The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 947 952 Battle against ancient beasts! 1 more

Chapter 947 952 Battle against ancient beasts! 1 more

In the gods and demons inheritance tower.

As soon as Ding Ning appeared, Qi Ling Daotong came to Ding Ning in a hurry.

"Master, that guy has run out of fuel and his lights are dry. In a few days, he will be tortured to death by me," Qi Lingdaotong reported.

Ding Ning knew who Qi Lingdao was talking about, it was Yelu Kunlun. Hearing that Yelu Kunlun was tortured so badly, Ding Ning was curious: "Let's go, take me to see him."

For Yelu Kunlun, an enemy, he naturally would not have any kindness, the more miserable the other party is, the better.

Otherwise, he wouldn't tell Qi Lingdaotong and let him deal with it, because he didn't want the other party to die cleanly.

When he came in front of Yelu Kunlun, although he was mentally prepared, he couldn't help being surprised by Yelu Kunlun's appearance.

The Yelu Kunlun in front of him is no longer in human form, and the Nascent Soul is so shriveled and disfigured, it is obvious that he will not live long.

Under Yelu Kunlun's Nascent Soul, flames were burning, and every few breaths, these flames would rise up once, causing Yelu Kunlun's whole body to burn and the pain was unbearable.

"Ding Laomo, you killed me, why didn't you kill me yourself, didn't you always want revenge? You killed me, kill me quickly." Yelu Kunlun felt Ding Ning's breath, and immediately went crazy roared.

"You've done a good job, keep going." Ding Ning ignored Yelu Kunlun, affirmed Qi Ling Daotong, then turned and left.

He still has more important things to deal with, so Yelu Kunlun will let him slowly fend for himself.


"Old Devil Ding, you can sacrifice me to your Blood God Banner, do you really want me to die in vain?"

In order to seek death, Yelu Kunlun now offered to sacrifice himself to the magic weapon, which shows how unbearable the torment Qi Lingdaotong gave him.

Ding Ning just smiled and disappeared.

The fifth floor in the tower can also be said to be the No. [-] proving ground for gods and demons.


Ding Ning entered here again. Before entering here, he wanted to use the ancient beasts here to kill the enemy. Now, he wanted to hone himself.

Originally, this fifth floor was for training oneself.


After Ding Ning took a breath, he heard a loud roar, and then the ground shook, and a huge figure appeared in his eyes, moving quickly in his direction.

It is an ancient beast.

This ancient ferocious beast was no stranger to Ding Ning. The soul of the strong human monk Nascent Soul who was killed by him before was snatched away by this human being.

Ding Ning sighed, feeling the existence that was not easy to provoke from afar. With the strength of the ancient fierce beast, it is enough to hone his demonic deity, let alone the righteous deity who is only in the Dao state.

However, there is no way to do this. After all, the powerful and useful training object is the big guy in front of him.

Ding Ning, the true master of the righteous way, let out a sigh of relief, and immediately took the initiative to meet him.

If one wants to transform the experience borrowed from the magic way into strength, one must have a strong opponent to verify, and this ancient beast is undoubtedly the best object of verification.


The righteous Ding Ning himself collided with the ancient beast immediately.

Not surprisingly, Ding Ning was sent flying by the opponent's paw, which made Ding Ning feel as if his internal organs were about to be photographed.

This means that his physical body is strong, otherwise, if it is replaced by another strong person in the Dao state, this claw can kill him.

After all, the strength of this ancient ferocious beast is an existence that stands halfway through the tribulation realm.

It is much higher than the righteous deity Ding Ning by a great realm.

If it weren't for relying on the vajra god and demon body, Ding Ning would not have dared to try this.

Besides, he still has a stone key that can leave at any time. With so many advantages, it would be a bit wasteful not to make good use of the ancient beast.

The righteous Ding Ning himself flew upside down for a while before stopping. The ancient fierce beast did not stop attacking because Ding Ning was knocked into the air. Although huge, the speed is much faster than expected, and the speed is not affected by the large size.

"Come again..." Ding Ning, the righteous man, used the ten-direction magical fist, and in an instant, countless fists bombarded the ancient beast.

The ancient fierce beast itself stopped in place, surrounded by the surrounding fists.

bang bang bang...

This first heavy ten-direction divine fist is like countless Ding Ning punching, each punch is quite powerful and can destroy thousands of feet of mountains.

When all the fists gradually disappeared, the figure of the ancient beast reappeared.

Ding Ning stared at the ancient beast, wondering if it was injured, at this moment, two rays of light shot out, it was the divine light that bloomed in the eyes of the ancient beast.

Ding Ning only felt a stabbing pain in his eyes, and rubbed his eyes subconsciously. At the right time, the ancient beast moved, it rushed forward suddenly, and at the same time raised its huge and thick arms again.


Ding Ning's eyes were stinging, and now he had to defend against the opponent's attack, but with his arms blocking it, he was sent flying again.

This time, Ding Ning's body rolled on the ground several times before stopping. His body was covered with dust and he was a little embarrassed.

Being hit twice in a row, Ding Ning felt a little uncomfortable. The orthodox deity is not in the Mahayana realm, and cannot withstand such a level of attack like the demon deity, so these two attacks can be said to have caused Ding Ning to suffer serious injuries.

On the other hand, the ancient murderer had no wounds on his huge body except for the naturally growing lines. Even the Shifang Shenquan couldn't get any benefits.

Seeing this, Ding Ning naturally knew that the other party's physical body was also very terrifying, especially looking at that huge body, it was definitely of the rough-skinned and thick-skinned type, and even an attack like Shifang Shenquan couldn't cause damage, let alone an ordinary one. of the attack.

The ground shook again, and the ancient beast did not give Ding Ning much time to express his feelings, and it came again.

Ding Ning gritted his teeth, and stood up suddenly. Since it was a test of experience, he was ready. This injury was nothing. As long as he was not instantly killed by the opponent, he could continue to fight.

"Kill the sky with one punch!"

Ding Ning turned into a beam of light and used the second layer of the Ten Directions Divine Fist. The first layer was useless, so he had to use the second layer.

Immediately, this punch clashed with the claws of the ancient ferocious beast, and between the two, lightning and thunder light rubbed against each other.

The ancient ferocious beast was roaring.

Ding Ning frowned, his face serious.


Like the sound of heaven and earth cracking, Ding Ning flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

But this time, he was not as embarrassed as the previous two times, at least he could witness the state of the ancient beast under this punch.

thump thump...

The ancient beast was retreating, taking three steps in a row.

Ding Ning's eyes flashed, it worked, and killing the sky with one punch still had some effect.

Just as Ding Ning was thinking this way, the ancient ferocious beast seemed to be enraged, and then he heard an angry roar that he couldn't bear.

At this moment, the entire No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field was shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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