The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 958 Chapter 963 Loose Cultivator Hong 7! 1 more

Chapter 958 963 Loose Cultivator Hong Qi! 1 more

Uncle A was completely enraged. In his opinion, Ding Ning's superciliousness had reached the point of ignoring everything.

Didn't they know that Ding Ning didn't take him seriously at all.

For example, a person who has just learned to hold a sword against the enemy, facing a sword body, beeps endlessly, how can a sword master have patience, and listens to many directions.

At this time, Ding Ning is the mentality of a sword master.

As soon as Uncle A made a move, the surrounding people immediately exclaimed, because this time, his strength was completely exposed in front of everyone, and it was no longer traceless.

"Sure enough, it is out of the body, this breath can't be wrong."

People know the general state of Uncle A, which is at the level of leaving the body.

In fact, in Cheng Kun's capacity, generally speaking, his trips should be protected by a strong person at the Dao level.

Even Cheng Kun had this idea in his heart, but reality doesn't allow it.

Although Tianhezong has become one of the top five forces, in terms of background, compared with Taishangmen, Sushui Palace, etc., it is still a bit worse. Even if they all have Mahayana and Dao realms, but in terms of number, Tianhezong But it is less than the other party.

Especially the existence of Hedao realm level, Tianhe Sect is even less pitiful, and only a few of them are too busy to protect Cheng Kun, because wasting the time of a strong Daoist to protect Cheng Kun is not worth the loss. Only then did Uncle Jia, who was out of the Aperture Realm, protect Cheng Kun's safety.

From Cheng Kun's father's point of view, they will not encounter any danger. Tianhezong is one of the top five forces. As long as they reveal their identities, few people dare to provoke them. Uncle Jia's strength is enough.

Besides, Cheng Kun went to the Supreme Court to participate in the screening, and he didn't stay away from the realm of comprehension. Basically, he was in public. He really didn't believe that someone would dare to be so arrogant, dare to move Cheng Kun, and openly offend Tianhe Zong.

Seeing that Uncle Jia used real means, a smile appeared on Cheng Kun's face.

He said calmly to Wang Chenglun beside him: "Look with your own eyes, that guy will soon become very miserable."

Wang Chenglun already has the mentality of a dog slave, and when he heard Cheng Kun's words, he immediately smiled and said: "Uncle Jia will definitely let this person know how pathetic it is to be arrogant in front of us, and the slave also thank you, son, for standing up for the slave. "

Cheng Kun was very satisfied with Wang Chenglun's attitude. Back then, this guy was a sycophant. Although he didn't like it very much, he was in a good mood to be sycophant all the time.

Furthermore, although Wang Chenglun is a slave here, Wang Chenglun's talent is actually acceptable, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm level, and it is still worth cultivating.

While the two were talking, Uncle A's attack had already arrived in front of Ding Ning.

This seemingly neither fast nor slow attack is Uncle A's method second only to the killer's mace. Although it is a bit overkill to deal with Ding Ning, but Ding Ning was enraged, and he also moved to kill.

Dare to say that he is rubbish, even his own son has never said so.

Although Uncle Jia is a similar domestic servant of the Tianhe Sect, his status is not low, no less than that of the elders of the Tianhe Sect. Even the elders will nod their heads when they see him, when has he been so humiliated.

The strong cannot be humiliated, so Uncle A wants to make Ding Ning pay the price.

Seeing that Uncle A's attack was about to fall on Ding Ning, Ding Ning still kept his original movements, because he had no intention of fighting back.

Lu Feng and Lu Yao looked at it in their hearts and felt anxious. Although they knew Ding Ning's general strength, they couldn't help worrying about Ding Ning right now.

"Haha, be afraid. Uncle A got angry, he was too scared to move." Wang Chengkun saw this scene from the opposite side, and immediately laughed out loud, his face very proud, as if he was the one who attacked Ding Ning the same as myself.

"Brother Ding, be careful."

"Brother Ding..."

Brothers Lu Feng and Lu Yao are reminding Ding Ning that Ding Ning has not responded, and they really have no idea.

Uncle Jia looked at Ding Ning who was close at hand, as if he didn't realize it, and couldn't help sneering in his heart, "It turns out that this son is nothing more than that. The previous arrogance and domineering was just a moment of quick talk."

He also believed that Ding Ning was frightened by his own strength and did not dare to fight back.

Just when many people thought that Ding Ning was really frightened by Uncle Jia's strength, they suddenly heard Ding Ning speak.

"Flame gun!"

As soon as the three words came out, the flame gun that had been carried on Ding Ning's back swished. Like a snake, it bent and went along his neck to his chest, and immediately attacked Uncle A. Make a tit-for-tat attack.

The spear was unsheathed, and there was a vibrating sound from the tip of the spear, which directly collided with Uncle Jia's attack.

What I saw was that the spear shot straight in, smashing the attack in an instant, and went straight through the attack, heading straight for Uncle Jia.

Uncle A was startled, he didn't expect this gun to be so powerful, it broke his killing blow so quickly, and came to him in an instant.

Swing your arm and punch.

The tip of the gun and the tip of the fist met the wheat awn, a dazzling light burst out for a moment, and the sound of sizzling came out.

Uncle Jia only felt a tingling sensation coming from his fist, and couldn't help saying: "Good gun."

Under the sharp attack of the flame gun, Uncle A took a step back, avoiding the blow, and did not continue to stand together.


The flame gun flew back to Ding Ning's side with a whistling sound, hanging by the side, as if protecting its owner at all times.

The people around were all stunned. Unexpectedly, Ding Ning didn't make a move at all, and only relied on a long spear to defuse Uncle Jia's attack.

And even Uncle Jia praised the power of this spear.

What kind of gun is this?Is it that great?

Even Cheng Kun's eyes showed a strange look, it was a trace of greed, wanting to take this gun for himself.

He didn't believe that Ding Ning could defuse Uncle A's attack. The only explanation was that this gun was really extraordinary.

Uncle A was also moved, thinking of killing people to seize the treasure, because he had just personally experienced the power of this long spear. If he hadn't retreated, he might have been damaged in the final confrontation.

"If this gun is captured and used by the young master, in the arena of the screening battle, I'm afraid the chance will increase by three points. As for the spear skills, it's not a problem. My Tianhe sect also has spear skills."

In an instant, Uncle A was thinking of taking away the flame gun, and immediately, he was about to strike again.

But at this moment, a voice made him stop: "Your Excellency, as a strong man of the Tianhe Sect, isn't it a bit inappropriate to bully a junior like this?"

Who is going to meddle?

As everyone looked around, they saw an old man in ragged clothes sitting on a stone not far away, with weeds hanging from his mouth, his legs crossed, and he looked like a fool.

"Who are you?" Uncle Jia frowned. Since the other party knew their identities and dared to intervene openly, he must not be an unknown person.

Only the dirty old man said with a smile: "Cultivate Hong Qi casually."

Uncle A was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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