Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 436 Great Invasion

Chapter 436 Great Invasion ([-])
Lu Zhinian's expression never looked like he was going through a great war. There are more than 5000 warships on the side of the Star Alliance alone, and there are two divisions of the Cosmic Army and the Silver Ling Army with no less than 300 million people. On that side, the number of staff is probably in the tens of millions.

The wise general who is quite capable of planning and strategizing slowly said: "Now, we are faced with a difficult choice: give up Lingge star and Jijit star, and the whole army guards Taoran star. With our solid defensive posture, the enemy is very It is difficult to break through our defense line, so that we can wait for the final result from the earth, or we can fight the enemy in the best fighting state; The enemy moves, separate out a main force, and face the enemy in the Lingge star system."

Xu Lanzhou knew that he was superior in calculations and not as good as this excellent general from the PLA Navy, so he asked very humbly: "If we choose the second option, what is our risk?"

Lu Zhinian said: "First, we have no way of knowing how the enslavers will deploy their forces. Although we can conduct more reconnaissance, if we want to search for the enemy in this battlefield within tens of light years, It is very difficult. I guess that the enemy may deliberately use multiple warships of Maquivina to open multiple warp bubbles, creating the illusion that they are dispatched on a large scale, but in fact there may only be dozens of ships in a warp bubble , and the real main force, they set off secretly, avoiding our eyes and ears, waiting for us to react to their action, once we really press hard to save Lingge Star, their real main force can surprise Taoran Star .”

Xu Lanzhou nodded, with a preoccupied expression on his face, and said, "So the trouble is, we don't know how the enemy allocates their fleet at all, do we?"

Lu Zhinian continued: "Secondly, we are the party with a small number, and the division of troops will have a greater impact on us than on them. Let's use [-]% of the warp speed bubble capacity of their current marching Lingge star, which is at least [-]% to [-]% Thousands of warships, we have allocated [-] warships to fight, and whether we can achieve results is also a matter of anxiety."

Lu Zhinian's eyes were bright, as if he was holding wisdom pearls, he said, "This time, the Taizien people will definitely not be so stupid as to use shield arrays. For our battle, it will be far more difficult than the Jijit battle. Needless to say, the strength of the Benefactor fleet and the battleship Maquivina are both stronger than the battleship Tezien."

Also listening to Lu Zhinian's analysis, Yuan Lang, the admiral of the Yinling Army, also admired Lu Zhinian. Yuan Lang thought he was one of the best generals in the Yinling Army, but he knew that he was not as talented as Lu Zhinian.Yuan Lang sighed secretly: "As expected, he is the head of state, and there are many talented and powerful generals under his command. If this Lu Zhinian was born 5000 years ago, he might have the qualifications to become a knight of destiny."

Xu Lanzhou asked in a different way: "Lieutenant General Lu, if you were asked to lead the fleet to Lingge Star to fight, how many ships would you bring with you?"

Lu Zhinian knew very well in his heart that Xu Lanzhou would not give up Lingge Xing, this young female commander could not be completely cruel.Of course, from a political point of view, if the Star Alliance gives up an important administrative star so easily, it will also cause great harm to the Star Alliance itself.

Lu Zhinian thought for a while, and then replied: "If possible, I will only take a ship, but this is obviously not in line with your plan, Commander. So, we are gambling, let's see where the enemy puts the treasure One end. However, I still have a simple method, which can verify the enemy's bet and increase our chances of winning."

--split line--

Emperor Taizien closed his eyes to calm his mind, showing excellent self-restraint.And Da Ci'en was unwilling to lose his aura in front of him, and ordered a group of beauties from the vassal clan to sing and dance directly on his flagship.

Beside Emperor Taizien, there was no one there, but beside Dacien, there was singing and dancing.The two were connected to each other, and Da Ci'en pretended to be casual and asked: "Emperor Taizien, our fleet has been traveling for more than ten hours, and we haven't been spotted by the Star Alliance's scout ship yet, what are we waiting for?" when?"

Emperor Taizien still closed his eyes, the old god was there, and said: "Wait for them to move."

Da Ci'en's tone became a little more urgent: "What if the Star Alliance really gave up on Lingge Star?"

