cultivation world, he ran into some young children who were riding on the flying boat and greeted them from the opposite side. , just passed by.

At that moment, Ding Ning could clearly hear the conversations of the young boys on the airship.

These people were talking about the situation in the cultivation world, especially one name was mentioned repeatedly.

One of the names they mentioned was Laomo Ding.

"I didn't expect that I was still the object of everyone's discussion." Ding Ning thought about it, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

When those few young people talked about the name Ding Laomo, they all beamed with joy. They told the scene of Ding Ning's battle against several Mahayana-level powerhouses, and the others listened very engrossed.

Don't these guys know that the person they are talking about has just passed by them.

A huge star appeared in front of my eyes, and the huge land was the Eastern Shenbu Continent.

Ding Ning turned into a spot of light and entered the land of Eastern Shenbu Continent.

iron city.

A large city in Eastern Shenbu Continent, with a large population, and many top [-] forces are here.

Ding Ning did not go to the mortal area, but went straight to the place where the monks gathered.

There is a whole street full of monks, mortals rarely come here, and the transactions here are also carried out between monks.

Ding Ning walked slowly among the stalls selling all kinds of magical instruments and exercises, occasionally picked up some magical instruments, swung them around, looked at them, and then put them down again.

Among the stall owners, there are many chatterers who are talking about the current situation in the cultivation world with the stall owners around them.

Ding Ning listened for a while, and it was no different from what he found out from the mouths of those robbers.

After strolling around, Ding Ning stepped into a monk's restaurant, where many casual monks were chatting and bragging.

Ding Ning stayed for a while, but heard nothing useful.

It was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy who caught Ding Ning's attention. He waved his hand and called him over.

"My lord, what are your orders?" The young man was very mature, with a smile on his face, without the slightest childishness of a child, rather like an old man who has been in the world for a long time.

"I want to find someone." Ding Ning said.

"I don't know my lord, who are you looking for? Different people have different prices." The boy smiled.

"His name is Ding Xingxiu, and he is also called Old Demon Ding. What's your price here?" Ding Ning asked with a smile.

The young man was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "My lord, stop joking, that's a super strong man, I can't do it."

"I can pay you a lot of spirit stones." Ding Ning said.

"My lord, it's not about the number of spirit stones. Even if you change someone else, I can look for it for you." The young man wondered.

"Oh? Alright, then I won't look for him anymore, you help me find a man named Lei Mengsheng, whose strength is about half a step away." Ding Ning said slowly.

The young man almost stumbled and fell, and the difficulty of finding Lei Mengsheng was equal to that of finding Lao Mo Ding. "My lord, I really can't find the person you are looking for. You should hire someone else."

"If you change someone else, you will help me find it. You must keep your word." Ding Ning smiled, then took out a storage ring, and said lightly: "There are [-] middle-grade spirit stones inside. I only have one condition, any news about this person must be passed on to me as soon as possible."

As he said that, he couldn't allow the boy to refuse, so Ding Ning stuffed the storage ring into the boy's hand.

The young man felt that the storage ring was a bit like a hot potato, and instinctively wanted to return it to Ding Ning, but when he was about to throw it back, Ding Ning had already disappeared.

He only heard a sentence echoing in his ears: "There is a jade slip that contacts me in the storage ring, don't forget, you have already agreed."

(End of this chapter)

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