The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 948 953 Turmoil! 2 more

Chapter 948 953 Turmoil! 2 more

After the finalization of the top ten powers, I thought that the cultivation world would stop for a while, but what no one expected was that the top ten powers began to fight.

The three forces of Star Sect, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlong Mountain clashed with Qianshan Sect, and all the strong Mahayanas were mobilized.

On the same day, the Qianshan sect's Mahayana realm powerhouse died in battle, causing an earthquake.

The Qianshan sect, one of the top ten powers just confirmed, lost its position so quickly?
Everyone finds it inconceivable, but the only strongest member of the Qianshan Sect is dead, so it is naturally impossible for the sect below to stay in the position of the top ten forces.

On the third day after Qianshanzong fell out of the top ten position, the three forces of Xingchenzong, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlongshan clashed with Xuandongzong again.

The Mahayana-level powerhouse of the Xuandong sect attacked angrily, and was besieged to death by three Mahayana-level powerhouses from the other side.

The Xuandong Sect became the second top ten power that rose rapidly and then fell down quickly.

The decline of two top ten powers in succession, many people understood at this time, it seems that Star Sect, Liuli Pavilion and Zhenlong Mountain are joining forces to deal with the other top ten powers, starting with Qianshan Sect, and now they have solved Xuandong Sect, will It is too obvious that the territory and resources of the two sects have absorbed this joint effort to eradicate others.

The people of Tianhezong panicked. Even if they have Mahayana experts, they still feel unsafe. They have a feeling that the next three forces of Xingchenzong, Liulige, and Zhenlongshan will deal with them Tianhezong.

Can't wait.

The Mahayana realm powerhouses of the Tianhe Sect left the sect and went to the other top ten forces. If they did not connect with the other top ten forces, the Tianhe Sect might not be able to stay in the position of the top ten forces for long.

The Tianhezong strongmen visited the four old top ten forces of Mujia, Wuxiangmen, Taishangmen and Sushui Palace one by one.

Whether it is Taishangmen or Wuxiangmen, they can see that the ambitions of Xingchenzong, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlongshan Langzi are to devour the other top ten forces little by little.

The strongest of the five forces gathered together to discuss how to deal with the combination of the three dark horses.

"Everyone, although their hands have not reached your territory yet, but according to this posture, it is only a matter of time." Du Ling, the most powerful member of the Tianhe Sect, looked at He Zhenren and Li Sunu .

"We all know the strength of these three sects before, and we don't know much about them, but from my judgment, they definitely don't have the guts to do such things one after another, but now they just do this I think everyone here should know the answer to this."

Seeing that no one spoke, Du Ling continued: "I suspect that behind the three forces, there are shadows of other continental forces. It is because of this support that they dare to act so boldly."

"If my Tianhe sect is over, then they will definitely attack you."

After Du Ling finished speaking, no one answered, and the scene was a little awkward. Although Du Ling was angry, he couldn't say anything. The strength of these people in front of him surpassed him, and they were all old top ten forces. No need, how long Tianhezong has stayed in the top ten powers, Du Ling himself is naturally not comparable to He Zhenren and Li Sunu.

After a while, Master He still spoke. He looked at Li Su Nu, Mu Feng, and Ye Wu Xiang, and said, "What do you think?"

"On my territory of Eastern God Buzhou, it is up to our monks in Eastern God Buzhou to decide. Since there are shadows of other three Buzhou forces behind these three forces, then we should get rid of them."

"We have to show them some color. If we pretend that we haven't seen it, we really think that there is no one in our Eastern Shenbu Continent." Mu Feng said.

Seeing Li Su Nu, Mu Feng, and Ye Wuxiang express their opinions, Master He looked at Du Ling and said, "Then let's discuss how to get rid of these three sects in the shortest possible time."

Hearing this, Du Ling was overjoyed.

On the night after the meeting of the strongest of the five top ten forces, a great battle broke out.

Taishangmen, Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, Mujia and Tianhezong, the five forces moved towards Xingchenzong, Liuli Pavilion and Zhenlongshan.

This battle shocked the entire cultivation world.

Even the three forces of Xihebuzhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, and Beilubuzhou who extended their hands to Dongshenbuzhou did not expect the five sects to make such a move so quickly.

This battle lasted for a whole night, and the gates of Liuli Pavilion, Xingchenzong, and Zhenlong Mountain were all in ruins.

The elders and young disciples of the five factions, including Taishangmen, wiped out all the sect disciples of these three forces.

After all, in terms of background, whether it is Liuli Pavilion, Xingchenzong, or Zhenlong Mountain, they are far from the other side.

Especially if the top powerhouses can't pull back to help them, the defeat will be even faster.

Its daybreak.

At the end of the fight, Master He and the others held several corpses in their hands, all of them were the corpses of strong men in the Mahayana realm. There were five of them in total. The existence of the peak in the late stage of the Mahayana Realm, and erupted at the end to eliminate all opponents, otherwise, Du Ling of the Tianhe Sect alone would definitely not be an opponent.

Star Sect, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlong Mountain have come to an end, which is dizzying. They were talked about before. These three forces are a bit vigorous. I never thought that they would fall from their high positions so soon.

As for the fact that the five major forces joined forces to deal with these three sects, He Zhenren and others naturally would not open their mouths to explain, but soon, the reason for the attack came out.

"Have you heard? It turns out that there are shadows of other Buzhou sects behind these three sects. No wonder they will be killed together."

"It turned out to be like this. Well done, our sect has allowed forces from other continents to intervene."

"It's no wonder that he rose all of a sudden and became a dark horse. Let me just say, how could it be possible to hide so many Mahayana-level powerhouses? It turns out that they are not my monks from Eastern Shenbu Continent."

There was a lot of rumors about this matter, almost to the point where no one knew about it.

As for the top ten forces, five positions are now vacant, and the five forces decided that there will no longer be the top ten forces, and in the future, there will only be the top five forces.

In this way, there will be no more fights for vacant seats.

At the same time, the forces that secretly reached out to Nanzhan Buzhou, Xihe Buzhou, and Beilubuzhou all learned of this matter.

Some are angry, others are calm and mixed.

But there is one thing, their meddling in the game of Eastern Shenbu Continent was all in vain.

Not long after this incident, the monks from Eastern Shenbuzhou discovered that more and more monks from other continents appeared here, and there were also many conflicts with the monks from Eastern Shenbuzhou.

Indistinctly, there was a smell of gunpowder between the monks of Dongshen Buzhou and other Buzhou monks.

He Zhenren and others are all clear about this matter. From their point of view, these are people from the other three major continents. Seeing that they have lost too many Mahayana realm powerhouses in the Eastern Shenbu Continent, that's why they behave like this. Take the initiative to provoke.

(End of this chapter)

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