Emperor Taizien said: "Then I have other methods."

In terms of military strategy, the Taizien people are very similar to the people on Earth.Emperor Taizien has a very powerful general and staff group, one side makes plans, and the other side executes them. This is also the main reason why they can achieve military successes one after another.

At this moment, the communication of a gray-skinned Maquivina puppet popped up, and his speech naturally represented the voice of the controller.

"Tezn, the benefactor, the master's battleship has detected a large-scale warp speed activity, and the scale should be more than [-] battleships."

Emperor Taizien's eyes lit up, and he said, "Four thousand warships? Although Star Alliance's shipbuilding speed is fast, the speed of forming an army is not so fast. In addition to those silver warships with long horns, four thousand warships The boat should be the limit they can come up with."

Da Ci'en didn't care about any singing and dancing entertainment, and immediately asked: "So this is their main fleet?"

Emperor Taizien said: "It should be right, they were successfully mobilized by us."

The controller said in a completely emotionless way: "No matter what plan you have, hurry up and implement it now, the situation on the earth is not good, the Star Alliance has created too many human-like but without human spiritual power Robots, without Eternal Stone, the actions of the controller on the earth are getting weaker and weaker, but there is a certain amount of Eternal Stone stored on the earth, if the controller succeeds, the people on the earth will definitely be destroyed. Well, do your best After defeating the Star Alliance, the benefits promised to you by the controller will be fulfilled."

After all, his screen went black.

After hearing this, Da Ci'en is also gearing up. Although the benefactor is considered a strong force, he does not have the ability to control a star area. In the distribution of spoils before the battle, the controller promises that the benefactor can get the entire system. Star sector, this is a great temptation for the benefactor.

Emperor Tezien was not as happy as Da Ci'en. He had already seen Tezien's fate clearly, so he was much more pessimistic.

"Okay, attack!" Emperor Taizien stopped talking nonsense, and ordered the combined fleet of the enslavers to go out immediately.

One after another, the warships of the enslavers began to form a dense sailing formation.Centered and driven by several Maquivina star warships, warp bubbles began to form one after another, enveloping these warships.

Emperor Taizien said silently: "The battle to prove the heart and glory of Tezien's fighters is just around the corner."

They are a group of atheists and materialists. They never believe in gods and demons. Tezien only believes in his own force.

The light in Da Ci'en's eyes was jumping a little now, which was obviously caused by excitement.The benefactors brought the most fleet this time, and they brought about [-] warships.The benefactor has never participated in such a large-scale war. Although he is following the master's tricks, Da Ci'en is deeply obsessed with the strength of his own civilization.

"Occupying the Xunyi star area, if you speak good words to the controller, you may be able to obtain some advanced technology from the Maquivina people, then our benefactors can also become a high-level civilization!"

For the controllers, they don't have much interest to measure. In the war they lead, their status and ideas are the most detached.The desire of the controller is very simple, it is eternal spar.

At the same time, among the battleships of the Star Alliance Space Force near Tao Ranxing, Lu Zhinian smiled very rarely.

"Twenty large warp bubbles, that is to say, did the enslavers send about 10000 warships? It's a big deal."

Xu Lanzhou looked at the data and intelligence fed back by the Star Alliance strategic early warning system, and was also a little scared.If she really made a big move to rescue Lingge star before, then I'm afraid they have fallen into the trap of the enslavers coalition at this time.It is impossible for a small fleet to stop the huge fleet of tens of thousands of enslavers.

Xu Lanzhou looked at Lu Zhinian again, admiring him already.This earth general is really resourceful.

Lu Zhinian said casually: "During the Second World War in the old era of the earth, the Americans had already cracked part of the JN-25 communication codes of the Nihongren. I heard a word repeatedly, AF azimuth. In order to verify, the Americans deliberately leaked the false information that there was a problem with the desalination equipment on Midway Island, and the fresh water was insufficient. And the telegram sent by the Nihong base camp was sent out, and the AF azimuth was insufficient in fresh water. , the attacking troops brought enough fresh water. In this way, the Americans immediately verified that the AF azimuth was Midway Island, so they could calmly set up an ambush on Midway Island.

