Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 421 Ominous Premonition

Chapter 421 Ominous Premonition

Just after groups of young generals began to attack the cordon formed by the android anti-riot force, Bai Zhongfei directly issued an order to the anti-riot force to clear the scene.Normally, Bai Zhongfei would not issue orders directly across the Star Alliance government, but his patience was almost exhausted.Moreover, from this day on, Bai Zhongfei did not know why some urgent premonitions began to appear. He felt that perhaps the invasion of the three enslavers might come sooner than expected.

The entire Washington National Mall and its surroundings are now filled with millions of demonstrators from different states. Only a few of them actually attacked the cordon. However, the level of chaos in the scene was already unbearable. Some demonstrators behind tried to rush to the front , The stampede also happened immediately.

Fortunately, people now have accepted the liberation of genetic advantages, and their physical fitness is not the same as that of the previous Earth people. Although they are trampled, there will be no fatal phenomena.

It's just that no matter how much the young rioters in front tried to break through the cordon formed by the anti-riot troops, they couldn't do it.These anti-riot troops held heavy anti-riot shields, forming a very strong and fine line of defense, and these anti-riot shields also emitted a slight paralyzing electric current. Continuous contact with this electric current will not only make you uncomfortable, but also cause you to be stunned.

When pushed by the people behind, the unlucky ones who were constantly shocked by the anti-riot shield finally couldn't bear it, and some of them fainted on the ground one after another, foaming at the mouth.The fall of these people aroused even greater anger from the rioters behind.

"They killed people!"

That's okay, it's not known who hid old-time weapons at the demonstration.Even after entering the Star Alliance, the Beacon Country still retains local regulations on the sale of guns. Especially in the eyes of the Star Alliance, these old-fashioned firearms are not a threat at all, but a greater threat to social security.

Bang bang bang semi-automatic gunshots, although the excitement of the crowd was not so harsh, it still caused a certain amount of panic in the crowd.Many people who were angrily pushing and attacking the cordon and the anti-riot troops just now turned their heads and tried to run back, but they couldn't get anywhere at all.

The stampede became more, people fell, people stepped on the fallen and continued to run back, and the man with the gun became reckless and fired again at the crowd.

"Killed, killed!" Someone yelled in fear, and they couldn't tell who fired the shot.Even the brain couldn't react at all. All the official armed forces of the Star Alliance have eliminated the gunpowder weapons of individual soldiers. If it was really the riot troops who fired, it would definitely not make such a sound.

Bai Zhongqi frowned, and dispatched anti-riot troops to fly into the air to catch those guys with weapons. At the same time, reinforcements of anti-riot troops appeared on the scene to appease and relieve the completely chaotic scene.

At the same time, at all the large-scale rallies around the world, Bai Zhongfei started his actions, and the anti-riot troops started to disperse all the protesters.Tear gas, sonic expulsion guns and other traditional anti-riot tools came in handy. After allowing them to make trouble for three days, Bai Zhongfei finally took control of the situation.

With a happy expression, Zero said: "Actually, we should have done this long ago, before they formed a scale."

Bai Zhongqi's expression was not as relaxed as it was when the protests first started, but a little dignified.

Seeing his appearance, Zero asked, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you. Are you worried that the situation will continue to get out of control?"

Bai Zhongzheng shook his head and said: "Actually, I don't pay attention to this kind of stuff at all. They can make trouble as they want. After all, it is the initial stage of the Star Alliance, and the citizens of the Star Alliance can't fully accept the things of the old era. It was replaced like this. My original plan was to let them make trouble like this, until most people get bored with them in the end, and after the matter subsides, I will transfer all these people to other administrative stars, and it will be settled once and for all.”

His plan is actually very simple. No matter what these guys do now, it will be scratching the surface for him and the Star Alliance.Since the establishment of the Star Alliance, it has basically not come from human productivity, but concentrated on machines.Almost all the machines are controlled by Bai Zhongfei. Even though millions of people have taken to the streets, more than half of these people are unemployed after the Star Alliance era.All kinds of production and living activities of the Star Alliance will continue as usual, warships will be built as usual, and various materials will be produced as usual.

Slowly, people will find that their importance to the Star Federation is far less than they thought.As a moth supported by the state, it wants to tear down the state. Such stupidity cannot last for too long.

Even now, most people are not participating in this crazy stupid show, but living their lives.

But on this day, Bai Zhongzheng's mood suddenly became difficult to calm down. He had a premonition that there were some things that he couldn't explain clearly, but it made him very worried.

He can no longer let the whole situation worsen while preparing for war. To deal with the three major slavers, the earth needs basic unity.

"Sometimes, I really feel that human beings are hopelessly stupid creatures. It was said before that a common enemy can connect people with differences and fight together. But now it seems that we have also united Tez En war for a period of time. When the military power of the Star Alliance is strong enough, and the three enslavers sound bluffing, but they have not seen the shadow of their aggression, some guys who are not very clear have already hurriedly started They are ready to realize their own ambitions in the Star Alliance." Bai Zhongfei couldn't help showing a mocking smile.

Ling Neng could see Bai Zhongfei's anger, and said, "Before, everyone didn't know what the Star Alliance was, but in the past three years, people knew what the Star Alliance can do and what kind of power it has, and they felt relieved. But, After they understand the Star Alliance, they will ask for more things and strive for more status. Whether it is those who have gained benefits or those who have lost benefits, plus this group of so-called ideal guys. In short, they are willing to Put differences before the Federation."

Bai Zhongzheng snorted, with a cold look in his eyes, and said: "If it is an ordinary civilization, if there are such factional differences in the understanding of the composition of civilizations, there may be a fight to the death. Only after the unity of thought is finally achieved will we move forward. But in The Star Alliance, they have nothing, and what they have is still given by me. It is like relying on the so-called public opinion of replacing the majority with a minority, and replacing real equal rights with self-advantage, forcing the Star Alliance government to back down, forcing Is it possible that I surrender my power?"

"So, the real stupidity of this group of people is that they picked an opponent they couldn't win, but they thought they could win." Bai Zhongfei left in a huff.

 This is not over at all, and things will be very complicated in the end. Guess what the big law is, if you guess right, you will get a prize
(End of this chapter)

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