The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 966 971 Cheng Kun makes a move! 3 more

Chapter 966 971 Cheng Kun makes a move! 3 more

Wang Chenglun hit the ground heavily, and the surrounding crowd all backed away automatically.

Wang Chenglun, who smashed a hole in the ground, his eyes fell on the ring again, and fixed on Lu Feng's figure.


He didn't expect that when Lu Feng had only a little strength left, he still failed to defeat the opponent, and instead lost in public.

This sense of shame instantly filled his heart.


Wang Chenglun was not reconciled, he was really not reconciled, he clearly had the upper hand, why did he lose all of a sudden.

In fact, Wang Chenglun's defeat was just as Cheng Kun and Uncle Jia expected. When Wang Chenglun and Lu Feng fought, although Lu Feng kept dodging, the two could see that Lu Feng had no intention of giving up at all.

Lu Feng must have been waiting for the moment when the fight would end with one blow.

Wang Chenglun has an advantage, but he is arrogant and thinks that he can get Lu Feng, which makes him ignore many details invisibly.

Therefore, Wang Chenglun's defeat was inevitable.

"Brother, you are amazing." Lu Yao was happy for Lu Feng, especially seeing Wang Chenglun leave in a disheveled state, which made her even more happy.

Stone and Wood couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, having defeated Wang Chenglun, Lu Feng was one step closer to defeating a hundred opponents.

Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He had long thought of a way to defeat Wang Chenglun. Based on his previous understanding of Wang Chenglun, once Wang Chenglun gained the upper hand, he would be complacent and elated, and this was his opportunity.

As he expected, after Wang Chenglun gained the upper hand, he began to talk proudly, and even wanted to provoke him to fight back, but Lu Feng couldn't see it.

Naturally, he wouldn't be fooled, he restrained the breath of his whole body, and at the same time condensed the strength of his physical body in one point as he dodged.

He wants to rely on physical strength to win, but there is only one chance to attack with physical strength, so he must watch the timing.

So, when Wang Chenglun was triumphant, Lu Feng suddenly launched a counterattack, and then condensed all the power of his body into one attack, and the winner was determined by one move.

"Young master..." Wang Chenglun stepped onto the ring with great vigor, and now he returned dejectedly, not daring to look at Cheng Kun.

"My lord, I'm ashamed of you." Wang Chenglun lowered his head.

"Do you know where you lost?" Cheng Kun asked.

Wang Chenglun shook his head.

"You are really a waste, you don't even know where you are defeated, how can I reuse you in the future if you are like this." Cheng Kun scolded.

"Son, I..."

"Forget it, just watch from the sidelines." Cheng Kun didn't let Wang Chenglun continue talking, making Wang Chenglun hold back abruptly.

There are four more.

What was consumed just now was physical strength, and there are still two layers of strength in the dantian, which should be enough to deal with the next four opponents.

Lu Feng clenched his fists. He wanted to take a moment to recover his physical strength. At critical times, physical strength can also be the key to victory.

After defeating Wang Chenglun, no one came to the ring for a while.

Many people were still overwhelmed by Lu Feng's strength.

After waiting for a while, there was still no one to see. In Lu Fengle's situation, as long as there is no opponent on stage, he will have more time to recover.

"No one else?"

"Maybe he has run out of oil and the lamp is dry, why don't you go up and have a try."

Around the arena, some people were discussing, thinking that one more person might be able to defeat Lu Feng, making him unable to achieve a record of winning 100 people in a row.


"Someone has gone up, look."

"Hey, really, when did it go up? It wasn't there just a moment ago. It was so quiet."

It was Cheng Kun who stepped into the ring. He said that if Wang Cheng was defeated, he would go to the ring to defeat Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng saw Cheng Kun, his expression flickered, and his brows were deeply frowned, because he knew who the person in front of him was.

The son of the lord of Tianhe Sect is also a genius of Tianhe Sect. Facing such an opponent at this time, he really has no idea.

Although Cheng Kun didn't reveal any aura, Lu Feng could also feel that the other party was not simple.

Don't say that he is in a bad state now, even in his prime, he doesn't know if he can match him.

"Isn't this...that person!" Lu Yao looked at Cheng Kun on the ring, and she could feel the change in her brother Lu Feng's expression. When this person appeared, her brother's expression suddenly became much more serious.

"Oops, he actually got into the ring!" Shi Shi and Mu Mu's expressions turned ugly. They knew what it meant for Cheng Kun to get into the ring. It was very likely that Lu Feng would be defeated in this battle. It was all in vain.

"Tianhezong, Cheng Kun." Cheng Kun reported his identity with a calm expression.

Lu Feng also reported his name again.

But obviously, the same names of the two caused different discussions. Although Lu Feng was good in strength, his background was far inferior to that of Cheng Kun, so after Cheng Kun told his name and origin, he immediately It aroused many people's discussions, and even the elders who came to the door could not help but look at it a few more times.

Tianhezong's genius has come here to participate in the screening battle.

Cheng Kun is not the only genius in Tianhezong, but in order to avoid running into each other in the arena, Tianhezong specially ordered those who participated in the selection battle to separate and go to different selection arenas.

It's not just the Tianhe Sect who do this, the same is true for Taishangmen, Sushui Palace, and Wuxiangmen.

It's all about as many as possible, so that the disciples of their own sect will not run into each other in advance.

Based on Cheng Kun's identity and background, everyone became interested, and the betting under the ring began to bet again. Many people originally bought Lu Fengsheng, but now they are betting on Cheng Kun.

Cheng Kun is the son of the Tianhe Sect's lord, and his strength will definitely not be weak. Moreover, Lu Feng has been fighting continuously for so long. In the hearts of many people, he is even less likely to be Cheng Kun's opponent.

Some people have already begun to feel sorry for Lu Feng. If Cheng Kun hadn't appeared, he would have become the fifth person to pass the preliminary screening.

Lu Yao, Shitou, and Mumu all had serious expressions on their faces. They knew that Cheng Kun was definitely a formidable enemy.

"Your big brother Lu, this time we are doomed."

Wang Chenglun's voice came, this guy just lost the battle, now seeing his young master on the ring, he immediately ran here to cheer for Cheng Kun, of course the main purpose is to make sarcastic remarks, to hit Lu Yao and the others .

"Hmph, you're a defeated general, you're still embarrassed to talk, have you forgotten how you lost to my brother just now?" Lu Yao countered.

"What's the matter, my son will win it back for me, but it's a pity that you, Big Brother Lu, are about to succeed, and you lost here. Zizi, it's really a happy thing." Wang Chenglun ignored Lu Yao's sarcasm continued to speak cheekily.

On the ring, Cheng Kun glanced down the ring, he didn't look at Lu Yao and the others, but at Ding Ning in the distance, and smiled.

"Want to fight with me?" Ding Ning was moved.

(End of this chapter)

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