Now, we don't know which side the enemy is putting the heavy injection on, so we also use the enemy's confusing means to use a few ships with two-stage warp speed to prop up 9 large warp speed bubbles to make our 4000 Under the illusion of multiple warships attacking, the enemy hidden in the dark immediately launched an attack on Tao Ranxing, and brought twenty large warp speed bubbles.It can be inferred from this that the fleet sent by the enemy to Lingge Star should actually be more than 1000 ships. "

Yuan Lang was a little skeptical, and asked, "How do you know that the warships of all the enslavers are inside these twenty large warp bubbles? Maybe they still have a hand left?"

Lu Zhinian smiled and said: "Because as soon as they dispatched, the scout ships near us went to conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance around, and there were no warships in that area, and if they acted separately, they would never be able to avoid it so easily. Our entire set of strategic early warning systems and multi-line reconnaissance ships sweep and reconnaissance."

Xu Lanzhou also asked a question: "Is it possible that the large-scale fleet going to Lingge Star is the real large-scale fleet, and this one is just a bluff?"

Lu Zhinian shook his head: "It doesn't make sense logically. Judging the enemy's actions based on their goals. They made such a strategy just to deceive us and get Tao Ranxing. It is not good for them to do it the other way around. risk."

Xu Lanzhou was completely convinced, and said: "There are [-] warships on one side, and nearly [-] warships on the other side. Lieutenant General Lu, how should we allocate our forces now?"

Lu Zhinian quickly responded: "In the direction of the Lingge star, not only the quantity will be poor, but the quality will also be poor. Except for a few Maquivina warships, the rest of the warships should not be sufficient, so we only need to send a small number of troops to cooperate with Lingge. Grid Star's system defense is sufficient to resist. Tao Ranxing's direction must be strengthened enough, because a large-scale decisive battle cannot be avoided."

Yuan Lang is convinced now, and Lu Zhinian can really be called exhaustive strategy. Although he looks down on people, Yuan Lang knows the importance of this battle to the head of state, so he volunteered: "The enemy in the direction of Lingge Star, Leave it to me, our unicorn warships can overwhelm the enemy with quality, how many ships do Lieutenant General Lu think is appropriate?"

Lu Zhinian didn't seem to notice Yuan Lang's overtures, he was still serious, polite and not polite, and said directly: "With the strength of the Yinling Army, plus the [-] warships and [-] unicorn warships we had originally there, Enough to deal with."

Xu Lanzhou nodded and said: "Okay, Admiral Yuan Lang, you will lead the task force to face the enemy in the Lingge star system. The main purpose is to preserve our strength and protect the Lingge star. It is not necessary to force the enemy to be wiped out."

Yuan Lang took the order and said, "Yes, I'll set off right away."

Xu Lanzhou's fair and clean face was shining with determination. She took a deep breath, and then said to Lu Zhinian: "Next, we will use more than 4600 warships to fight against an enemy twice as large as ours."

Lu Zhinian asked, "Is the commander not confident?"

Xu Lanzhou asked back, "What about you?"

Lu Zhinian replied somewhat unexpectedly: "No."

Xu Lanzhou looked at him, but Lu Zhinian showed no embarrassment. He said, "This is a battle that we might lose, but we can't afford to lose. I will try my best to deal with the enemy. But if In the end we couldn't win, Commander, please detonate Tao Ranxing."

Xu Lanzhou was silent, and she nodded with difficulty after a long time. When she agreed, her lips were dry.This is such a difficult decision, she couldn't help but think: "When the head of state said this to me, he probably struggled in the same way."

In the lives of many girls of her age, it may be all kinds of clothes and bags, or husbands and children, but Xu Lanzhou shoulders the safety and well-being of the tens of billions of people in the Star Alliance with Bai Zhongqi on her own shoulders.At this moment, she doesn't know why, but she misses Bai Zhongfei more and more, and at the same time she feels sorry for him, because she has to be responsible for so many people and a whole civilization.

"I only hope that I can cheer up, and with a little more ability, I can solve your problems and worries." Xu Lanzhou thought foolishly.

 There are not many recommendation tickets recently, please give me a few more, the white faces are working hard to write

(End of this chapter)

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