The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 944 949 Ignore the warning! 1 more

Chapter 944 949 Ignore the warning! 1 more

It was much easier for Ding Ning to find out the news about Lei Mengsheng if he had someone to inquire about for him.

Don't look at the young man just now, he looks like a young man, in fact, even Ding Ning doesn't know his real age, because in his last life when he was just a little monk, the other party looked like this, and he still looks like this now. The opponent is ordinary, but he Ding Ning is 1 unbelievers.

The young man sent a nickname bag to inquire. It can be said that he knows a lot of things, especially when it comes to finding people. Even if the person you want to find is hidden in Beilubuzhou, he can find out the exact location for you.

Those [-] spirit stones were not unfairly spent, besides, those spirit stones were not his own, but were robbed from those robbers.

With Bao inquiring to help him find the trace of Lei Mengsheng, Ding Ning is going to visit some sites of the top ten forces.

He first came to Yelu's house.

Yelu Kunlun is still being tortured by Qi Ling Daotong to this day, suffering from the top ten tortures in ancient times.

And he came here for only one purpose, that is to check whether the Yelu family is disintegrated, but as before, there are many strong people, and the power is huge.

What he wants to investigate is not only Yelu's family, but also Snake Mountain, Wuji Daomen and other forces that all have enemies against him.

At that time, he didn't kill them all because he was merciful, but if these people ignored his warning, then don't blame him for killing them all.

"A huge family has just declined like this, Zizi... The world is really changing."

"Without the support of the most powerful, no matter how big the family power is, it will collapse if it is said to collapse. The Yelu family is completely over, but all the elders and children with other surnames have left."

Ding Ning was on his way to Yelu's house, and the two people who passed by him were discussing the declining Yelu's house.

The former Yelu family had a great reputation. With Yelu Kunlun, it sat firmly among the top ten forces. It was definitely an existence in the sky, and no one dared to provoke it easily.

But now, everything is showing signs of failure.

Ding Ning came to the base camp of Yelu's house. The door of Yelu's house was closed tightly. The two stone lions in front of the door were smashed by someone, leaving only half of the stone pier.

Ding Ning didn't go in. People like him who came here were also watching the fallen Yelu family.

According to the past, there were always disciples guarding the door of Yelu's house, but the dilapidation in front of the door now shows that Yelu's house is not doing well.

Ding Ning took out a few spirit stones and asked the people around him some questions about the Yelu family. Seeing that Ding Ning was so generous, the other party didn't hide anything, and told Ding Ning everything he knew.

It turned out that since that day, when Yelu Kunlun was captured by Ding Ning, and after he let the named forces disband, Yelu's family has become torn apart.

Most of the people with foreign surnames left, they dare not take Ding Ning's words as air.

Several branches of the Yelu family also quarreled over whether to disband the family. Some did not want to disband, and some insisted on disbanding. In the end, they all broke up in a quarrel, and all the members of the Yelu family also left them for many years. territory.

"It seems that my deterrence is not enough. Is there anyone else who wants to be my enemy?" Ding Ning muttered and left.

"Who is this brother?" The casual cultivator who was asked by Ding Ning looked at Ding Ning's back and whispered. Then, he weighed the spirit stone in his hand and said with a smile: "Today is really lucky. , Lingshi is so easy to earn, a high-grade Lingshi is enough for me to practice for a few days."

Ding Ning went to Snake Mountain next. The situation was almost the same as that of Yelu’s house. They were all in a state of empty buildings. Even though these people thought that one day they would seek revenge on Ding Ning, they did not dare to take Ding Ning’s warning lightly. At least I dare not stay in my original home.

After that, Ding Ning went to Wuji Daomen, Dongjia, Fengmenzong, Jianzhong and other locations. These former ten powerful forces, like Yelujia and Snake Mountain, all disappeared. Nothing like it ever happened.

However, Ding Ning also discovered that among these forces, there were still some people who wanted to take revenge on him.

Ding Ning decided to find out these restless guys. He gave these people a way to survive, but they still chose to be his enemy and wanted to plot against him secretly. How could Ding Ning let them go.

In the following days, Ding Ning began to look for these people who were hostile to him.

In the first few days, he found nothing, but in the mouth of a casual practitioner, he found a clue.

So following the clues, he found those who wanted to take revenge on him.

The place where they hid was in a small town.

To Ding Ning's surprise, among these people, not only belonged to one faction, but came from different factions, such as Snake Mountain, Yelu Family, Dong Family, and Wuji Daomen. Yes, they all got together because of Ding Ning alone.

"This saves me the trouble of looking for them one by one." It would be great to be able to do it all at once. Ding Ning is still very willing to wipe out all those who still want to seek revenge from him.

So Ding Ning appeared in front of these people swaggeringly. After seeing Ding Ning's appearance, these people were stunned for a moment.

This person in front of me is a little familiar.

Taking a closer look, isn't this the very Ding Ning they hate and want to take revenge on?

A sound of "He's coming" spread throughout the courtyard.

Before everyone knew what was going on, they saw a figure appear, holding two people in his hands, and then, the bloody smell spread out, and he looked at everyone with a smile on his face: "Don't worry about planning, I will Right here, if you want to take revenge, just kill them directly."

There was a faint devilish energy exuding from his body, and it was the demonic Dao Ding Ning himself who appeared.

"It's him, it's him!"

Those present who didn't know Ding Ning had already engraved Ding Ning's appearance in their hearts. They gathered here because they wanted revenge. They didn't expect that Ding Ning would find him so soon.

"I warned you that I wanted to let you live. Since you didn't choose the way of life, you chose the way of death. You asked for the killing."

After Ding Ning finished speaking, he rushed into the crowd in an instant, screaming everywhere.

After a while, Ding Ning walked out of the huge courtyard. The door in front of him opened automatically, and there were many mortals standing not far away, carefully looking at it.

It wasn't until Ding Ning walked away that these people dared to approach.

When they came closer to take a look, they all gasped and felt their scalps go numb. This was a scene of corpses everywhere and blood flowing like rivers.

Is the person who killed them the same person just now?

Who is he?
On the same day, the news that Lao Mo Ding appeared again and slaughtered all the people gathered together, including Snake Mountain and Yelu's family, spread in the cultivation world and shocked everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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