The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 965 970 The arrogant soldiers must be defeated! 2 more

Chapter 965 970 The arrogant soldiers must be defeated! 2 more

With five more challengers, he, Lu Feng, would be qualified for the preliminary screening.

Lu Feng tried his best to keep himself calm. At the last moment, he couldn't take it lightly. At the last moment, it is uncertain who will jump into the ring.

"I'll fight you."

At this moment, a voice came from not far away, Lu Feng looked around for his reputation, and suddenly his eyes focused.

He recognized Wang Chenglun.

Did Wang Chenglun make a move at this time because he saw that he didn't have much strength left?
Lu Feng frowned.

Lu Yao, Shitou, and Mumu all recognized Wang Chenglun when they saw Wang Chenglun jumping into the ring. Unexpectedly, this guy appeared at this time.

Obviously, Wang Chenglun played at the right time. With his strength, he naturally knew that he was not Lu Feng's opponent. Now he dared to take the initiative to come up because Lu Feng didn't have much strength left.

"Despicable guy." Anger was written on Lu Yao's face, she naturally knew what Wang Chenglun's presence meant at this moment.

"I don't know how much strength is left, Big Brother Lu. This guy clearly wants to take advantage and take revenge by the way." Shitou said.

Mu Mu was also frowning: "If Brother Lu hadn't experienced so many fights, this person would definitely not be his opponent, but now Brother Lu is already holding on."

Wang Chenglun was a bad visitor, and Lu Feng also knew this.

But he can't hide now, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will fight on, success is in front of him, and he will never allow himself to fail.

Wang Chenglun jumped lightly, and stood on the ring. He looked at Lu Feng with a smile, and reported his family name: "Wang Chenglun, please."

Lu Feng clasped his fists, "I'm coming to Lu Feng, please."

Wang Chenglun didn't say much, just said his name, and then took the initiative to attack.

All the words were contained on his face. Between the two of them, it would be superfluous to say too much. Both sides knew the purpose of the other party's appearance at this time.

Wang Chenglun wanted revenge, which made Lu Feng fall short.

Lu Feng has to defend the last few battles.

The two collided immediately.

The fists of the two were facing each other, and Wang Chenglun sneered, and then he snorted, and suddenly poured out all his strength.


Lu Feng was kicked out a few steps, backed up again and again, almost fell out of the ring.

"What's the matter? I don't have any strength here, do you?"

Wang Chenglun saw that Lu Feng looked a little embarrassed, and said something lightly.

Lu Feng rubbed his fists, Wang Chenglun went all out when he came up, without holding back a bit, forcing him to use all the strength he had.

Lu Feng didn't get angry because of the other party's sarcasm. At this juncture, calmness is the most important thing.

With his current state, it is somewhat difficult to defeat Wang Chenglun in his prime, but it is not impossible.

However, it is unrealistic to defeat the opponent without expending energy.

Lu Feng's eyes rolled, and he restrained his breath without letting it out.

Wang Chenglun looked at Lu Feng's actions with a smile, felt the other party's restrained breath, and couldn't help laughing: "What's the use of restraining your breath, you can't defeat me right now."

Said, Wang Chenglun took the initiative to attack and kill.

In an instant, Wang Chenglun punched countless punches, making the entire ring feel like a storm was falling.

The berserk attacks made Lu Feng dodge frequently. Instead of confronting Wang Chenglun head-on, he chose to dodge instead of facing these attacks directly.

Because, once he catches the opponent's attack, it will consume energy.

Now every ounce of strength in the dantian is extremely important, and it is related to whether Lu Feng can make it to the end.

With the continuous bombardment of his fists, Wang Chenglun felt a sense of comfort in his heart. If it was normal, he would not be able to gain such an advantage when facing Lu Feng, forcing Lu Feng to retreat steadily.

But today, he did it, the right time, the right place, and the right people, everything was in favor of him, Wang Chenglun.

He will let Lu Feng taste the feeling of being about to succeed but failing.

This will make him feel very happy.

With one punch and one punch, Wang Chenglun's attacks kept failing. It was okay for a short time, but after a long time, he became depressed. Although he had the upper hand, he still couldn't beat Lu Feng, and he couldn't.

However, Lu Feng is too cunning, and his weird body skills can always avoid his fists. Over time, Wang Chenglun feels that he has been fighting against the air.

Thinking of this, Wang Chenglun immediately said, "Lu Feng, are you afraid? Why do you keep hiding?"

"Aren't you very strong? Now you can't even take a punch from me. You are so disappointing."

Wang Chenglun's words suddenly increased, because he wanted Lu Feng to confront him head-on, so that he would have a chance to knock Lu Feng down. Otherwise, if this continues, he would have the upper hand, but he would become a monkey player, and he would never be able to beat Lu Feng. , will be laughed at after all, especially in front of so many people.

He wants to stimulate Lu Feng and anger Lu Feng, in that case, his goal will be achieved.

"Shameless, if it wasn't for my brother who doesn't have much strength left, how could you be his opponent." Lu Yao scolded, she was very disgusted with Wang Chenglun's behavior.

"He wants to force Big Brother Lu to fight him head-on. I hope Big Brother Lu won't be fooled."

"I believe Brother Lu will defeat him, even if Brother Lu is in the worst state at the moment."

Stone and Wood are full of confidence in Lu Feng, thinking that Lu Feng can defeat Wang Chenglun, and Wang Chenglun is just a villain.

Not far from the arena, Cheng Kun and Uncle Jia stood together. Cheng Kun saw Wang Chenglun's performance, and his face was expressionless.

"Uncle A, do you think he will win?"

Cheng Kun asked suddenly.

"A proud soldier will be defeated."

"Uncle Jia, you are really concise." Cheng Kun smiled: "It seems that I still need to go on stage to defeat him after all."

"This person is able to come here and remain calm in the face of ridicule. I am afraid that his backhand will soon be revealed, and the victory or defeat will be at that moment." Uncle Jia said.

"As expected of Uncle Jia." Cheng Kun nodded.

Wang Chenglun didn't know all his actions, in the hearts of Cheng Kun and Uncle Jia, it was already thought that he would lose to Lu Feng.

He was still thinking about stimulating Lu Feng and then defeating him.

But just as Uncle Jia finished speaking, Lu Feng, who had been dodging all the time, suddenly had a flash of expression, and he suddenly disappeared in front of Wang Chenglun.

What about people?

Wang Chenglun was taken aback.

In the next second, he realized something, turned his head suddenly, and saw Lu Feng's resolute face, and Lu Feng's long-planned attack.

not good!

Wang Chenglun wanted to dodge in his mind, but it was too late to dodge now. Lu Feng had been waiting for this blow for a long time, just to determine the outcome with one move.

Suddenly, Wang Chenglun felt his body lighten, and he was knocked off the ring by Lu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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