The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 957 962 He's very arrogant! 3 more

Chapter 957 962 He's very arrogant! 3 more

As soon as Uncle A stood up, just like before, that aura immediately pressed towards Ding Ning's direction.

This momentum...

Following Uncle A's movement, all the other people present were startled by the gushing momentum.

This momentum is a bit strong.

"How do I feel, it doesn't look like the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm level, I'm afraid it can't be an existence above the Nascent Soul Realm."

"Staying with the son of the Tianhe Sect's lord, his strength is at least in the Out of Aperture Realm, and he is probably a strong out of Aperture Realm."

Following some people's guesses, many people nodded and thought it was credible. The main reason was that Cheng Kun's status was unusual. It was reasonable for a heir of the suzerain to be protected by strong people.

The main reason is that it is impossible to distinguish the level of a monk from the aura. The aura is different from the aura. The aura is just a kind of aura, which is an invisible thing. It is like a mountain. When you stand at the foot of the mountain, you will be shocked by the height of the mountain. , which is the function of potential.

It is a bit similar to temperament, for example, those people in high positions stand in front of you, without talking, you can feel from the other party that this person is not an ordinary person, because you can clearly feel the invisible aura exuded by the other party .

Ordinary people have momentum, let alone monks, and monks use momentum even more powerfully. Facing opponents, sometimes they only need to show momentum to overwhelm them.

Uncle A had such an idea.

Others were amazed at how extraordinary this aura was. Lu Feng and Lu Yao were also oppressed by this overwhelming aura. Every second was a torment.

But for Ding Ning, he really didn't feel anything.

Seeing that Lu Feng and Lu Yao showed pain on their faces.

Ding Ning swept it casually, and the ground suddenly made them feel light all over. The feeling of being overwhelmed and breathless before disappeared without a trace in an instant.

On the other hand, Uncle A's expression changed, and his body trembled slightly.

If you are interested, you will find that Uncle A's feet have just moved an inch or so with Ding Ning's sweep.

Uncle A's eyes shone with light. He had felt that Ding Ning's strength was extraordinary before, but he didn't expect that he would just understate the aura he released just now.

Although he only released the aura of the fifth level, it was enough to make the younger generation of monks breathless.

There is something interesting about this young man.

Seeing Ding Ning so relaxed, Uncle A felt that he really had to get rid of such a formidable enemy for his young master.

In the cabin of the airship before, he saw Ding Ning make a move. At that time, Ding Ning tore Wang Chengkun's mouth and kicked Wang Chengkun, who had the strength of the early Nascent Soul Realm, in an instant. In his opinion, Ding Ning The realm may be in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, or it may be at its peak in the late stage.

In the world of comprehension, if a young monk can break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, he can be called a genius.

If one can enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, then one is a genius among geniuses, and in the later stage, it is rare, and there are only a handful of them.

As for the peak in the later stage, there are even fewer people who belong to monster-like characters.

Therefore, after Uncle Jia concluded that Ding Ning's strength might be at the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, he was surprised that such a genius was actually met by them.

However, this is also a good thing. If Ding Ning participates in the selection battle, he will inevitably bump into his own young master. At that time, a fight will inevitably occur. With the young master's strength, it is really hard to say whether he can defeat Ding Ning.

Therefore, it would be great if Ding Ning could be dealt with in advance.

"The five layers of aura can't hold you down, so I'll take out the seven layers to see if you can still resist it." Uncle A was not in a hurry to make a move. Since he made a move for the young master, he naturally wanted to win the beauty, and his aura is enough to make his move. But Ding Ning was seriously injured, it was undoubtedly a beautiful battle, even if Ding Ning was not killed, it was enough to make Ding Ning seriously injured and unable to participate in the screening battle.

Thinking of this, Uncle A once again suppressed his aura, this time, adding two layers.

Don't underestimate these two layers. Uncle Jia is a strong person in the Leaving Aperture Realm. With this level of cultivation, there is a big difference between the momentum released by one more layer and one less.

Ding Ning's eyes flashed, he didn't expect this old guy to come back, did he really think that he could make Ding Ning obediently submit by virtue of his aura?
With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Ding Ning took a step forward, blocking all the aura for Lu Feng and Lu Yao, not falling on him alone.

I saw Ding Ning standing in front, just like the big gun behind him, very straight, no matter how oppressive he was, he remained motionless like a mountain.

Now it's Uncle A's turn to be surprised, the oppression of the seven-level momentum still doesn't work?

He was already high enough to think highly of Ding Ning, otherwise he wouldn't have added two more layers.

"It's really impressive." Uncle Jia, as a strong person in the Aperture Realm, would have some embarrassment if he directly attacked the younger generation.

That being the case, Uncle A's expression flickered, and he simply released all his aura.

Let's see if Ding Ning can carry it.

The momentum was overwhelmed, and Lu Feng and Lu Yao could feel that the other party seemed to be increasing their strength.

However, the other party's blame did not fall on them, but was borne by Ding Ning alone.

Ding Ning's body is still standing straight, like a high mountain that will never collapse.

A smile gradually appeared on Ding Ning's face, and after a while, Ding Ning was still intact.

"How could this be?" Uncle A was stunned.

In his opinion, this is extremely unscientific. How could Ding Ning, a young monk, easily withstand the oppression of his momentum.

This result was far beyond his expectations.

Cheng Kun, who had been waiting to see Ding Ning's attack, frowned: "Uncle Jia, don't hold back, this person should be taught a lesson, otherwise all cats and dogs will bully my subordinates in the future, and my Tianhe Sect will lose face." Where is it?"

Cheng Kun reminded Uncle Jia that there is no need to worry about face, even if Ding Ning is a junior, he still has to make a move.

Hearing his young master's urging, Uncle A sighed. He looked at Ding Ning and said, "You young man is quite capable, but if you do some things, you have to pay the price."

"Besides, you are really arrogant, so I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents."

While Uncle A was talking, Ding Ning said impatiently, "You're very nagging, hurry up when you're done talking, I still have things to do, I don't have time to waste on you rubbish."


Ding Ning once again kept on talking nonchalantly, saying that Uncle Jia didn't talk too much, and even called him rubbish.

The people around felt that it was lively now, and this added fuel to the flames.

This kid, the show is even better.

Those who dare to call Tianhezong are rubbish, Ding Ning is definitely the only one, at least on the surface, no one has done so.

"Uncle A, tear his mouth apart." Cheng Kun said angrily.

Uncle A's complexion has darkened, and Ding Ning's arrogance is still beyond his imagination.

"Young man, you asked for this!"

"Is it over?" Ding Ning asked lightly.


Uncle A finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stopped talking, and wanted to teach Ding Ning a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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