The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 998 1003 Women's Battle! 2 more

Chapter 998 1003 Women's Battle! 2 more

The fourth round and the fifth round started one after another.

Nanzhan Buzhou didn't have a genius to win several games in a row, but instead ranked at the bottom.

Qiu Li, Meng Wudi and the others couldn't sit still, otherwise Nanzhan Buzhou would be looked down upon if they continued to hang at zero.

All of them took the initiative to ask for a fight, hoping that the strong men in Nanzhan Buzhou would allow them to play early.

Seeing this, several strong men did not stop them.

Meng Wudi rushed out first and participated in the fifth round of scuffle.

After seeing Meng Wudi's figure, many people from Eastern Shenbu Continent recognized him.

"This man looks familiar."

"I remembered, he once came to our Eastern Shenbu Continent."

"I have an impression too."

"I didn't expect him to be so strong."

Many people are commenting, because Meng Wudi is too conspicuous at this time, he is not afraid of the scene of confronting three opponents at the same time, targeting three opponents at the same time, generally speaking, one person fighting three people is not considered a melee, think The probability of winning is a bit low, and those who dare to do so will basically be the first to be eliminated.

However, Meng Wudi broke this exception with his strength. After No. 20 breaths at the beginning of the melee, Meng Wudi eliminated one person. The genius Mu Zhen from the Mu family in Eastern Shenbuzhou was the first to be eliminated. After that, the genius of Nishigabezhou fought several rounds with the genius of Kitalubezhou and won the fifth round.

Meng Wudi really lived up to his name, he was really invincible.

Many people were amazed by Meng Wudi's strength, including some Mahayana experts.

"Haha, good job." Chi Qiu, the strength behind Meng Wudi, the master of Hundred Beasts Sect, laughed out loud.

The other three most powerful people also showed smiles one after another. Anyway, Meng Wudi has brought glory to Nanzhan Buzhou and let people in other Buzhou see his strength.

He restored the face lost by being eliminated one after another.

You can raise your eyebrows.

"Congratulations, Brother Meng."


The geniuses Qiu Li, Xie Hongyun, and Goddess Xuelian spoke one after another, and at the same time they also started to play, adding a few advanced geniuses to Nanzhan Buzhou.

In the sixth round, Nanzhan Buzhou was played by Qiu Li, and Dongshen Buzhou's side was Taishangmen's second genius, Lu Qing.

The melee was very fierce. In terms of strength, Qiu Li was not weaker than Meng Wudi, and Lu Qing also showed great bravery.

I thought that in this round, Qiu Li and Lu Qingzhong would be the final contenders for the victory, but I never thought that the two geniuses of Beilubuzhou and Xihebuzhou were very tenacious and persisted.

In the end, the four of them exhausted all their energy and began to compete with each other to see who could persevere to the end.

The genius of Xigabuzhou, after all, failed to persevere to the end. He was the first to be eliminated, followed by Lu Qing. He thought he would make it to the end, but unexpectedly ended early.

In the end, it became a competition between Qiu Li and the geniuses of Beilubuzhou. In terms of willpower, few people can match the genius of Beilubuzhou, but unexpectedly, Qiu Li surpassed the genius of Beilubuzhou and became the first Winner of six rounds.

Nanzhan Buzhou suddenly, there are two winning geniuses.

Tied with it is Nishigabe Continent, which also has two victories, followed by Eastern Godbe Continent and Kita Ashbe Continent, each with only one victor.

With only the last three rounds left, this first ten-round melee will be completely over.

At this time, the four major continents have reached a level that must be taken seriously, because there are only the last three games left, and only three people will win the final victory, and which continent these three people belong to will be very important, which means that in the final battle The probability of war is high or low.

In the seventh round, as soon as the genius from Eastern Shenbuzhou appeared on the stage, there was a burst of cheers. Many people whistled to express their excitement and joy.

Because this is an alluring beauty, the Taoist companion that many young monks dream of.

She is Li Yanran from Sushui Palace where the entire sect is full of women.

Li Yanran stepped into the arena with golden lotus footwork, her white clothes fluttered with the wind, her hair fluttered and covered her cheeks, making Li Yan more charming.

Such a scene made the monks in Eastern Shenbu Continent even more excited.

Not to mention that the monks in Eastern Shenbu Continent can't calm down, and the people in the other three continents can't calm down either.

There are not many beautiful female monks in each continent, but not many can be called stunning, but Li Yanran thinks that they have this qualification and can be called stunning.

As soon as Li Yanran stood there, almost all the young monks from the four major continents worshiped under her skirt.

Li Yanran is very beautiful, this is her advantage, but this is not worthy of Li Yanran's pride, because she prefers others to applaud her for her strength.

For this reason, Li Yanran practiced hard, all the way to her present position, becoming a leader among the young generation of Sushui Palace.

Now, she can better prove herself to everyone that female monks are no worse than male monks.

Just a moment after Li Yanran stepped into the arena, another figure suddenly appeared, causing another exclamation.

"Another beautiful woman in the city, now there is a good show to watch."

"Zizi, in terms of appearance, Goddess Snow Lotus and Li Yanran are on par."

"The two beauties appeared in the melee at the same time. It is really exciting to see who will be the final winner. These are the rare two female monks who are both beautiful and powerful."

Two peerless beauties appearing at the same time, this alone is full of attention, because of the relationship between the two women, the other two geniuses who entered the battlefield were immediately outmatched, and no one paid attention to it, most people's eyes were on Falling on the two girls, they seemed to want to compete and see who was more beautiful.

This is how the seventh round of melee started amid everyone's expectations.

Lu Yao looked at her brother, Shitou and Mumu, all staring at the second daughter. She pouted, refusing to admit defeat. In terms of looks, Lu Yao was not bad either.

"Hmph, men are big pigs, and they can't walk when they see beautiful women."

"Compared to them, I'm not bad. At most, I'm not as good as them in strength. When it comes to eyebrows, I, Lu Yao, are also beautiful."

"If Brother Ding was here, he would definitely not stare at those two women like Brother and the others." Lu Yao thought about Ding Ning again.

"Brother Ding, are you really able to get rid of the prison tower as Senior Hong said?" Thinking of Ding Ning, Lu Yao's mood suddenly became a little lonely.

I don't know if Ding Ning can escape from that prison, she can only pray that what Hong Qi said will come true.

The seventh round of melee entered into a fierce stage. The two goddess-level female monks did not appear as everyone imagined and immediately targeted each other. On the contrary, they attacked one of the other two at the same time.

Moreover, they all launched terrifying attacks, trying to eliminate their opponents in the shortest possible time.

Many people saw this scene at first and thought it was a union between the two, but after watching it, they realized that the two women were competing, and they were comparing each other who could defeat the opposite male monk the fastest.

The two goddess monks have already begun to compete, using their own methods to determine who is superior.

(End of this chapter)

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