The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 984 Strong 989 is outrageous! 3 more

Chapter 984 Strong 989 is outrageous! 3 more

In the arena, all eyes were on.

Because Ding Ning knocked away the digital genius just now, more people started to target him.

Seeing these geniuses from the top five forces, Ding Ning felt an urge to laugh for some reason.

After turning his mind for a while, he understood the origin of this smile.

"No wonder I want to laugh, because this scene is very familiar." Ding Ning thought in his heart. Not long ago, he faced the same situation of being besieged by others, but the person who besieged him at that time was a strong man from the Mahayana realm. Those who are now replaced by a few Nascent Soul Realm monks.

Ha ha……

In the face of the strong, he Ding Ning has won and beheaded them all. Now facing the younger generation, can he lose?

The answer is of course no.

When the opponent's twelve geniuses bombarded him with various attacks, Ding Ning moved, and he left an afterimage on the ring. The next second, he heard a scream, and then a low muffled sound .


Then there was a series of such sounds, screams and muffled sounds at the same time.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw that these geniuses, the future powerhouses of Eastern Shenbu Continent, all started free landing movements one by one.

One after another figures flew upside down, and then smashed into the formation.

bang bang bang...

It was like a dumpling falling into the water, there was only a burst of crackling, and then Ding Ning was the only one standing around Ding Ning on the ring.

Got knocked away again!
This time, it was twelve geniuses who were sent flying out together.

The color of astonishment rose again in everyone's eyes. No one thought that twelve geniuses had already made a move together, and the result was the same result.

"The three geniuses who came to the door together, Feng Yichen, Suo Yun, and Lu Qing, are they still vulnerable in front of him? Such a terrible guy." Under the ring, a monk swallowed involuntarily.

"Wuxiangmen and the Mu family are not like this. Fang Yunhu, Zhang Ji, Feng Jue, Mu Zhen, and Mu Yuan couldn't resist either."

"This guy is too evil."

"Not only is he a monster, but he is also a cruel guy. Even Li Yanran and Li Lanxin, two beautiful monks, he didn't show mercy. This person really doesn't know how to be sympathetic."

There was not only one person who sued Ding Ning, many people sighed because Ding Ning once again showed his domineering strength.

No one would have thought that a casual cultivator could be so strong that the geniuses of the five powers targeted him, but none of them got any benefit, and instead they were all blown away.

As for the geniuses of the five powers, not only were they beaten, but their face was also beaten.

With so many people dealing with one person, it was already enough to provoke a topic, but it ended up like this.

"you wanna die!"


At this moment, one of the geniuses who had just been knocked into the air by Ding Ning suddenly appeared and immediately killed him.

Obviously this person was irritated by Ding Ning.

"It's Suo Yun! The genius of Taishangmen." Someone revealed the identity of this person, and it was one of the geniuses of Taishangmen, Suo Yun.

At this moment, Suo Yun was aggressive, Ding Ning was the only one in his eyes, he jumped up like a tiger and leopard, and at the same time, his fists turned into tiger claws, aimed at Ding Ning's head.

"Hmph." Ding Ning chuckled, without looking up at all, and punched directly on the top of the head.

Suo Yun, whose body was in mid-air, felt a strong fist wind before his attack fell completely, and his claws immediately turned to Ding Ning's fist.


The moment Suo Yun's hands were blocked from meeting Ding Ning's fist, the sound of bone cracking spread across the ring, and Suo Yun's face suddenly showed pain. He was about to withdraw his hands immediately, but Ding Ning's fist seemed to have a Like an absorbing force, he didn't pull it back for a while, but Ding Ning's fist actually hit him again, and this time, Ding Ning's fist landed on him, which was different from before.

Suo Yun immediately vomited blood, and was knocked into the air with a whoosh, several times faster than before, which shows the strength of Ding Ning's boxing this time.


The formation shook for a while, and Suo Yun's body instantly became limp and slid down the formation.

Ding Ning knocked Suo Yun into the air with one punch. This time, his strength was enough to make Suo Yun unable to attack him again.

Ding Ning turned his eyes again, and two figures followed him from another direction, silently.

go to hell!
The two men shouted at the same time, and there was great anger in their tone.

After all, being knocked into the air by Ding Ning, no one would be happy about it. When Suo Yun attacked Ding Ning just now, the two of them were ready to attack again.

These two are the other two geniuses from Taishangmen, Feng Yichen and Lu Qing.

The two are good at flanking, and they often perform combined attacks. At this time, it finally came in handy to deal with Ding Ning. In addition, Taishangmen's unique method of hiding aura allowed them to approach quietly and then attack suddenly.

At this point, the two of them succeeded.

This made Luo Yixiao, and the three geniuses from the top [-] stared at him. They saw that Ding Ning had no intention of avoiding it.

Could it be that he really couldn't escape?

Several people have no way of judging this point, but in Feng Yichen and Lu Qing's view, it must be the case. The two of them have performed this joint strike technique countless times, and they have a very detailed understanding of its strength.

Even against the monks in the early stage of leaving the body, this combined attack technique can still compete with it.

Under such power, Ding Ning has no reason to continue to be arrogant.

Ding Ning just knocked their revenge away, and he can take revenge immediately. Once Ding Ning is hit, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead. At that time, they will all return.

What the two of them expected was beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Their combined attack technique did land on Ding Ning's body, however, this blow was like a sea of ​​mud, without stirring up the slightest wave, not even a wave.

How can it be!

In the eyes of the two of them, there was a look of horror. Could it be that Ding Ning's body was made of iron?Can this be done unscathed?

In fact, Ding Ning's physical body was more terrifying than the steel bones of diamonds. He dared not hide because he, Ding Ning, had never paid attention to Lu Qing's and Feng Yichen's joint attack from the beginning to the end.

Sure enough, it fell on him without pain or itching.

"With such power, you still want to hurt me? You guys are too crazy." Ding Ning's inaudible voice rang in the ears of the two.

In the next second, Ding Ning hit Suo Yun's fist in the same way, hitting the two of them separately.

Undoubtedly, the two figures shot out at the same time, and ended up in the same situation as Suo Yun, hitting the big formation, and then never got up again, life or death is unknown.

The people around were all dumbfounded.

They were all blown away by Ding Ning's simple punch, and they were shocked.

In the eyes of many people, the geniuses of these five powerful forces, in front of Ding Ning, are like chickens and dogs, easy to solve without the slightest difficulty.

Are these geniuses really weak?

Ding Ning's attack created such an illusion for everyone, but most people who remained rational knew that it was definitely not that these geniuses were weak, but that Ding Ning was too strong!
And it's not generally strong, but to an outrageous level.

(End of this chapter)

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