The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 976 981 I Believe in You! 2 more

Chapter 976 981 I Believe in You! 2 more

Hong Qi put his hands behind his back, straightened his back, stood there like a tall and straight tree, giving people a feeling that no matter how much wind and rain, it cannot be shaken.

"After I have endured your three punches, let's see how I can make you open your mouth to worship me as your teacher." Hong Qi thought in his heart, when he used his physical strength, Ding Ning would have to succumb to his strength even if he didn't want to. Bar.

Dare to say that Hong Qi is weak, this kid must beat him.

Otherwise, it would be too arrogant, even he, an old man in the cultivation world, would be ignored.

Hong Qi looked at Ding Ning with a smile on his face.

"Then I won't be polite." Ding Ning said.

"Go ahead." Hong Qi said proudly.

Immediately Ding Ning will know how powerful Hong Qi's copper-skinned iron frame is.

Hong Qi narrowed his eyes, thinking in his heart, old man, I just want to see how strong you are.

After Ding Ning finished speaking, he punched out his fist impartially. Hong Qijing waited for the punch to land on his body, the corners of his mouth were already raised, wanting to see that Ding Ning couldn't shake him and showed a surprised expression.

Without any momentum, it was just a simple punch.

With both of them smiling, this punch landed on Hong Qi's body.

Immediately afterwards, the smile on the face of one of them gradually froze.

The look in his eyes was an unbelievable look, as if he was saying, how could this happen, this is absolutely impossible.

The smile on Ding Ning's face didn't change, what changed was Hong Qi's face.

From laughter to surprise to horror.

Hong Qi's body, which was as motionless as a mountain, could only be seen as his chest sank, his feet flew into the air, and his whole body flew backwards with a bang, as if hit by a shell.

He only saw that where Hong Qi had passed, big trees were broken one by one, more than a dozen trees in a row, and his speed slowed down.


Hong Qi's back was blocked by a two-meter-thick tree, and he sat down on the ground along the trunk. A large number of leaves fell from the top of his head, covering almost all of Hong Qi.

Hong Qi sat there with chest pain and couldn't breathe. This feeling has not passed for a long time, because there are not many people who can do this.

But today, he was injured by a punch, just one punch.

Hong Qi was in a state of bewilderment.

His head is raised, and as far as he can see is the huge tree crown above his head, the surrounding trees are still luxuriant, and the top of his head, that is, the big tree on which his back is leaning, is almost falling out of leaves up.

Undoubtedly, the person who caused this result was Hong Qi himself.

He lost.

It was agreed to fight three punches, Hong Qi hadn't started yet, but was knocked down by the opponent with one punch, no, it was more accurate to be sent flying.

This result was unexpected by Hong Qi.

He couldn't figure out how Ding Ning's power could be more terrifying than that of a Dao Compatible Body Cultivator.

He is in the right place.

Ding Ning is just a Nascent Soul cultivator, and there is a big difference between the two. How did Ding Ning do it, and how could he be so powerful.

Hong Qibai couldn't figure it out.

He wants to ask to understand.

Hong Qi stood up, ignored the leaves on his body and head, and returned to Ding Ning.

"How did you do it?" Hong Qi asked.

"It's better than you, so I can do it naturally." Ding Ning replied.

"Impossible, you are a Nascent Soul, no matter how strong your body is, you can't hurt me." Hong Qi said firmly.

"Whoever told you, I must be in the Nascent Soul Realm." Ding Ning smiled.

Hong Qi's expression flickered, and there was a look of horror in his eyes: "Who the hell are you? Aren't you a young monk?"

Only this explanation is reasonable. Ding Ning is not a monk of the younger generation at all, but an old monster who is the same age as him, or even older.

Ding Ning shook his head: "You think too much. On the way to seek the Tao, it doesn't mean that whoever practices for a long time will be stronger."

"Forget it, anyway, the outcome has been decided, so don't pester me." Ding Ning was about to leave.

It's pointless to waste time with this old man here.

"Wait a minute." Hong Qi stopped Ding Ning, and said with a serious face: "Who the hell are you? Among the younger generation, there is no such terrifying existence as you."

This is true, Hong Qi can be regarded as a well-informed person, he has never met a younger generation of monks, who can knock him into the air with a single punch, and according to Ding Ning, Ding Ning's real strength , definitely higher than the Nascent Soul Realm, but even in the Hedao Realm, it is impossible to knock him into the air with one punch.

Could it be that Ding Ning, like him, also has the strength of the Dao Realm?
This is even more unacceptable to Hong Qi. He has practiced for so many years, and he was caught up by a younger generation. How could it be possible that there is a Dao Harmonious Realm who is less than 30 years old.

One may not appear in ten thousand years.

He, Hong Qi, had only heard that in the ancient times, there were people with such talents against the sky, and they were not monks, but gods and demons.

Suddenly, he suddenly thought of a possibility. Ding Ning could be so powerful. Could it be that he had a very terrifying teacher, so he rejected his apprenticeship?

Otherwise, how could a young man have cultivated such power in just a few decades.

"Who is your master?" Hong Qi asked.He no longer paid attention to Ding Ning himself, but thought of the person behind Ding Ning, who was most likely to be a very terrifying existence.

Only in this way can Ding Ning be so powerful.

Ding Ning has a headache, does this old guy like to ask questions so much?

But when this guy asked who his master was, Ding Ning remembered the old man who led him on the path of cultivation, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he uttered two words: "Immortal."

Hong Qi was shocked when he heard the words.


How can it be!

Hong Qi didn't believe it at first, then looked at Ding Ning's back, this disbelief gradually became belief, and finally, he had begun to be sure.

Ding Ning's teacher may really be a fairy.

Only a disciple of a fairy can be as perverted as Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't expect that Hong Qi would really believe what he said casually.

At this moment, Lu Feng and others flew over from a distance. After seeing Ding Ning, they were delighted and accelerated their speed.

"Brother Ding, are you okay?" Lu Feng said hurriedly.

"Brother Ding, that senior didn't do anything to you." Lu Yao also looked worried.

Ding Ning smiled: "It's nothing."

Seeing that Ding Ning was really fine, the few people felt relieved. They searched around before but couldn't find anything, so they decided to come here to look for it. After all, Hong Qiyi brought a few people here at the beginning, but he didn't expect to be here. .

Since Ding Ning was fine, the few people were no longer worried. Soon, Lu Feng and the others noticed Hong Qi, who was a little distraught not far away.

Senior Hong's state is a bit wrong.

Several people looked at Ding Ning, then at Hong Qi, not knowing what happened between the two.

"Brother Ding, what happened to Senior Hong?" Lu Feng still couldn't help asking.

"I was beaten." Ding Ning wrote lightly.


Lu Feng was speechless, and slandered in his heart, I believe you are a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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