The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 950 955 Acquaintances! 2 more

Chapter 950 955 Acquaintances! 2 more

Walking out of the room and downstairs, Ding Ning found that the inn was very lively.

Especially what young monk exchange meeting they were discussing, how could he not know about it?
Ding Ning sat in front of a casual cultivator and asked, "Brother, what happened recently? What is the young monk's exchange meeting?"

Seeing Ding Ning sitting opposite him, the young rogue cultivator didn't care at all. He only regarded Ding Ning as a rogue cultivator just like him. He glanced at Ding Ning and said with a smile, "Your news is too closed. Even our East God I don’t even know about such a big thing happening in Buzhou.”

Ding Ning smiled slightly and said, "Recently, I have been in retreat, and I have just left it."

Hearing this, the monk on the opposite side understood, and he explained: "If we want to talk about this young monk exchange meeting, we have to start from half a month ago..."

After a while, Ding Ning left the inn, ready to go to the selection arena to have a look.

From the mouth of the casual cultivator just now, Ding Ning learned about all the major events that happened in Eastern Shenbu Continent during his retreat.

Qianshan Sect and Xuandong Sect were successively destroyed by Star Sect, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlong Mountain. Afterwards, the three new top ten forces, Star Sect, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlong Mountain, were destroyed by the top ten forces including Taishangmen and Sushui Palace. destroy.

Unexpectedly, during this period, there was a confrontation between the top ten forces, and this time the confrontation led to the top ten forces directly becoming the top five forces, which changed the inherent pattern of Eastern Shenbu Continent.

Moreover, the monk revealed that the reason why Star Sect, Liuli Pavilion, and Zhenlong Mountain were able to rise to become dark horses and occupy the positions of the top ten forces was because they were backed by the shadows of other tribes.

This also led to the coming of the most powerful people from other continents, and created a meeting of young monks from the four continents.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Ding Ning understood everything. He felt that Ding Ning was partly responsible for the reason why other Buzhou extended their hands to Dongshen Buzhou. The powerful forces are declining directly, and the forces of other continents will not easily cross the border, otherwise, why didn't these people extend their hands to the East Shenbu continent before.

This is because the number of strong people in Eastern Shenbu Continent has decreased, so they have other thoughts.

Ding Ning felt that it was a bit interesting for the exchange meeting of young monks from the four major continents. He selected ten strongest young geniuses to represent the Eastern God Buzhou to fight against young monks from the other three major continents. It is conceivable how many young monks crowded Desperately wanting to get this spot.

There is no screening arena in Iron City. He needs to go to the location of the five major forces, where there is a screening arena.

The closest to Tiecheng is Taishangmen.

Then go directly to the screening ring supervised by Taishangmen, just in time to find out whether Jiang Taichao is in Taishangmen.

With Jiang Taichao's strength, it is no problem to get one of the ten spots.

After all, he is the number one genius in the world of comprehension, compared to the other three young monks in Buzhou Ding Ning, how could there be no Jiang Taichao.

But what Ding Ning didn't know was that Jiang Taichao really hadn't returned to Taishangmen, which made Master He furious. Even Master He couldn't contact Jiang Taichao himself.

Tiecheng has a teleportation array, which can go directly to the vicinity of Taishangmen, and there are quite a few people rushing from Tiecheng to the screening arena, and they are teleporting every day.

Now that there is a teleportation array, Ding Ning doesn't plan to rush there by himself, and directly passes through the teleportation array, which saves some effort.

He hadn't fully regained his strength after fighting that ancient beast for so long.

But Ding Ning doesn't care. If he wants to restore his strength, it's very simple and easy. Before that, he put all the pools in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, and the No. It was put away by him, as long as he mobilized some, it would be completely recovered after absorbing it.

When he came to the teleportation formation, Ding Ning found that there was no one in the teleportation formation. Didn't they participate in the screening?

But soon, this doubt was solved by a kind passerby.

"You also want to go to Taishangmen to participate in the screening."

Ding Ning nodded.

This is an old man with a hunchback and a lot of wrinkles on his face. His cultivation base is in the late stage of Qi training, and he belongs to the kind of mediocre talent. Otherwise, he would not stay in Qi training for the rest of his life.

The old man didn't know that Ding Ning saw through him at a glance. Of course, even if he knew, he was used to it. He knew his own strength, and there were as many people who were higher than him, so it wasn't surprising.

"Too many people have teleported these past few days, causing this teleportation array to be damaged. It cannot be teleported there temporarily. It can only be used after it is repaired. If you are in a hurry to go there, you can go ahead. There is a flying ship there. , the speed is fast, and the price is cheap, there are many young people like you."

"Thank you." Ding Ning thanked the kind-hearted old man, and casually stuffed a piece of spirit stone to the other party. He didn't give too much. A medium-grade spirit stone is considered a small fortune for a Qi-training practitioner. .

Before the other party refused, Ding Ning's figure quickly walked away.

Sure enough, not long after he walked forward, he saw a huge flying ship parked not far away, and someone among them was yelling on the bow, just like the driver of a bus or a cable car on Earth yelling at passengers to sit in his car Same.

"Those who want to participate in the selection arena, hurry up, there is still half a stick of incense to sail, and if you want to sit again, you will have to wait for several hours."

Seeing that there were many people standing on the flying boat, Ding Ning didn't want to squeeze with them. With his strength, it would not take much effort to go to Taishangmen alone, so it is better to go alone.

Ding Ning was about to turn around and leave. It's not like he didn't have a flying boat, and at most he wasted some energy.

But before Ding Ning left, he heard someone calling him.

"Brother Ding Mo..."

'"Brother Ding..."

Ding Ning turned his head and looked towards the boat. He saw several familiar figures.

Few people knew the name Ding Mo, namely Lu Feng, Lu Yao and others back then.

The person standing at the bow and waving at him was either them or someone.

"Is it really you, Brother Ding Mo? I thought I was wrong."

Seeing Ding Ning approaching, Lu Feng said excitedly.

"Brother Ding, you have to go to the arena too, come up quickly, let's go together." Lu Yao shouted, with a blush on her face.

Ding Ning thought for a moment, then walked onto the boat.

It's rare to meet a few acquaintances, so let's go to that place to screen the ring with them.

Ding Ning paid the Lingshi and came to the boat.

The stone and the wood were also there, and they were still a group of four. At the beginning, there were Li Luo and Zhou Ce, but later Ding Ning saw through these two guys' unruly intentions. Ding Ning withdrew from the group, and there were only four people left.

Ding Ning greeted several people, entered the cabin together, and chatted.

(End of this chapter)

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