The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 959 Give me face! 964 more

Chapter 959 Give me face! 964 more

Loose cultivator Hong Qi!

The four words echoed in everyone's ears.

Ding Ning didn't know who Sanxiu Hong Qi was, but Lu Feng knew who Sanxiu Hong Qi was.

"Is it really the No. 1 Hong Qi?" Lu Feng's eyes flashed with shock.

Lu Yao didn't know who Sanxiu Hong Qi was, so she couldn't help asking, "Brother, is he very powerful?"

"Amazing?" Lu Feng smiled: "He is more than amazing, he is the No.1 in physical training, a legendary casual cultivator."

Then Lu Feng briefly told the deeds of Sanxiu Hong Qi.

Hong Qi, a loose cultivator, has no sect, and relies on himself for all his practice. In fact, this is not outstanding among countless casual cultivators, because everyone is similar, without the protection of the sect, and the provision of the Dharma gate , all practice, all by their own groping.

And why is it said that Hong Qi, a casual cultivator, is not ordinary, because he is the first existence to enter the Dao-Healing Realm by virtue of body training, Dao-Healing Realm, he only needs to take one step forward, and he is at the level of the strongest.

Hong Qi, a casual cultivator, did not rely on any sect resources, and relied on his own explorations to find out the Dao Harmonious Realm, and he was also a body-refining physical cultivator, which is not something everyone can do.

"It is said that his physical body is already strong enough to rival the strongest in the early stage of the Mahayana realm, which is equivalent to crossing a great realm. Do you think such a character is worthy of being a legendary figure?" Lu Feng finished speaking slowly, looking at his younger sister, Lu Feng. The surprised faces of Yao, Stone, and Wood.

Several people nodded one after another. Such a character is indeed admirable.

Relying on body training only, not cultivating Dharma, but cultivating body skills alone, to reach such a height is also the only one.

The people around were also discussing Hong Qi, a casual cultivator. It is rare to see such a legendary figure, but now they are lucky enough to meet them, and they are all surprised by it. It turns out that this legendary figure is so unkempt, and there is no such thing as a strong person. The imposing manner, more like a beggar, is really surprising.

"Tsk tsk, I never thought that senior Hong would look like this. Even if he passed by me, I would never have thought that this is a strong man." Someone sighed.

"I now know what it means to not be judged by appearances."

"No.1 in physical training, today is really lucky."

The discussions around were not small, Cheng Kun and Wang Chenglun both heard it, and Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, which really made them feel uncomfortable.

Did Hong Qi want to stand up for Ding Ning and fight against injustice?
Things are a little difficult.

Cheng Kun has also heard of Hong Qi, and knows that this person is powerful, and his father once wanted to recruit this person, but unfortunately, it is difficult to find his trace, let alone win over the other party. Unexpectedly, he met him now.

"There's no point in bullying the small by the big. Tianhe Zong is one of the top five powers. Now, doing this in front of everyone, isn't it a bit petty, and people will laugh at it if it spreads out." Hong Qi said.

Uncle Jia looked at the opponent, frowning deeply, because with his strength, he was really no match against the opponent, but he couldn't retreat because of this, it was not only embarrassing for him, but Tianhezong would also be ashamed because of it.

"This person moved my Tianhe sect and humiliated me. Should I pretend that I didn't hear it?" Uncle Jia replied, "It's better not to meddle in other people's business. Be friends instead of enemies."

Uncle Jia's intention was obvious, and he hoped that Hong Qi would not intervene, otherwise he would be an enemy of Tianhezong.

Hong Qi laughed when he heard the words: "Of course I, Hong Qi, would like to be friends with Tianhezong, but I like this kid, can Tianhezong give him another face?"

Uncle Jia didn't answer right away, but Cheng Kun spoke at this moment and said, "Okay, I, Tianhe Sect, will give Senior a face."

Hong Qi looked at Cheng Kun and said with a smile: "There are so many young masters, you are worthy of being a dragon and a phoenix among men."

But Cheng Kun didn't finish his sentence, he said to Hong Qi: "This time, I don't care about him, senior can come to my Tianhe sect in the future."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Hong Qi smiled.

"Uncle A, let's go." Cheng Kun said to Uncle A, with his son speaking, Uncle A happened to have a step up, and there was no need to continue the conversation with Hong Qi, otherwise, even if he knew he was invincible, he would have to live with him With a few tricks, we can't lose the power of Tianhezong.

"My lord..." Seeing that his lord was going to let it go, Wang Chenglun became depressed, and he agreed to teach Ding Ning a lesson.

One of the top five and ten most powerful forces in Tianhe Zongtang, don't care about a monk in the Dao realm.

Cheng Kun knew what Wang Chenglun wanted to say, so he said, "Shut up."

Even if Wang Chenglun was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say another word.

Before Cheng Kun took a few steps, he suddenly turned his head and said to Ding Ning: "I know you are also here to participate in the screening battle. I hope to meet you in the arena. We will settle our score there, and I will wait for you."

After speaking, regardless of whether Ding Ning agreed or not, Cheng Kun left with a few people.

The people around did not immediately disperse. After all, there was such a legendary figure as Hong Qi in front of them.

Lu Feng, Lu Yao and the others saw Cheng Kun and the others walking away, and immediately came to Hong Qi, and thanked him: "Thank you, senior, for helping us out."

Hong Qi stroked his beard, waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, I'm being sold to save face."

As he spoke, he looked at Ding Ning. The reason why he spoke was naturally because of Ding Ning.

From the very beginning when Ding Ning faced Uncle A, he liked Ding Ning, especially after that, Ding Ning's unchanging expression when facing Uncle A made him appreciate it even more.

Mount Tai is on the top without changing his face, calm and calm when encountering situations, isn't this the standard for him to choose his apprentices.

Hence, Hong Qi, who had been hiding in the busy city, stood up and wanted to resolve the attack of Uncle Jia and others for Ding Ning.

Hong Qi walked towards Ding Ning, thinking in his heart that if he helped Ding Ning, the other party should be grateful to him now.

He pricked up his ears, ready to accept Ding Ning's thanks, just like Lu Feng, Lu Yao and others just now, when he expresses his intention to accept disciples, the matter will be settled.

But Hong Qi waited for a long time, but Ding Ning did not say a word of thanks.

This time, Hong Qi quit, I helped you, you should at least express your gratitude.

"Boy, do you have to say something?"

Hong Qi felt that maybe Ding Ning was the kind of person who didn't know much about the world, he was a little dull and didn't realize it, so he should remind Ding Ning himself.

Since I reminded myself like this, Ding Ning should know what to do now.

"What?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"Don't you think you should thank me? If I hadn't made the move, do you think you could stand here and talk to me properly?" Seeing that Ding Ning was not enlightened, Hong Qi pointed it out, old man, I just helped you what.

But Ling Hong Qi never expected Ding Ning's answer, which made him almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"If it wasn't for you, do you think they would be able to leave?" Ding Ning asked.


Hong Qi gasped, is there still such an operation?

The feeling is that I stand up too much.

Hong Qi was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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