The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 985 990 You are deceiving people too much! 1 more

Chapter 985 990 You are deceiving people too much! 1 more

For the four geniuses who came to the door, because of Luo Yixiao, Guo Feng was forced to take a stand, which is a voluntary renunciation.

At that time, Master He frowned slightly, a little angry, although this anger was not directed at Ding Ning, but at Guo Feng's failure to live up to expectations.

But fortunately, there are still three geniuses around him, and he has a good chance of getting three of the ten spots.

However, after Feng Yichen, Suo Yun, and Lu Qing were blown away by Ding Ning for the second time, Immortal He's face immediately turned dark.

All three of them did not know whether they were alive or dead, and they never stood up.

Could it be that his genius who was too close to the door was wiped out like this?

Ten places, the possibility of not getting one?

Immortal Crane clenched his fists, he was angry, no one in the sect represented Dongshenbuzhou, how could he have the face to be called one of the five powers when he was too close to the sect?

"This guy, are you looking for death?" Daoist He's eyes fell on Ding Ning, if he couldn't make a move and broke the rules, he really wanted to slap Ding Ning to death.

It was because of Ding Ning, a genius who was too close to the door, that he lost all chances of winning the spot.

The people below the ring were all stunned for a long while, before they came back to their senses, and then there was a burst of shock.

Defeating a genius with one punch made the three geniuses in Taishangmen all lose their fighting power.

too frightening.

The people in the arena no longer knew how to describe Ding Ning. Many people even thought that Ding Ning might be the reincarnation of a monster, otherwise how could he be so powerful.

Hong Qi laughed out loud in the crowd, and said to those around him, "Did you see that man in the ring? He's my elder brother. How about it? He's amazing."

Hearing this, the people around looked at Hong Qi and then at Ding Ning, their eyes became strange, as if they were saying, are you still a younger brother at your age?

But Hong Qi didn't care. Seeing Ding Ning displaying his supernatural power in the arena, and relying on his physical strength to easily deal with the three geniuses who came too close, he firmly believed that Ding Ning was a child of a fairy, and now he just took this opportunity to let more People knew that he, Hong Qi, was related to Ding Ning, so what if he was a younger brother, after all, Ding Ning might break through the tribulation and become a real immortal in the future, so why couldn't he, Hong Qi, benefit from it.

Regardless of whether Ding Ning agrees or not, Hong Qi has already made plans to realize that he is Ding Ning's younger brother. As for face, what is it, is it worth it?Can you become a fairy?

Not at all, so what if there is and there is no.

Hong Qi had already given up his face, even if others recognized him, he didn't care.

In the arena, Luo Yixiao and the spectators of the three children from the top [-] forces were shocked far more than those outside the arena, because they were in the arena and had the deepest feelings about what happened around them.

"Is there any reason for heaven? Is there such a perverted person in the world?" Luo Yixiao sighed. Ding Ning, a casual cultivator, is stronger than the geniuses of the five powers, and he is so much stronger than Luo Yixiao.

But then his eyes rolled around, and his face was covered with a smile for an instant, and he said: "But it's a good thing that he is so powerful, and three more people were eliminated. Now, the four people who are too close to the door are all eliminated. Now, I only need to eliminate three more people, and I can get one of the ten spots."

Luo Yixiao made up his mind, as long as he didn't provoke Ding Ning, there would be a spot, and it would most likely fall on his head. Ding Ning is also a casual cultivator, so he should see the same status, so he wouldn't do anything to him.

The three geniuses of the top [-] forces basically agreed with Luo Yixiao's thoughts. After seeing Ding Ning blowing the three geniuses away with three punches, they completely gave up the idea of ​​attacking Ding Ning. Ding Ning was really terrible.

Among the body cultivators, how could there be such a strong pervert.

Ding Ning's attack method just now was clearly seen by everyone. There is no method, but pure physical strength. In the hearts of most people, Ding Ning has been labeled as a physical trainer. After all, only those who like to study the physical body and improve Only physical practitioners with physical strength have such powerful physical strength.

It has to be said that the appearance of Ding Ning made the eyes of many body cultivators brighten. Finally, a genius appeared in the same line of body cultivators. Before that, only one Hong Qi who carried the banner was the legend of body cultivators, but Hong Qi was very She seldom shows up, so many people don't know what Hong Qi looks like, they only know that Hong Qi is the most powerful person among the body cultivators.

It's a pity that in the body cultivator lineage, no one can break through to the Mahayana state. Even Hong Qi is still in the Dao state. It is the right way, and it is also the mainstream.

The body cultivators can't refute it, because it's a fact, but they still don't want to give up this path of seeking longevity, because some people don't have the talent to cultivate the method, and body training has become the only way to become a strong person, it's a pity , No one has been able to become the strongest on this road.

Today, Ding Ning's three punches and two kicks beat the genius who was too close to the door, which really brought a lot of morale to the trainees.

Look, body training is also very strong to a certain extent. The geniuses you admire are not trampled underfoot by monks of our lineage of body trainers.

Many body practitioners said good-bye one after another, feeling that the depression that had accumulated in their hearts for many years was swept away after Ding Ning's understatement of sweeping the top talent.

On the ring, Ding Ning's side was empty again. The ending of the three geniuses who came too close was seen by everyone. Even the few people who were beaten by Ding Ning before did not attack again, but were very happy. He stared at Ding Ning warily.

They found that this seemingly ordinary casual cultivator had suddenly become a hard bone, and it was super hard. Even if the geniuses of their five powerful forces joined forces, they could not eliminate the place.

It's tricky.

Wuxiangmen, Sushuigong, Mujia, Tianhezong's digital geniuses, at this time, don't know whether to continue to attack Ding Ning, or to change other targets.

Cheng Mubai intends to continue targeting Ding Ning. After all, he still shoulders the task of avenging Cheng Kun, so giving up like this would be a little sorry for Cheng Kun.

But he also saw Ding Ning's strength just now. Ding Ning is a physical trainer, so it is difficult to defeat him with ordinary attacks.

The other geniuses had similar ideas to Cheng Mubai. Ding Ning was indeed not easy to provoke, but it was a bit shameful to let them give up and go to eliminate others instead. They were all geniuses of the top five forces.

Right now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, if they really don't continue to target Ding Ning, they will definitely be ridiculed in the future.

It is conceivable how much ridicule will be made on them at that time.

The digital geniuses are a little bit hard-pressed, and some don't get entangled with Ding Ning, but they can't bear to lose face.

When the acquaintances were entangled, Ding Ning's sudden step forward made them no longer entangled.

"Why didn't you attack? Are the geniuses of the five powers just so tricky?" Ding Ning said lightly.

But all the gifted children of the five powers blushed upon hearing Ding Ning's words. How could they bear to be humiliated like this?If they give up fighting Ding Ning again, they will definitely become a big joke.

"You are too deceitful!" The eyes of the digital genius were blazing

"Kill." Someone continued to say, it's unbearable, and there is no need to bear it anymore.

Even if they had to bite the bullet, they would fight Ding Ning to the end.

"Hehe, that's right, that's it. If you show some courage, I can continue to play with you." Ding Ning said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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