The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 969 974 Bet! 3 more

Chapter 969 974 Bet! 3 more

Since this Cheng Kun is so arrogant, if Ding Ning does not satisfy the other party, he will really disappoint the other party too much.

And before that, the other party wanted to trouble him, but was stopped, and the two sides failed to fight.

Now that Cheng Kun is openly provoking, let's continue with the previous battle that he didn't make a move.

Ding Ning moved his feet and came directly through the air.

In an instant, they were on the stage.

Lu Feng and the others were all overjoyed, because they knew that Ding Ning would definitely not lose against Cheng Kun if he made a move.

As long as it wasn't for the old man next to Cheng Kun, Uncle Jia, Ding Ning would definitely win this battle.

Ding Ning was not afraid of anyone, standing on top of the ring, facing Cheng Kun in opposition.

"Tianhezong, Cheng Kun." Cheng Kun once again reported his family.

Ding Ning replied: "San Xiu Ding... Mo!"

Ding Ning almost said the word 'Ding Ning', but fortunately he stopped it in the end. He is now an orthodox monk, and Ding Mo is his name.

"Ding Mo..." Cheng Kun repeated.

The people below the ring are also very unfamiliar with the name Ding Mo.

"Has any of you heard the name?"

"No, it's very strange."

"There are too many casual cultivators, and there are many with the same name, but there are really very few with the surname Ding."

"Maybe it's an unknown person."

"The person who can make the son of the suzerain of the Tianhe Sect shout out, even if he is not famous, he should not be weak."

Before the fight started, the discussions among the crowd never stopped.

"It turned out to be a casual cultivator, interesting and interesting."

Among the elders who supervised the arena, one elder stroked his beard and smiled, showing great interest in Ding Ning.

It is still difficult for a casual cultivator to make them unable to perceive their specific strength.

"The specific strength is, we will know soon." Another elder said.

Elder Qi Shan stared at Ding Ning for a while, wondering why his own genius would openly ask this person to enter the ring, but he didn't investigate carefully, presumably Cheng Kun had his reasons for doing so.

"Fellow Daoist Qi Shan, do you think this kid can defeat you, a junior from the Tianhe Sect?" an elder asked with a smile.

Qi Shan thought for a moment, then said: "Since he wants to fight the opponent, he should be sure, I believe him."

"Zizi, it seems that Fellow Daoist Qi Shan has great confidence in Cheng Kun. It's really interesting to see what the result will be."

On the gambling table below the ring, many people have already placed their bets.

"I'll buy Tianhe Zong Cheng Kunsheng."

"I also buy Cheng Kun."

A bag of spirit stones was recorded on the paper, only those who bet on Cheng Kun's victory accounted for nine levels, and those who bet on Ding Ning's victory were pitifully few.

The odds are scary.

Those who pressed the spirit stone on Ding Ning had only one reason, and that was because of the super high odds, as high as one thousand to one.

In other words, if Ding Ning had a piece of spirit stone on him, if he won, he would have at least 8000 yuan left if he eliminated the banker.

This makes some people, naturally, willing to buy the unpopular, anyway, it's just a lost spirit stone if they lose.

The reason why everyone bet that Cheng Kun has a high probability of winning is mainly because Cheng Kun's background is too strong, the new top five forces, and Cheng Kun is the son of the Tianhe Sect's lord, and he just defeated Lu Feng with one move, so Naturally, it is impossible for a genius to lose.

As for Ding Ning, he was just a nobody. If Cheng Kun hadn't taken the initiative to call his name, no one would have known about Ding Ning.

Compared with Cheng Kun, Ding Ning is an amateur.

Therefore, more people are willing to bet on Cheng Kun.

"I'll buy Ding Mosheng, a middle-grade spirit stone for 1000 yuan."


A storage ring was placed on the table, making the dealer stunned, and even the people around him were stunned for a moment.

Buying Ding Mosheng with 1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones?It's too much money.

This is not a low-grade spirit stone, but a middle-grade spirit stone. A middle-grade spirit stone worth 1000 yuan is enough for a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm to practice for half a year.

The dealer looked up and saw that the bettor was a beautiful female monk, and there were three male monks beside her.

The astonishment hadn't subsided yet, and the two male monks next to the female monk also took out a storage ring one after another, saying: "We also buy Ding Mosheng."

The four of them immediately became the focus of many people's eyes.

They all looked like they had seen a ghost, thinking that they were purely crazy. For a guy with no reputation to place such a big bet, it was like throwing Lingshi out for free.

The dealer is naturally very happy about this. In the dealer's heart, why doesn't he think that the probability of Ding Mo's victory is much lower than that of Cheng Kun, so the more spirit stones on Ding Ning, the more profit the dealer will make in the end.

Four people, three people betting, add up to almost 3000 yuan of spirit stones, which is not a small amount.

Lu Yao hugged her elder brother Lu Feng's arm and said, "Brother, I also pressed your spirit stone in, so you won't blame me."

Lu Feng said with a smile: "How can I blame you? I only hate that we have too few spirit stones. These guys are not optimistic about Brother Ding. When the fight is over, they will cry."

Lu Yao deeply agrees with her brother's point of view: "These guys look down on people, they don't know how strong Brother Ding is, let them laugh at us now, and after Brother Ding knocks that guy out of the ring, they will know how stupid they are .”

"If Brother Ding wins, we will get at least tens of thousands of spirit stones." Shitou said.

Immediately, the eyes of several people were filled with golden light. Tens of thousands of spirit stones, how long has it been enough for them to earn? Just now they took out the spirit stones for betting, but it took more than a year for all their belongings to be saved. If this bet is successful, the number of their spirit stones will definitely increase several times.

"Come on, let's go to the front of the ring to cheer for Brother Ding." Lu Feng said.

The four of them squeezed to the front of the ring again, and behind the four of them, Wang Chenglun stood there.

"Four stupid guys, do you really think your friends can win?"

Wang Chenglun had a disdainful sneer on his face. He heard all the words of the few people just now. In his opinion, the few people believed in Ding Ning too much, "When you see your friends defeated with your own eyes, you will know, The ones who are really stupid are yourselves."

"Our young master's strength is something that you casual cultivators can defeat, go ahead and dream."

After finishing speaking, Wang Chenglun slapped a storage ring on the table and said, "Cheng Kunsheng."

After the recording was finished, Wang Chenglun put away the betting list, with a smug smile on his face: "Although I win the bet, I can't win too many spirit stones, but this is my greatest support for Mr. Cheng."

Wang Chenglun, who bet all his belongings, also ran to cheer for Cheng Kun.

At this moment, everyone's attention is focused on the ring.

They are going to fight.

A smell of gunpowder began to fill the air.

The moment the surroundings became completely quiet, the two figures moved at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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