The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 970 9751 punches! 1 more

Chapter 970 975 One Punch! 1 more

Cheng Kun was aggressive, and he was still at his peak, but in order to deal with Ding Ning, he was not careless, and also took out the Xinghe Transformation just now, preparing to decide the winner with one move.

Xinghe fell from the sky again and surrounded Cheng Kun, but this time, Cheng Kun didn't make Xinghe kill Ding Ning quickly, because the Xinghe transformation this time was stronger than the one who just defeated Lu Feng.

"Galaxy Storm."

The second form of Xinghe Transformation was taken out by Cheng Kun, and the star core surrounding him instantly formed a vortex, and then swept towards Ding Ning.

This attack is much stronger than before in terms of power and momentum.

Seeing this, everyone in the arena felt that a big victory was in sight. How could there be no reason to win such a terrible attack.

"Haha, we've won." Many people were cheering. After all, this battle between Cheng Kun and Ding Ning made many people bet their entire worth.

"Zizi, this Ding Mo didn't even mobilize his strength. Is he preparing to fight with his body? Or is it because he was frightened and stupid?"

"No matter what, we made the right bet in this game."

After seeing Ding Ning's reaction, everyone became even more convinced that they must have been stunned by Cheng Kun's killing move if they had won the bet and hadn't responded yet.

Now it is believed that Ding Ning was easily defeated, only Lu Feng, Lu Yao, Shitou and Mumu.

"This attack is very strong. I don't know how Brother Ding is going to take it." Lu Feng said with wide eyes. In his position in Ding Ning, he should take this attack seriously. He even thought, Even if I am at my peak state, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with this method.

Using Xinghe as a weapon to transform into a killer move is too terrifying, possessing brilliant heavenly power.

"Brother Ding will definitely win." Lu Yao said firmly.

Seeing this attack, Stone and Wood were not too worried for Ding Ning.

On the high platform watching the battle in the distance, Elder Qi Shan stroked a little beard and nodded slightly. The second form of the Xinghe Transformation is indeed quite powerful. Using this method against the enemy is likely to be safe.

"Quick battles and quick decisions are good, but..." Although he was pleased that Cheng Kun was able to perform the second form of Xinghe Transformation, at the same time, he paid so much attention to Cheng Kun's confrontation with Ding Ning, and took all the methods at the bottom of the box. He came out, did he pay too much attention to Ding Ning?

Ding Ning is just a casual cultivator, so there is no need to treat him like this.

Several other elders came here with interest, wanting to see the power of some of the famous methods of the Tianhe Sect.

The galaxy storm is coming.

All of a sudden, Ding Ning was wrapped up, sweeping the whole body.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Kun showed a faint smile on his face. He knew that he had succeeded. As long as Ding Ning couldn't hide, he would have to be defeated by his hands.

At first, he thought Ding Ning would hide, but he didn't expect Ding Ning to hide at all.

"I overestimated you."

Regarding this, Cheng Kun said with emotion, thinking in his heart, is it a bit overkill to use the second form of Xinghe Transformation as soon as he comes up.

Looking at the current situation, Ding Ning was obviously stunned by his attack and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Did I really misunderstand him?"

Cheng Kun had some doubts. He felt that Ding Ning shouldn't be so weak.

At least, facing his own attack, even if Ding Ning knew he was invincible, he would not stand there blankly.

Just after this thought came into his mind, suddenly, Cheng Kun saw a new situation ahead.

He was taken aback because he saw Ding Ning coming out of the star core storm.

That's right, just get out.

There was no trace of injury on Ding Ning's body, as if what he just faced was a light breeze, and even his hair wasn't messed up.

how can that be!

Cheng Kun has full confidence in Xinghe Transformation's second form, so it's impossible that it won't have the slightest effect.

How could his Tianhezong's Xeon method be ineffective.

Ding Ning walked out of Xinghe Storm like this, shocked Cheng Kun, and stunned everyone under the ring.

And this shock is not over yet, Ding Ning once again brought everyone a huge shock.

Ding Ning took a step forward and came to Cheng Kun in an instant.

Cheng Kun immediately reacted. It has to be said that as the son of Tianhe Sect's suzerain, being able to react so quickly shows how excellent Cheng Kun is.

But this is useless in front of Ding Ning.

Because Cheng Kun was in the process of retreating, Ding Ning took the second step and followed up in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Ning smiled slightly, and then punched lightly.

Cheng Kun's eyes flashed with doubt at first, because he didn't feel the power of the fist, as if he didn't have any intention of attacking.

But immediately after, when Ding Ning's fist was only a few millimeters away, a great sense of crisis spread throughout his body.

At this moment, Ding Ning released his fist power.

Cheng Kun wanted to hide.

Ding Ning's voice rang in his ears: "It's late!"

Before he finished speaking, this punch actually hit Cheng Kun's body.

Then, with a bang, Cheng Kun's body quickly disappeared from the ring, and under the gaze of everyone, flew out of sight again, without a trace.

This is a punch that blasted out of the sky.

The arena was very quiet, and the air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Everyone was stunned, including the few tall elders present.

Because no one expected that the fight would end so quickly, and where Cheng Kun's punch was blasted, and how powerful this fist was, it actually decided the outcome with one punch.

too frightening.

You know, from the beginning to the end, Ding Ning only threw such a punch, and it looked light and soft. How could he defeat Cheng Kun all at once?

Many people even thought they were dazzled and rubbed their eyes repeatedly.

The tranquility was broken by the cheers from Lu Yao, Lu Feng and others, because they knew that Ding Ning had won.

At the same time, they will also win a large number of spirit stones.

The people around the arena, after accepting the fact that Cheng Kun was defeated, immediately realized a problem. They seemed to have blocked all their wealth in Cheng Kun's victory just now.

Immediately, many people felt distressed. Doesn't this mean that all their spirit stones have lost their bet.


There was a lot of wailing at the scene, and everyone was heartbroken for the spirit stone they lost in the bet. Who would have thought that such an ending would happen, and this result came so quickly.

One punch to end the fight.

Those who didn't know thought that these two guys were acting on purpose to trick everyone into betting all the spirit stones.

Wang Chenglun's eyes were dull, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, and repeated 'impossible' repeatedly in his mouth

"Young Master will not lose, no, how could he lose, he is the son of the suzerain of Tianhe Sect!"

Wang Chenglun couldn't accept this reality, and Elder Qi Shan couldn't accept it either.

(End of this chapter)

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