The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 949 954 Super martial arts competition! 1 more

Chapter 949 954 Super martial arts competition! 1 more

On this day, Mahayana-level powerhouses from Nanzhanbuzhou, Xihebuzhou, and Beilubuzhou appeared in front of the public and shocked everyone.

Although there were monks from these three continents who appeared in Eastern Shenbu Continent before, they were all below the Mahayana realm, and few even joined the Dao realm.

But now, a strong man from outside the Eastern Shenbu Continent appeared in such a swaggering manner.

Is it provocative?

This has rarely happened before, even if it entered the Eastern Shenbu Continent, it was hidden so deep that it was undetectable, where it would be like today, without any concealment.

"What do the powerhouses of these three continents want to do? When they appear like this, I always feel that something big is about to happen."

"It's over, my right eyelid is twitching, I'm afraid something bad will happen." A monk touched his right eyelid with a panicked expression.

"The five powerful forces must know that these people have gone to our Eastern Shenbu continent. If the five powerful forces do not show up, who can resist them in our Eastern Shenzhou?"

"The five powerful forces will not allow them to mess around."

"Look, they seem to be going to the Supreme Court."

The monks from Eastern Shenbuzhou are watching every move of several strong men from other continents, and they all want to know the purpose of these strong men appearing here.

Because according to the customary rules, the strong among the major continents are not allowed to appear in other continents, which violates the agreement signed in the past.

But now, obviously, this rule has been broken, and the other party's undisguised appearance is even more blatant than before secretly meddling with the top ten forces.

This kind of thing is not a good thing, no wonder some people feel that something big is going to happen.

On that day, these experts from other continents visited the Taishangmen, Sushui Palace, Wuxiangmen, Mujia, and Tianhezong, the five major forces one by one.

Surprisingly, everyone saw these powerful men from the other three major continents coming upright, and leaving like this, without any conflicts.

What did these people say to the five powers?
Is it just for a visit, that's all?

Many people are guessing, after all, such a thing has not happened for thousands of years.

Everyone's guesses are various, but obviously, they are all guesses and cannot be true.

In the afternoon of that day, the five major forces jointly sent out an astonishing news. Now, the speculation has just ended.

People finally know why the powerhouses from the other three continents appeared here.

"An exchange battle between young monks from the four continents?"

"My God, I read that right, is this going to be a martial arts fight?"

"It's not limited to one continent, but four continents together. This scale is too big."

"Did they come to our Eastern Godbe continent just for this?"

"The young monks from the four continents fought against each other to determine who is superior. This is to drive out the strength of the four continents." Someone sniffed out the purpose behind this young monk exchange meeting.

As for the true purpose of the other three continents, the five major forces are actually very clear.

The other party took the initiative to come to the door and talked about wanting to jointly hold a martial arts competition among young monks. At that time, the most powerful members of the five major forces understood the other party's intentions when they heard the news.

The real purpose of this exchange meeting is to test the combat power of the younger generation of Buzhou in the Eastern Gods, and to show the strength of the younger generation in Buzhou. In the final analysis, it is a test.

It's just that this kind of temptation is not among the strong, but falls on the younger generation of monks.

Because the strength of young monks can often tell the future strength of each continent, which is of great reference for some monks from other continents who have evil intentions.

As for the Mahayana realm powerhouses who were killed by the five powerful forces before, these people who came here did not mention it at all, nor did they show any anger for it. mood.

It's as if they don't know about it, and it has nothing to do with them.

But He Zhenren and other digital powerhouses knew in their hearts that the other party must know, but they just pretended to be confused and didn't pierce this layer of window paper, because they were not sure about the specific strength of Dongshenbuzhou, even if they died. They only know that the strength of the most powerful men in Eastern Shenbu Continent has weakened, but because all the strong men sent out before have been beheaded, they still want to vent their anger, and they can't come secretly. , It was only then that Ming came to take the initiative to create such a monk exchange meeting among the four major continents.

As soon as this news came out, the monks in the entire Eastern Shenbu Continent were very surprised, and at the same time they were faintly excited.

Because this is the first time that young monks from the four major continents have fought against each other.

What does it mean if you can show your talents in such a super martial arts competition?There is nothing to become famous in the entire comprehension world.

The younger generation of monks are especially excited, they think this is a great opportunity to become famous.

Of course, there are quite a few people who have such thoughts, but they also know the difficulty, not to mention Guangdong Shenbuzhou. You must know that there are three other younger generations in Buzhou who can say that this The Super Martial Arts Tournament will bring together all the young talents from the four major continents, and it is definitely not an easy task to shine in it.

It's hard to get ahead, but there are still people who want to try.

Soon, the five major forces jointly issued a message again, saying that they would prepare for the exchange meeting of young monks among the four major continents, and that they would hold a selection arena to select the top ten representatives of the Eastern Divine Region.

This time, there is no fight between the sects, only the Eastern Shenbu Continent.

Top ten places?

There is no restriction on the sect, whether you are a casual cultivator or not, as long as you are a monk of the younger generation.

All the young monks in the Eastern God Buzhou have the flames of fighting in their hearts, and they are all gearing up. The honor of representing the Eastern God Buzhou is too great. Let me ask, who would not want to fight on behalf of a Buzhou.

At that time, it will be a matter of great attention to fight against geniuses from other continents.

The screening arena was quickly set up, and the top five forces also spoke. Any young monks from Eastern Shenbu Continent are welcome to sign up.

The determination of these ten places will not be determined by the top five forces. Even if you are a genius among the top five forces, you have to pass the verification of this selection arena.

All of a sudden, there were a lot of people who came to sign up for the competition. The top five forces found that there were too many people. One selection stage did not know when it would be screened, so it was immediately changed to five arenas, which were held at the same time, and the top five forces were behind Supervise and put an end to all cheating.

Eastern Shenbuzhou suddenly became lively.

It is the dream of all young monks to represent the battle of honor in Eastern Shenbuzhou. Even if you are a casual cultivator, you are also eligible. As long as you are strong enough, this is a huge opportunity for countless casual cultivators.

If you can become famous in one battle, your future is absolutely limitless.

At this time, Ding Ning had just retreated from the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and his body was a little weak.

It was extremely difficult to fight against that ancient murderer.

The only thing that is gratifying is that his battles were not in vain. On the basis of the peak of the late stage of the Zhengdaohe Dao Realm, he has taken another step forward, and is about to take a step into the Mahayana realm.

"I've been practicing in seclusion for so long, it's time to go out and breathe some fresh air." Ding Ning stretched his limbs, and his whole body crackled.

(End of this chapter)

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