The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 999 1004 Another Melee! 1 more

Chapter 999 1004 Another Melee! 1 more

"Among the younger generation of female monks in the entire comprehension world, I'm afraid there will be no one who can match the two of them."

"I can guarantee that there are very few male monks who can defeat them."

"Zizi, it's scary when a woman is crazy, I can't afford it, I can't afford it."

The two male monks from Xigabezhou and Beilubezhou were finally defeated by the two, and what is even more surprising is that the two women still defeated the other two at the same time.

After that, the two fought against each other, attacking each other, and the fight was extremely fierce. Even male monks, few of them could fight to their level.

"Brother Xie, what do you think the Snow Lotus Goddess's chances are?"

Seeing the fierce fight between the two women, Meng Wudi, who had already won, asked.

Xie Hongyun had mentioned the result of the fight several times before, and his analysis was still very convincing.

But this time, Xie Hongyun shook his head and said: "These two women are not ordinary difficult guys, let alone Goddess Snow Lotus, she is not weaker than us."

"What I didn't expect was this one from Sushui Palace. From her appearance until now, this woman is also not easy to provoke. She is both beautiful and powerful. She is on par with Goddess Snow Lotus, and they have already fought against each other for dozens of times. All the tricks failed to gain benefits from the opponent, I guess, this may be a duel that is difficult to tell the winner."

After listening to Xie Hongyun's words, the people around were slightly surprised. Although they could see that the strength of the two women was quite similar, what Xie Hongyun said now undoubtedly verified many people's guesses.

In other words, the two girls are likely to be tied.

The digital geniuses of Nanzhan Buzhou were talking about the battle between the two girls, and the geniuses of the other three continents were also talking about this topic.

For the two women who will go to the end, they have their own opinions. For example, Dongshen Buzhou naturally thinks that Li Yanran can win. There is a factor of being a monk of the same Buzhou, just like the monk of Nanzhan Buzhou thinks Snow Lotus Goddess can win as well.

However, the judgments of the monks of Xigabezhou and Beilubezhou do not need to have this consideration, but they all have different opinions.

The fight between the two girls lasted the longest, and neither of them could do anything to win the other.

In the end, the strength of the two was exhausted at the same time, and everyone then saw a hand-to-hand combat between women.

This kind of fist-to-body attack was launched among the female monks, it was really distressing to watch, some people wished to bear the attack for the second daughter.

There were wounds all over the body and face of the second girl, which were left by the other party. Even the clothes were torn, and sometimes a ray of spring light appeared, making people's eyes straighten.

It's a pity that everyone wanted to watch for a while longer. The two girls couldn't stand up under the last blow, they fell to the ground and didn't stand up for a long time.

Seeing this scene, how can I still not understand that the two of them fought to the end and couldn't fight anymore, and it really was a tie.

The referee announced that in this round, the two women were the winners, and both women were promoted.

The seventh round ended in a draw.

This is naturally a good thing for Dongshenbuzhou and Nanzhanbuzhou. They have another genius who passed the first round.

The two women were sent back to the Buzhou they represented, and began to recover with all their strength.

Continue to the eighth round.

Then came the ninth and tenth rounds.

After ten rounds in a row, the first talent exchange meeting between the four major continents ended.

Two people from Eastern Shenbu Continent won the victory, namely Cheng Mubai and Li Yanran.

The winning geniuses of Xigabuzhou are two people, Jiu Anza and Fu Suli.

The number of winners in Beilubuzhou is the same as that of Dongshenbuzhou and Xigabezhou. There are also two people, namely Bai Cangxue and Xiang Jie.

The number of victorious people in Nanzhan Buzhou is four times that of the other three Buzhou. These four people are Meng Wudi, Qiu Li, Snow Lotus Goddess, and Yang Yun.

It was really unexpected that Nanzhan Buzhou lost a few rounds at the beginning, and then won successively, overwhelming the other three continents.

For this result, the three powerhouses of Taishangmen, Wuxiangmen, and Mu's family were all a little resentful. The geniuses of their own sects failed to pass the first scuffle, so in the second round, they could only watch the talents of other sects perform. up.

Fortunately, two people from Dongshenbuzhou passed through, but when they thought that the number of people passing through Nanzhanbuzhou was as high as four, several strong people were still a little depressed.

At this time, Master He, Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei and others all thought of one person, and that was Ding Ning.

If Ding Ning hadn't been imprisoned in the prison tower by them, presumably at this time, there would be an extra quota in Eastern Shenbu Continent.

It's a pity that Ding Ning is too ignorant.

Now that the matter has come to this point, although the faces of the strong men are dull, they still have to bear the bullet and watch. After all, there are also two geniuses in Eastern Shenbu Continent who won the victory.

Before the start of the second final battle, the geniuses of the four major continents were given a day to rest. On this day, all the geniuses who won must return to their peak state.

Fortunately, they represent Buzhou in the battle, and they have everything from heaven and earth to spirit stones, and they can use them casually.

In less than half a day, everything was almost recovered.

Many monks gathered together, waiting for the arrival of the final battle.

The next day.

As the sun rises, the final battle is about to begin.

The geniuses who fought yesterday are all in good spirits and have returned to their peak condition.

The referee announced the rules for the second ultimate battle. The first was a four-person melee, and this final battle was a ten-man melee.

The rule is that no alliance between tribes or continents is allowed, each must attack independently, and only geniuses from their own sect can join forces.

This means that Nanzhan Buzhou has a huge advantage because they have the largest number of people.

The other three continents are relatively at a disadvantage, after all, each continent has only two geniuses.

This advantage was won by the geniuses of Nanzhan Buzhou themselves. Whoever made them win the most people in the first round would become an advantage in the second round, which is also a matter of course.

Just as the second match began, two figures appeared quietly.

"It seems that we are not late." It was a young man who spoke, his voice was very young.

"You regret that you didn't participate in this match. With your strength, it is enough to represent the East Shenbu Continent, and you will definitely be able to kill the Quartet." Another person said.

Hearing this, the young man smiled lightly: "What's the point of fighting with these people? My opponent is only that guy, and I don't know if that guy is here."

"Our opponents are all that person. Now, we are considered to be capable, and we have made a difference with that guy. I hope this time we won't fail like the last time. I don't want to be a homeless dog twice."

The young man smiled, then focused his gaze, and said: "If a person who has crossed the tribulation and a half-step crossed the tribulation can't compete with a Mahayana, then our cultivation during this period has really been cultivated on pigs." .”

(End of this chapter)

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