The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 945 950 join forces? 2 more

Chapter 945 950 join forces? 2 more

"Have you heard? Those guys ignored Laomo Ding's warning and were all killed yesterday, leaving no one alive."

"I thought I would get together in secret, so no one would know about it, but I didn't expect it to be taken away by others. Zizi, this old devil Ding is really scary."

"The number of Mahayana realms who died in his hands is about to exceed ten. Whoever dares to be an enemy to him, even the top ten forces today, must be extremely afraid of him."

"Don't talk about old devil Ding. He is an invincible strong man in the Mahayana territory. He just killed those guys who were hostile to him. He must still be in our cultivation world. If you are so rude, if you are heard by him, Be careful with your life."

The discussion about Ding Ning has set off another wave of climax. Before, people thought that Ding Ning had disappeared, but they didn’t expect him to watch everything secretly. Those children who were killed by the power of the Mahayana realm still wanted to take revenge, but they were all wiped out in the end. up.

The word Ding Laomo became a fearsome existence in the cultivation world for a while. While people were talking about him, they were also in awe of him.

Ding Ning sat quietly in the corner of the restaurant, a jug of freshly brewed old wine was placed on the table, emitting a strong aroma of wine frequently.

Instead of drinking, he took out a chopstick, dipped the wine in the glass, and drew something on the clean table.

He listened to the conversations of the people around him, sat for a while, and then left.

On the table was left undried handwriting, with three characters written on it, Lei Mengsheng!
Ding Ning has been in the realm of self-cultivation for half a month, but there is no news about Lei Mengsheng from the other side. Ding Ning guesses that the other party is probably hiding, hiding in some corner and practicing until he reaches the Tribulation Realm. .

If this is the case, I am afraid that even if you ask around, you will not be able to find anything.

Lei Mengsheng must know that he will not let him go, and will do everything possible to find him, and will definitely hide him more secretly.

After waiting for several days, there was still no news. Even if Ding Ning asked himself, he couldn't find out.

If the other party doesn't show up, he has nothing to do. Ding Ning decided to improve his righteous path strength first.

Now his cultivation base of the Righteous Dao Realm is already at the late peak of the Harmonious Dao Realm, and he has the experience of breaking through the Mahayana realm of the Devil Dao, so it is not particularly difficult to break through the Mahayana realm of the Righteous Dao.

After all, the two are actually connected to a certain extent. In the end, the road leads to the same goal. Whether it is a demon cultivator or a righteous monk, they are actually pursuing the same goal, which is longevity, two kinds of power, two The road, the end of the road, is just an end.

It took two days for Ding Ning to reorganize the cultivation base of the righteous way, and then he tried to find a way to learn from the experience of the evil way to the righteous way, which required constant experiments and attempts.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time now.

Ding Ning started the road of integrating the experience of the evil way into the experience of the righteous way, striving to break the shackles of the Mahayana realm of the righteous way, and also set foot in the realm of the Mahayana realm.

During Ding Ning's retreat and cultivation, the competition among the top ten forces in the cultivation world was finally settled.

Taishangmen, Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, and Mujia's four old top ten forces have not changed, and still maintain their original positions.

As for the remaining six vacancies, Tianhe Sect, Qianshan Sect, and Xuandong Sect have determined three positions, and the remaining three are occupied by Xingchen Sect, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlong Mountain. , completely over.

As for Old Devil Ding, the top ten forces are all secretive about this name. Even though the discussion outside is raging, the top ten forces seem to have not heard it, and they don't allow the disciples in the sect to talk about it. They are deliberately avoiding mentioning Ding Ning.

North Lubuzhou.

In the entire comprehension world, Beilubuzhou is an extremely cold place. Even monks with powerful forces are unwilling to live here, because the environment here is too harsh. It is very cold and the natural environment is very harsh. It is difficult for ordinary people to survive here.

Not to mention monks, even spirit beasts are very rare in Beilubuzhou.

Generally, only some people who are wanted by the major forces, or people who are desperate, will come here to avoid being chased and killed by the enemy.

It can be said that there is no weak person who can survive in Beilubuzhou.

I don't know when it started to snow in the sky, and the snow was getting bigger and bigger. Looking around, it was all white.

It seems that the whole earth is covered with a layer of white gauze, the sky is misty, and the whole world is gray and dark, which makes people feel a little depressing.

The snow on the ground creaked and creaked when stepped on, a bit like the sound of an old wooden door being opened.

This figure has been walking on the snowy ice field for a long time, and he seems to be tireless, walking like this without stopping for a moment.

Heavy snow covered his whole body, whether it was on the top of his head or on his shoulders, it was all white snow, and the hot air he exhaled froze on his eyebrows.

Like an old farmer, he is taking firm steps to return home early.

If it wasn't for another figure appearing in front of him, this person would never have stopped.

The sound of stepping on the snow disappeared. The snowman covered in falling snow looked at the person who suddenly blocked the way ahead. The person was very young, so young that he even reminded him of a person.

"I have no malice." The young man expressed his attitude.

However, the snowman doesn't believe that you have any malicious intentions. The moment the young man opened his mouth, the snowman made a move. At the moment of the move, his aura was like a sheep suddenly turning into a Tyrannosaurus rex.

In an instant, the heavy snow that fell around was stopped.


As soon as the snowman made a move, it was a terrifying ultimate move. In his hands, thunder and lightning lingered and crackled.

The young man's eyes froze. The aura that was originally just out of the body suddenly changed. An aura that was not weaker than the snowman permeated the air. The pupils of the young man had changed significantly from before, and he immediately punched him.

bang bang.

The two collided with each other for the first time, and they refused to give in to each other.

Snowman was a little surprised. With his strength, he was actually taken advantage of by a young man on the other side. This reminded him of a certain person even more.

That person is so against the sky.

Why did such a heaven-defying guy appear in front of him again?


It seemed that thinking of that person aroused Snowman's killing intent, he didn't stop, and continued to attack.

The young people were not afraid, and confronted their opponents sharply. After a full incense stick, the fight stopped.

"Now I am qualified to talk to you." The young man said.

"Who are you?" Snowman said.

The young man smiled, "I am your ally, we have a common enemy."

Ha ha.

The snowman smiled lightly, and it wasn't until the young man spoke again that his expression became serious and serious.

"Lei Mengsheng, just like you, I also want to kill Old Demon Ding."

The snowman was startled when the other party revealed his identity all of a sudden, and only heard the young man explain: "My name is Jiang Taichao, a disciple of Taishangmen. I was there when you fought with him. The reason why I appeared here is that yes, I followed him." It's been a long time for you."

"I might as well tell you my identity. My sincerity is enough for us to join hands to deal with the common enemy." Jiang Taichao said with a smile.

Snowman thought for a moment, and gave Jiang Taichao an unexpected answer: "I don't need allies."

"Huh?" This made Jiang Taichao startled.

"Then if it is said that I can help you step into the Tribulation Realm, would you consider joining forces with me to kill him?" Jiang Taichao said indifferently.

The Snowman turned around and walked a few steps away, then suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked, "Can you help me break through the Tribulation Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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