Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 446 Unparalleled Star Wars

Chapter 446 Peerless Star Wars ([-])

After realizing that the kitten-like Starfleet fleet did not follow behind and continue to tickle him, Emperor Tezyn smiled slightly and did not do anything to them.

"The commander of the Star Alliance is quite confident. He split the fleet into nine parts. Maybe he had planned to lure the enemy into deep. I sent troops to attack one of them, and the other eight surrounded them from other directions, thus causing us great damage. Bigger trouble. It seems that they are quite proud of the Star Wars level and the arrangement of tactical positions." Emperor Taizien thought.

"But now, let me hurt you a little bit."

In the combined fleet of the enslavers, several Maquivina warships with rather strange shapes slowly opened their bows, revealing an extremely large missile-shaped weapon inside.

Seeing this scene, Da Ci'en's face changed slightly, and his eyes that were shining like light bulbs seemed to be out of light for a second, he asked: "Emperor Taizien, what are you going to do? I have all the [Whip of Destruction] out, you Are you going to destroy Tao Ranxing?"

Emperor Taizien denied it: "The only and necessary task of our fleet is to take Tao Ranxing safely. No matter how stupid I am, I can't destroy our goal. The Whip of Destruction is not for Tao Ranxing. "

At this time, several Maquivina special warships shot out huge weapons that were not much smaller than light frigates in the bow.

When these missiles were launched, they were not fast. The plasma jet engine pushed these missiles slowly away from the slaver's fleet, and Xu Lanzhou quickly noticed it.

"Is it a spaceship sent by the enemy? It doesn't look like it." Xu Lanzhou was surprised.

However, when these missiles left the main body of the fleet, the entire missile body suddenly appeared in a trance, as if it had become unreal.The Star Alliance didn't know what was going on, but then, a medium-sized gas planet about 15 astronomical units away from Tao Ran star suddenly exploded violently.

It is impossible to have Starlink facilities and personnel on a gas planet, but this gas planet itself carries a large amount of hydrogen, methane and other gases. After various chemical reactions, it turned into a huge hot Nuclear bombs sweep everything around the entire planet.

"What is that?" Xu Lanzhou's complexion suddenly changed. There is a Star Alliance fleet around this gas planet, and there is also a defense line set up by the Star Alliance.

The technical officer in the fleet immediately responded: "It is a super weapon, it should be the whip of destruction of the Maquivina civilization. It is said that this is a huge but powerful weapon. Its vehicle is actually It is a spaceship that can fly at warp speed and phase jump. For the time being, we don’t know what kind of weapon the Death Whip is, but it is speculated that it is related to the transmission of energy across space. The range of this weapon can almost be regarded as Infinite, after being shot, it will act on the target immediately, triggering a strong reaction of light elements on the planet, and a fusion effect will occur, causing uncontrollable energy rampage. In the most terrible situation, this weapon can even collapse the planet, forming a weakened version of the black hole. Under certain circumstances, this weapon can destroy all the things in a small half of the planetary system. This is also a killer of the Maquivina civilization as an advanced civilization to deter other competitors and pretenders."

Without Xu Lanzhou's order, the surrounding fleet group has already opened the warp bubble and left immediately. This is also a very smart approach, because after entering the warp bubble, it is equal to breaking away from the surface of the material world. Even if a huge explosion occurs, it will not affect them.

Dangerous and dangerous, when the last warp bubble formed to envelop the Star Alliance battleship inside, the light and heat generated by the big bang also hit.

Xu Lanzhou's face became extremely gloomy. He didn't expect that the slaves had acquired such a terrible weapon. The lethality of this weapon was no less than that of Iridium's super-fusion fusion bomb.

"The production of this kind of weapon is not easy, and the enemy will not have too many." The technical officer added at this time.

But this didn't make Xu Lanzhou happy, "As long as they have ten whips of destruction, it's enough to destroy the planetary system."

Lu Zhinian calmly said: "Because of its own attributes, gas planets are more suitable as fuel for the whip of destruction, so the damage caused is greater. The slaves use this weapon to oppress us, and it is also a way to clear the way. If we throw down a few of these weapons, the defense line we spent time arranging will be torn out by them."

After hearing this, Xu Lanzhou became vigilant and made a deployment: "The 2nd Strategic Fleet Group and the 6th Strategic Fleet Group are cross-deploying and changing positions."

The 2nd Fleet Group ran away just now, which meant that this position gave way to a space. Xu Lanzhou immediately asked the 6th Fleet Group to fill the space, and did not want this place to have a gap in defense.

The explosion just now came and went very quickly, and the original gas planet has now become a piece of fragmented and flattened interstellar matter, appearing in the original place like scattered dust clouds.There are only sporadic fragments of Starfleet facilities, most of which no longer exist in the explosion.

Lu Zhinian said: "The enemy is planning to play checkers."

That's right, Emperor Taizien's idea was still a checkers tactic.The warp speed was interrupted by interference, so that in this range of the galaxy, only the warships of the Star Alliance can fly at warp speed.The United Fleet of Enslavers can only use short-distance phase jumps for movement, or to a lesser extent, directly push with plasma engines.

Emperor Taizin directly exploded a planet, but the gravity well generated by the local mass still exists, which allows them to perform phase jumps.After they jumped over, the defense platform that was originally armed to the teeth was gone, which would not cause damage to the enslavers.

"Just break the planets one by one for you, and then jump to Taoran Star one by one like this. Since you don't want to all come up for a decisive battle, then I will fly over and pick Taoran Star off." Emperor Taizien was full of ambition. However, in such a battle, as long as one side is determined and bold enough, it can take the initiative and change the direction of the battlefield.

Lu Zhinian had a clear understanding of this competitor's psychological activities, and he sighed: "The enemy doesn't want us to wait and see. If this continues, they may turn all the planets in the entire galaxy into pieces."

Xu Lanzhou clenched his silver teeth, and his beautiful eyes showed anger, "Well, since you want a decisive battle, then give him a decisive battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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