Chapter 420
The entire global protests have lasted for three days. Bai Zhongfei still looks unruffled, but he is rarely dissatisfied with the Star Alliance government's handling.

As a person standing behind the Star Alliance government, Bai Zhongfei does not directly deal with the affairs of the earth. The Star Alliance government represents the core of the Star Alliance and handles various situations.Bai Zhongqi, a guy who doesn't have a formal official position in the Star Alliance, is more likely to stand behind and watch.

"The Dupeng government's handling is indeed a bit inappropriate. He originally planned to use more drastic measures, but seeing your reaction is relatively flat, it is difficult to guess your real thoughts. In addition, the officials on Earth basically do not distinguish between People across the political spectrum are more opposed to forcibly handling this matter, which has caused the Prime Minister to be hesitant about his actions." Zero's vision is also very vicious, and he can see the truth of the matter at a glance.

Bai Zhongqi sighed slightly, he was not without mistakes.Looking at it this way, he himself is quite hypocritical. On the one hand, he holds absolute power, but on the other hand, he also needs to pay attention to his figure. What he hopes to see is a proper handling, so as not to let the matter continue to burn.But with such a speed, he may not even be able to do a good job, let alone guess his true thoughts.

In fact, the Star Alliance has dispatched a large number of anti-riot troops to gather at the scene of the incident. The bionic soldiers in individual armor still look very bluffing, so the protesting crowd was forced to appear "reasonable". .

However, after another new breaking point was revealed, the situation began to change out of control.

"The latest news is that in the two wars against Tezyn, the Star Alliance Cosmic Army slaughtered more than 200 million Tezyn people under the instigation of the head of state, Bai Zhongfei. After that, there was a direct massacre. The Taizien battleship that lost its combat capability in the Star Wars contained a large number of people, and was destroyed one by one by the space army without rescue. What is even more heinous is that when dealing with these slaughtered When the corpses of the Tezens were recovered, the Star Alliance government and the Space Force directly threw them into the material recovery furnace, converted them into a large amount of synthetic food, and invested hundreds of millions of Star Alliance citizens as supplies for ordinary Star Alliance citizens. Stomach. That’s right, maybe each of us ate rice and meat made from Taizien corpses!”

After seeing this sensational article produced by some [-]th-tier small media, Bai Zhongqi was also a little surprised that some people refreshed his new understanding of no morals and no bottom line.

After seeing it, Zero was also filled with righteous indignation, and she said: "Tezien is our enemy, an evil race that intends to enslave the earth and even eat most of the earth's people. For such an enemy, what kind of saint are they. And Well, none of the Teziens were really captured by us at all. They would fight to the last moment. If we can explain our killing the enemy and defending the country as massacres, I really have to wonder if there are really some brain-damaged or Other civilizations broke into our internal traitors."

However, Bai Zhongqi smiled and said, "It's not false to say that we threw the bodies of the Taizien people into the material recovery furnace and made them into food."

With a bitter face and raised eyebrows, he said, "Your Majesty, you are still in the mood to joke at this time. What scrapped things in our Star Alliance are not put into the material recycling furnace? We use the principle of atomic construction to recycle all It is obviously of great benefit to society to reduce all material things to usable things. And some people are very hypocritical. In the past, people used green manure to irrigate crops. Do they feel that they have eaten shit? Even if there is no atomic building, All the substances in the world are decomposed and reshaped in such a cycle.”

Bai Zhongyu nodded and said: "This is the gap caused by the generation gap in knowledge. For the Iridium people, this is a matter of course, but it is unacceptable for some people on Earth who have not received new knowledge. matter."

Zero checked the information in her hand, and said: "The Propaganda Department of the Star Alliance is very fast this time, and has already started to clean up the ground and refute the rumors. But the bad influence has already gone out, and most people may be able to turn around. But there’s bound to be a minority of people who will react strongly to that.”

As Zero said, even though the Star Alliance uses AI to ban and deal with certain spreads with limited authenticity or adverse effects, these things are still spread out in other forms at a very fast speed.

For those who were not interested in participating in anti-Star Alliance government activities, these things are not of much significance, and they will not pay attention to them, just live their own lives.However, for those who are already on the anti-Star Federation government and anti-Führer front, these things are their best fuel.

Abigail, who is far away in the lighthouse country, tried to forward the news immediately after seeing the news, but soon the news was blocked because of labels such as "false" and "incompatible with mainstream values".Abigail scolded the Star Alliance officials, and picked up the phone to deliver the news to her partners.

At first, this action was nothing, but soon, Abigail found that no matter whether she was in video communication or sending text, as long as this content was involved, the communication would be automatically cut off immediately.

"These bastards who restrict freedom of speech!" she cursed, disappointed by this.

"It doesn't matter, now go to the square and say that there are millions of people gathered there. We have the most traditional method, and the most honest method, to let everyone know how much the Star Alliance government and Bai, who claims to be the head of state, really are. disgusting and despicable!"

Abigail did what she said. She gathered a group of her own democratic youths and began to preach the "truth" they saw at the rally in Washington.Like a small spark igniting the entire grassland, the crowd became more and more boiling.

And at this moment, whoever was furious shouted: "We occupy the lackeys of the Star Federation, the Congress of the United States! Let those villains who violate the people see the power of our people!"

People suddenly became excited. They pushed, shouted, and threw mineral water bottles and stones at the riot troops standing in front of the Capitol Hill, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

A large number of people rushed towards the anti-riot troops. They had done the same thing a few days ago, but the anti-riot troops were all single-handed, so powerful that they couldn't push at all.Now they called for more people, and the crowd slapped towards the cordon.

 Do you really think that the people who make trouble in my book can end well in the end?If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.This book is cool after all.

(End of this chapter)

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