Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 435 Great Invasion

Chapter 435 Great Invasion ([-])
Immediately after exiting the warp bubble, the Starfleet battleship attacked the Enslaver battleship.The asteroid belt is the best formation to cut the overall formation of a fleet, and in this preset battlefield, the Star Alliance Space Force has conducted many battle simulations.

In fact, the star alliance battleships that are not dominant in number do not form their own formation at all. They will follow the preset attack positions guided by AI and directly attack the enemies on the battlefield.

If we use the ancient military formation as a metaphor, a normal Star Wars may be the collision of two well-groomed infantry regiments, but fighting in an asteroid belt that is still covered with mines is more like a more scattered battle with various bunkers. Open city street fighting.

The warships of the Enslavers were constantly struck by mines or sunk by the warships of the space army. The gap in firepower and the familiarity with the terrain made it difficult for the warships of the Enslavers to win in this environment.

Xu Lanzhou was in the main fleet, paying close attention to the smooth progress of the battle, but she did not let up.

Lu Zhinian on the Aquarius said in the screen: "In such a disadvantaged state, the enemy has not shown any signs of retreating. This is not a good sign."

Xu Lanzhou frowned slightly, and asked, "Lieutenant General Lu, what do you mean?"

Lu Zhinian said: "Our roving reconnaissance ship is about to arrive at the enemy's base camp. If my guess is correct, the enemy has probably already dispatched their troops to the Lingge star system."

In space combat, the most important intelligence is to know the enemy's location and size.Only in this battlefield in the Xunyi sector, the Star Alliance has the upper hand.Bai Zhongfei has built a dense monitoring system and defense mechanism in the Xunyi star area very well, and the Star Alliance Space Force has also specially built many ships for tactical reconnaissance.Ordinary reconnaissance ships will definitely be easily destroyed by the enemy, so they cannot stay in one place for a long time.The reconnaissance ship of the Star Alliance adopts a mobile reconnaissance mode.

The reconnaissance ship is constantly approaching the enemy's fleet at the second warp speed. During the window period when it escapes from the warp speed, it conducts intensive intelligence collection. Faster engines generally require a period of time to cool down.In this case, the enemy will repeatedly see the Star Alliance scouting ship approaching, and when they want to attack her, the scouting ship disappears again.

Emperor Taizien was a veteran on the battlefield, and he knew that he was in an intelligence depression, so he was at a very disadvantage.Therefore, he will choose to constantly adjust the position of the fleet.But he can't let the battleship turn on the warp speed frequently and carry out long-distance and large-scale transfers, because the warp speed fluctuation detection on the Star Alliance side is very sound. Once he turns on the warp speed, the Star Alliance can basically judge his specific position. and where you want to go.

So, the Enslaver fleet was moving on conventional engines, which did make it a little difficult for the Federation scout ships to spot, but not that hard.Emperor Tezyn didn't know how many detection radars and sensors the Iridium leader had placed in the entire star field.

"Commander, large-scale warp speed activity has been detected, and the slaver fleet is preparing to go to Lingge, and it is judged to be support for their defeated army in the Lingge star system." Fomalhaut said coldly.

Xu Lanzhou looked at Lu Zhinian, admiring this general with a keen sense of battle.

Lu Zhinian said: "Commander, I suggest withdrawing our fleet."

Xu Lanzhou was shocked and said: "What? You asked me to withdraw our fleet, did Linggexing give up?"

Lu Zhinian looked indifferent, and said: "That's right, in our defense, only Tao Ranxing cannot be discarded. Under such circumstances, Lingexing can be discarded."

Xu Lanzhou's face was full of anger, and he firmly opposed: "Impossible, Your Majesty entrusted me with a heavy responsibility. Lingge star is an important administrative star of the Star Alliance, and there are 20 billion Star Alliance citizens living there. If we do anything to her Do nothing, and the slaver will destroy her."

Lu Zhinian nodded, "Of course I know, but now the enemy is using tricks."

Xu Lanzhou is not stupid, she has received a good military command education and is quite talented, she naturally understood Lu Zhinian's thoughts, "You mean, the enemy wants to mobilize our main fleet and let us leave Tao Ranxing ?”

"Yes, Your Majesty's judgment is very correct. The controller has strategically made two live moves. If he wins any one, the Star Alliance will be considered a failure. We cannot help His Majesty solve the problems on Earth, but our own chess , obviously, the key is Tao Ranxing, this is our chess eye. The eternal spar on Tao Ranxing cannot be given up by the controller. No matter who is commanding the large fleet of the enslavers, they must know this truth ...know where they stand, and then you'll know what they're most afraid of."

Xu Lanzhou was silent, raised his head and said, "Blow up Tao Ranxing."

Lu Zhinian was still indifferent, and said: "Yes, I believe His Majesty's instructions to you must include this one. If there is a discrepancy, blow up Tao Ranxing. This can be said that we are in the opponent's two chess games. Now The sole initiative in our hands.”

This is a heavy decision, and Xu Lanzhou doesn't know if he can make it.

Lu Zhinian said to himself: "The best choice for the slaves is to move us as far as possible from Taoran Star. Lingge Star is obviously a good place. Attacking the enemy will save us. The actual value of it may be far greater than that of Tao Ranxing, which has not been developed much. Once we mobilize our main force and start a decisive battle, as long as we win, Tao Ranxing will only be in our pocket."

Xu Lanzhou expressed doubts about this: "If it is a decisive battle of the fleet, then we will not be afraid."

Lu Zhinian shook his head: "That's right, but there are two problems in this assumption: First, how much combat power do we have to lose in a frontal decisive battle? Although the Star Alliance is developing rapidly, the battle that can be won at the least cost is still the smallest battle." The price is good; second, if the enslavers are smart, they should not send all their fleets to Lingge. If I were their commander, I would leave a fleet to hide, and then send a large fleet to pretend to attack Lingge Star, as long as they judge that the mobilization of our main fleet is successful, and our Taoran Star is empty of defense, their surprise soldiers will go straight to Tao Ran Star and take this planet."

Xu Lanzhou couldn't help being shocked. This may be something she hadn't considered. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. There is still a civilization like Taizien who is good at strategies and tactics on the side of the slaves. If Lu Zhinian really guessed right, then it would be too Terrible.

"But are we really going to give up Lingge Star like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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