The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 946 951 Eventful Autumn! 3 more

Chapter 946 951 Eventful Autumn! 3 more

The moment Ding Ning prevented Yelu Kunlun from exploding his Nascent Soul, Lei Mengsheng knew that even with his half-step crossing the Tribulation Realm, he was no match for Ding Ning.

In front of Ding Ning, he didn't have any outstanding advantages. On the contrary, Ding Ning had the advantages of a strong physical body and the inheritance tower of gods and demons.

Unless he has completely stepped into the Tribulation Realm, there is a possibility of beheading Ding Ning, otherwise, with his current strength, Ding Ning will be helpless, and Ding Ning will even kill Lei Mengsheng like other Mahayana powerhouses. It is also given to grab and sacrifice the blood refining god banner.

So, he fled, escaped from that battlefield, even though he knew that Ding Ning would become stronger and stronger in the future, he insisted on leaving, not to fight to the death with Ding Ning.

Because he firmly believed that as long as he entered the Tribulation Transcending Realm ahead of Ding Ning, the final victory would still belong to him.

In order to avoid being found by Ding Ning, he chose to go to the North Lubu Continent and hide far away. The North Lubu Continent, which is inaccessible, is the most suitable place.

So, he came here.

He wanted to step into the Tribulation Crossing Realm, but he found that he couldn't calm down, so there was no talk of progress or cultivation.

So, he started to walk on this boundless ice field, walking straight forward, one step at a time, to calm himself down and calm down his heart.

He listened to the sounds of nature, and his body and mind really became calm.

He even temporarily forgot about Ding Ning.

But the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him recognized him and said that he would join forces with him to deal with Ding Ning.

Lei Mengsheng felt that the other party was beyond his control, a young man, what qualifications did he have to join forces with him, so he made a move, he wanted to kill the obstacles that hindered his practice.

To his surprise, this young man was very strong, not even weaker than him at all.

But he still didn't want to join forces with him. He joined forces with Yelu Kunlun and others before, and there was more than one Mahayana strongman. Whatever the result, it was not a disastrous defeat.

Now with the two of them, what can they do!
Maybe it will only get worse.

To kill Ding Ning, he still had to rely on himself, as long as he entered the Tribulation Transcending Realm, Ding Ning would no longer be a threat.

However, how difficult it is to fully step into the Tribulation Transcending Realm, even if he has already stepped up with one foot, he still feels separated by a natural moat.

This young man was difficult to deal with, even though Lei Mengsheng admitted that the other party was capable, he did not plan to join forces with him.

But when the other party said that he could help him completely enter the tribulation realm, he stopped.

Because the temptation is too great.

"How can you help me?" Lei Mengsheng asked.

Hearing Lei Mengsheng's answer, a smile appeared on Jiang Taichao's face, and he said, "So, do you agree with us joining forces?"


The comprehension world returned to calm, and after the positions of the vacant top ten forces were re-determined, there were no more eye-catching confrontations.

The focus of people's discussion is no longer just focusing on Ding Laomo, but the newly emerged digital Mahayana powerhouse.

"I didn't expect that among the two top [-] forces, Xingchenzong and Zhenlongshan, the humble sect would one day be able to stand on top of the top ten."

"Yeah, who would have thought that they still have strong men in the middle stage of the Mahayana realm, and they are really deep enough to hide. If so many positions hadn't been vacated all at once, I'm afraid they wouldn't have revealed it."

"The three factions of Tianhe Sect, Qianshan Sect, and Xuandong Sect each occupy a position, which is understandable. After all, their three sects are also in the top five among the top [-] forces. As for Star Sect, Zhenlong Mountain, and Liuli Pavilion , are all ranked twenty sects away, unexpectedly they became dark horses one after another, snatching from other sects the only three places in the top ten positions."

"Zizi, there are too many dark horses."

"By the way, we have recently come to Dongshenbuzhou to have a lot of guys with very strange faces. I can see that many of their clothes are from Nanzhanbuzhou."

"It's not just people from Nanzhan Buzhou, I've also met many monks from Xiga Buzhou."

"Why did these guys come to us?"

"I'm afraid it will be another eventful season."

Taishangmen, on the cliff behind the mountain gate.

Immortal Crane sits under the smooth mirror-like stone wall, facing the sunlight to practice, and sits for several days.

About Ding Ning's coming to Taishangmen, only a few people in the sect knew about it and did not spread it to the outside world. Otherwise, once it was reported that Taishangmen took out a lot of natural resources and treasures in order to avoid fighting with Ding Ning, it would definitely cause bad influence. The status of Taishangmen will drop a lot.

When the sun was setting, Xie Hui was swallowed by Master He in one gulp, causing some faint light to shine on his body.

In the end, he let out a sigh of relief and resigned.

Descending the mountain and returning to the main hall, he summoned the disciples of the sect and asked him about what happened during his retreat.

"The people from Nanzhanbuzhou and Xihebuzhou all ran to our land in Dongshenbuzhou..." Crane Master muttered.

"Sovereign Master, I found that these people are very close to Liuli Pavilion, Zhenlong Mountain, and Xingchenzong. I'm afraid they are plotting something."

"Conspiracy? Hehe... I don't believe that these three sects can grab three positions without the shadow of these two Buzhou forces." Zhenren He said.

When the people below heard this sentence, they were a little surprised. They didn't expect the Supreme Sect Master to see it deeper and more thoroughly, and even guessed the real reason why these three sects could gain a firm foothold in the top ten forces.

Master He asked the people below to keep an eye on the actions of the three sects, "Oh, by the way, is Taichao back yet?"

"Report to the Supreme Sovereign, the elder brother has not returned yet."

Master Crane frowned: "Where did this kid go?" He remembered Ding Ning's question to Jiang Taichao before, which showed that Ding Ning was concerned about Jiang Taichao. An answer that made him a little puzzled.

Because Ding Ning said that Jiang Taichao is not weak at all, even he Daoist He wants to defeat him, it is very difficult.

It stands to reason that Jiang Taichao is a bit of a genius, hiding his strength, and his real strength is in the out-of-body state, but how can he compare with himself.

However, when he asked again, Ding Ning changed the subject and didn't say much.

Immortal He felt that Jiang Taichao might have some secrets, so he always wanted to talk to Jiang Taichao, but what he didn't expect was that Jiang Taichao hadn't come back since he disappeared.

"Is there really some ulterior secret about this kid?" Master He murmured.

In an antique room.

Ding Ning was practicing, and he didn't go out for half a month. The door of the room was closed all the time, and he remained motionless.

But one can feel that Ding Ning's aura of righteousness is getting stronger little by little.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally woke up from his cultivation state, with a tired expression on his face.

But his mood is happy, because he has gained a lot from the transformation of the experience of the evil way into the experience of the right way.

Facts have proved that the two can still learn from each other.

"The road leads to the same goal in the end, and my idea is not wrong." Ding Ning said to himself: "However, experience alone is not enough, and practice is needed. In this way, it is time for the fifth-level God and Demon Trial Field to come in handy." .”

(End of this chapter)

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