The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 975 980 proves strength! 1 more

Chapter 975 980 proves strength! 1 more

Hong Qi was very depressed.

Because he never thought that the person he wanted to take as his apprentice would actually dislike him for being weak.

This is despised.

He really wanted to growl, boy, believe it or not, I stabbed you to death with one finger, and dare to say that I am weak, no matter how weak I am, I am stronger than you.


He wanted to prove himself, Hong Qi stood up abruptly, and said to Ding Ning, "Follow me, you boy."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ding Ning's answer, he grabbed Ding Ning's shoulder and disappeared into the restaurant immediately.

Everyone who watched this scene was taken aback, and left so quickly?

By the way, did Ding Ning's answer anger Hong Qi just now? Hong Qi is trying to kill people to silence him.

Some people couldn't help sneering secretly. They envied Ding Ning just now, but they didn't envy Ding Ning at all in the blink of an eye. In the eyes of these people, Ding Ning was too ignorant. Facing the opportunity of a strong man accepting apprentices, he didn't cherish the opportunity and said that he was weak. Isn't that true? What is courting death? No strong man can bear such an insult.

Ding Ning is dead!
Some people even wondered whether they should tell the news to Tai Shangmen, saying that Ding Ning, a genius who passed the preliminary screening, probably would not appear again.

"Where did Senior Hong take Brother Ding?"

It was only then that Lu Feng came to his senses, and with some belated awareness, Lu Yao worried: "Brother Ding will be fine, he said that about Senior Hong just now, Senior Hong may be very angry."

Lu Feng also felt that this matter was going to be bad, so he didn't care about eating the delicious food in front of him right now, so he greeted Lu Yao, Shitou and Mumu, "Let's go, let's go find them."

Brother Ding can't have anything to do, senior Hong won't be really angry and wants to kill Ding Ning. "

Lu Feng wasn't sure what Hong Qi was doing when he took Ding Ning away, but according to what Ding Ning said just now, I'm afraid nothing good would happen.

Several people left the restaurant immediately and stood on the street looking around, but Hong Qi and Ding Ning had disappeared long ago, and they didn't even know where to look for them. There was no clue at all. Lu Feng was anxious, and immediately said: "Let's look for them separately. , whoever finds it immediately informs the others, and we will meet here after an hour."

Just when Lu Feng and the others were looking for their traces everywhere, Hong Qi and Ding Ning came to a hillside.

It was the location where Hong Qiyi brought Ding Ning and others to the place before.

Hong Qi let go of Ding Ning, and looking at Ding Ning, Hong Qi's beard almost blew up out of control.

This kid's mouth is really poisonous.

Said that Hong Qi was weak, and now he wanted to prove how weak Hong Qi was.

Ding Ning could feel that Hong Qi had no malice towards him, so he didn't break free at that time, otherwise, Hong Qi would not be able to catch him.

He let Hong Qi bring him here, the main purpose was to see what the other party wanted to do.

"You say I'm weak, don't you? Well, then tell me, what is strong? Why did you agree to be my apprentice." Hong Qi said.

"I won't be your apprentice, you should give up on it." Ding Ning felt that the old man Hong Qi was a bit stubborn.


"I've told you why before."

"Do you really think I'm weak, kid? No matter how weak I am, I'm far stronger than you, do you know?" Ding Ning once again stabbed Hong Qi's heart, and said all the words that he thought were a bit shameless.

He was also angered by Ding Ning. Compared with Ding Ning in strength, he was naturally stronger than Hong Qi, but Hong Qi was very upset. The reason why Ding Ning refused twice was because he was weak.

"You are weaker than me." Ding Ning said lightly.A comparison object was added, and this weak comparison object was Ding Ning himself.

Hong Qi felt that he was a bad boy, did Ding Ning just say that he was weaker than Ding Ning?

Are you making an international joke, Hong Qi, who has long been famous as a strong Daoist and a peak existence among physical practitioners, was called weak by a kid like you. Compared with those in the strong realm, he also recognized this point, after all, he has not stepped into the Mahayana realm.

But it never occurred to him that what Ding Ning meant was weaker than Ding Ning.

This made Hong Qi unacceptable. It was no different from pressing Hong Qi on the ground and repeatedly rubbing his face. He Hong Qi has practiced for so many years, isn't he not as good as a junior like you?

"What did you say?" Hong Qi felt that he might have misheard.

Ding Ning frowned.

Does this old guy have bad ears?
"I said you are weaker than me." Ding Ning repeated.

This time Hong Qi understood it, it wasn't that he heard it wrong just now, that's what Ding Ning said.

"You mean, I'm not as strong as you, so I'm not qualified to be your teacher, right?" Hong Qi said.

"That's understandable."

"..." Hong Qi.

"Okay, okay..." Hong Qi was choked by Ding Ning's words for a long time, and just now he said three good words in succession, he suddenly rolled his eyes, and said: "Then that is to say, as long as I prove that I am stronger than you, is it right?" Can you worship me as a teacher?"

"You can't beat me." Ding Ning said seriously.

Hong Qi: "..."

Haven't fought yet, how do you know I can't beat you? Besides, Hong Qi should be the one who said this kind of thing.

"Then how about we have a competition?" Hong Qi said.

"Yes." Ding Ning did not refuse. In the selection arena before, he fought against Cheng Kun and Mu Yan. It was really meaningless. The opponent's level was too low. He didn't even need the strength of his dantian to defeat each other easily.

Hong Qi is the strongest among the body cultivators, he can be a good opponent, and he is qualified to show his full strength in the realm of the righteous way.

"As your senior, I won't bully you either. The two of us each throw three punches. If whoever falls down, he will lose, how about it?" Hong Qi said.

The reason why he chose such a competition method was to express that I, Hong Qi, was an elder and would not bully you, a young cultivator, and secondly, to demonstrate strength through such a simple competition method of distinguishing superiors from inferiors.

How embarrassing to fight with a junior.He, Hong Qi, couldn't afford to lose face like this.

Moreover, he, Hong Qi, is confident that he will not lose the competition method he chose. As a physical cultivator, the strongest thing is the physical body and physical strength, and hitting three punches is naturally more important for the physical cultivator. favorable.

He knew that Ding Ning's physical strength was not weak, so he wanted to use this to check how strong Ding Ning's physical strength was. If Ding Ning personally felt the horror of Hong Qi's physical strength, then Ding Ning would definitely be convinced and worship him willingly. His door is down.

At this point, Hong Qi said: "Then let's start. If you lose, boy, you have to worship me as your teacher, and you can't go back on your word."

"Okay." Ding Ning smiled.

This kid has a pretty sunny smile, Hong Qi thought in his heart, doesn't he know the meaning of Ding Ning's smile.

Hit him three times.

This Hong Qi is hitting the muzzle of the gun, and he can't stop it.

But that's good too, lest this old guy continue to pester him and want to take him as his apprentice.

Ding Ning decided to give Hong Qi a big surprise.

"You come first." Hong Qi said.

When Ding Ning heard this, the smile on his face became wider, and it was even better this way.

(End of this chapter)

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