Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 419 Stigma

Chapter 419 Stigma

The idea proposed by Zero is actually not a bad idea in Bai Zhongfei's opinion.Bai Zhongfei controls all the military power of the Star Alliance, and tens of millions of bionics can follow him to die, not to mention that a considerable proportion of the population on the earth supports the Star Alliance government, and even on the earth there have been people who worship the head of state. Such a group of people believe that the head of state is the key to solving all problems on earth.

However, Bai Zhongfei really can't exile the millions of troublemakers on the earth to other planets.Using coercive means, even violence to complete this matter, especially in the case of such an obvious reason, will make people who do not have a strong dislike for him panic.

Even though Bai Zhongqi has infinite power, he doesn't want his rule on the earth to be simple and rude, and he doesn't want people to obey him simply because they are afraid of him, and become a mechanical and non-creative member of the Star Alliance.

The progress of civilization still depends on people after all. Bai Zhongfei knew this very well from the very beginning. This is also the most important reason why he tried not to make the Iridium Earth civilization into his own one-man civilization.

"When this turmoil subsides, we can plan to carry out immigration arrangements slowly, like this group of people who have made troubles, and finally get them all to other planets by some means." Bai Zhongqi conspired to plan.

The head of state is definitely a good man, but he is a good man with a black belly and holds a grudge.Even if he understands in his heart, many people may go to confrontation with the Star Alliance and the head of state simply because of the conflict of values. The Star Alliance is huge, and it is not that it cannot accommodate these people.But Bai Zhongqi still hoped to send these goods elsewhere.

Basically, the home star or capital star of all civilizations will be the place with the most stable politics and the place that best represents a civilization.And the home star/capital star of a civilization is facing a strong tearing of consciousness. The basic common situation is that this civilization is already going to perish.

Every cosmic civilization is not unaware that maintaining diversity is conducive to the development of civilization, but diversity is also prone to breed factions, and factions breed internal conflicts and fights.A civilization fluctuates several times within itself, and before reaching a higher civilization that makes full use of materials, it is basically exhausted.

From this point of view, some civilizations that use idealism to govern the internal thoughts of civilizations, very few civilizations with collective consciousness, highly integrated materialist collectivism, and autocratic empires with a long and stable history, the organizational forms of these civilizations are on the contrary more than the collection of civilizations. Systems such as federal republics of different nationalities and cultures are easier to navigate.

It's not that Bai Zhongfei himself doesn't know that it may be more cost-effective and reliable to adopt an autocratic empire or other organizational forms for the resources in his hands, but he has increased the difficulty for himself, and greedily wants to directly absorb all the crystallization of the earth's culture , in conjunction with the achievements of Iridium to achieve a new wave of improvement.

Therefore, the first birth of Yuan was contradictory. He did not compromise on things, but he had a compromising attitude at the beginning of the establishment of the Star Alliance.He has the love of his hometown for the earth, and he has a kind heart to accept what he saw when he was growing up. That's why he conceived the Star Alliance.It is hoped that the earth will smoothly transition into the interstellar era at the lowest possible cost.

It's just that this transition is not destined to be smooth and smooth.

Zero sat there, browsing all kinds of news on the Internet.Because the Ministry of Information has taken action, all directional and inflammatory content has basically been controlled, but there are still a large number of people achieving their goals through other means.

Even if technology has risen to such a high level, AI can judge the original intention of the article, but the difficulty of blocking a kind of thought is still huge.

"Your Majesty, take a look at this. Someone wrote this article in a high-level black way. They introduced all your palaces in the Star Alliance, especially the palace of the head of state established by the Silver Ling Army in Zunsheng City. Picture The videos and images are all available through public channels, and they summarized them and introduced them with embellishments. Although the content is true, it makes people feel very reactionary."

Bai Zhongfei looked at this "travel article" introducing the head of state's palace, and immediately saw through the author's true intentions.In fact, this is nothing more than to stigmatize the term head of state by describing how extravagant Bai Zhongfei is and how much money and resources the Star Alliance has taken up.

Sure enough, someone commented on the article that had already received more than 500 million hits.

"These palaces are shockingly gorgeous, all of them were built by the Star Alliance for that Bai, using the money of the people and taxpayers!"

"It's a disgrace, calling yourself the Agong and committing such blatant corruption."

"Sure enough, he is a tyrant, and he really regards himself as some kind of emperor."

"This is the enemy of the people!"

A large number of negative comments flooded the forums discussing this article. Bai Zhongfei also quickly noticed that there were quite a few articles discussing his palace and all kinds of rumors about food and clothing.

"I thought that in the era of the Star Alliance, people lived an extremely rich life, but I didn't expect that the real ruler still lived a life [-] times more luxurious than ours."

The comments one after another can almost be said to be shocking, even after zero reading, I feel that my lungs will explode.

"This group of idiots, most of the industrial capacity and manufacturing power of the Star Alliance belong to His Majesty. All the resources to build things are mined by ourselves. And those trolls, even if they spray, they don't need snacks. The current star The Alliance does not charge any fees to any citizens at all, the Alliance supports all citizens for free. The Alliance and His Majesty do not owe the people a penny, but the people owe His Majesty."

Bai Zhongzheng smiled slightly. He shook his head and said, "Such words are meaningless. It's not like there are no people who don't work and create wealth. From the perspective of personality, everyone is equal."

Zero was a little anxious, "Your Majesty, your equal rights thinking is not a good thing for the current Star Alliance. Even the Iridium Star has a distinction between nobles and commoners. Only when each knows their own duties can they live in peace. Go on without incident."

Bai Zhongfei does not want to build a class in the Star Alliance era on the earth. He has no intention of dividing classes and distinguishing ethnic groups, so as to realize the principle of uniting one group of people and attacking another group of people.

Zero felt that Bai Zhongfei was indifferent, and was very disappointed: "Your Majesty, at least we have to do something now. Although Taiping's side is still calm, it won't be long before those guys who can buy passenger spaceship tickets to go around will gather in Taiping , causing trouble in front of the government, and even ran to Wuya Palace to cause trouble. If we don’t deal with it, the situation may get worse!”

(End of this chapter)

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