Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 447 Unparalleled Star Wars

Chapter 447 Peerless Star Wars ([-])

The planet in the second planetary system was detonated by the Whip of Death. This planet is a terrestrial rocky planet. The destruction effect of the whip of death is not as good as that of the previous gas planet, but the damage caused is still possible. terror.This place was only opened up as a resource star by the Star Alliance three months ago, and metal elements were mined here.This big explosion directly destroyed the mining base set up by the Star Alliance on the planet, as well as hundreds of mining equipment.

Not to mention other facilities on the orbit of the planet, all kinds of defense platforms that spent a lot of energy were swept away.

Xu Lanzhou's anger has subsided, and her beautiful face is covered with a layer of frost. She has only one thought now, and that is to completely wipe out the enemy.

This is what war really looks like. The confrontation between two powerful interstellar civilizations can never be a mode of gentlemen sending fleets to fight each other. The enemy is using all means to destroy the national strength of another civilization, destroying mines, destroying defense lines, There's nothing you can't do to demoralize as long as it works.

Xu Lanzhou ordered coldly: "The 1st, 5th, and 7th strategic fleet groups, turn on the warp speed, and target the No. 1 resource star."

There is no doubt that the next jump of the combined slaver fleet will be to jump to this resource star that has just been blown up. Xu Lanzhou is going to organize an attack on the spot and start a decisive battle with the enemy.

Looking at the star map in front of him, Lu Zhinian racked his brains: "Is there no better way?"

He felt a little helpless in his heart. The enslaver took out a super weapon like the Whip of Destruction, which was tantamount to pushing the Star Alliance into a corner. Although it seemed that blowing up a few planets would not do much damage to the existing power of the Star Alliance, this overdrawn It is the development resource of the Star Alliance in this galaxy and even the star field in the future.No general would turn a blind eye to such an attack.

The three strategic fleet groups led by Xu Lanzhou arrived at the preset battlefield quickly, and within a few minutes after their arrival, the large slaver fleet that started the phase jump also officially arrived.

In this space, there are now bombed-out planet fragments and cosmic dust everywhere. At the near end of the dust, there are a large number of slaver fleets coming from the phase jump. The phase jump is based on a single ship. In the warp speed mode, hundreds of warships will arrive at the same time in the warp bubble.

Xu Lanzhou's eyes were fixed, and he seized his opportunity, and ordered loudly: "All fleet, release super-fusion fusion bombs!"

In the process of phase jumping, there is always the problem of warships arriving one after another, which makes the warships that arrive first face a situation of relatively weak strength.The very obvious consequence is that their air defense density will be severely reduced. At this time, Xu Lanzhou resolutely chose to use the super-weapon super-fusion fusion bomb in the fleet, in an attempt to strike the enemy's fleet first in the form of large-scale destruction.

The Federation can produce hyperfusion fusion bombs much faster than the dreaded Deathwhip.As a very effective super weapon, the Star Alliance battleship does not actually use this weapon as a strategic weapon, but more like a powerful tactical weapon.

Battleships above the cruiser level all carry multiple super-fusion fusion bombs. Battleships like Fomalhaut, which is known for its firepower, even carry 64 super-fusion fusion bombs, which are fired with one blow.

Emperor Taizien's flagship has not yet arrived, but he has seen the blows suffered by the vanguard.

"Emperor Taizien, look at what you've done, the enemy has also bombarded us with super weapons! Should we move quickly?" Da Ci'en cried out in fear.

Emperor Taizien maintained his usual calmness and did not speak.

A large number of super-fusion fusion bombs passed through the anti-aircraft firepower network of the enslaver battleship, and exploded on the heads of the enslaver United Fleet.Groups of huge fireballs unfolded extremely brilliantly, engulfing battleships one by one.Most of the warships had already turned on their energy shields at this time, but when encountering such a large-scale terrorist attack, ships with a smaller tonnage and poor protection could not survive for a few seconds before being blasted by multiple super-fusion fusion bombs. The light and heat energy waves are destroyed and become the state of atoms.

Seeing a large number of ships being turned into ashes, Da Ci'en went berserk. He accused Emperor Taizien: "Damn it, our ships are being destroyed and sunk, what should we do?"

At this time, Emperor Taizien finally spoke. He shook his head and said, "This is what war looks like. Our goal is to achieve an epic victory. In the process, we will inevitably damage a large number of soldiers and ships."

Da Ci'en couldn't understand the ruthless Emperor Taizien, he shouted: "There are many ships of your Taizien Empire in there, they are your loyal subjects, can't their death even make you have some mood swings? ?”

Emperor Tezyn said calmly: "This is the end of the warrior."

The emperor who commanded the machine guns naturally did not do nothing. More and more enslaver warships arrived at Resource Star 1. Emperor Taizien ordered these ships to start bypassing the attack range and charge forward from the side .

Some of the large number of warships that emerged from the two wings may have been affected by the explosion just now, but their overwhelming numbers still make people feel very nervous.

Lu Zhinian sighed, "They're here."

The number that drives the panic phobia is like countless densely packed bees from a distance. After breaking through the explosion zone, the enslaver's battleship opened fire on the three fleet groups of the Star Alliance.

Just the warships that broke through at this time are already more than the more than 1000 Star Alliance warships in the three fleet groups.The technical level of these Taizin and Benefactor warships is naturally slightly lower than that of the Star Alliance battleships, but the heavy shelling bombarded the shields of the Star Alliance battleships, still causing considerable damage.

Naturally, the Star Alliance warships will not be good-tempered, and they also retaliate. For a while, Gauss railguns, beam cannons, laser cannons, particle torpedoes and other weapons greeted the enemy for free.

This battle is a head-to-head fight without any tricks. Both sides have achieved an extremely balanced fleet configuration, reflective armor and mirror shields to deal with beam weapons and laser weapons, point defenses to deal with missiles and torpedoes, and area defenses. Defense, almost all the cards thrown by one side, the other side can catch them, and vice versa.

One enslaver battleship after another was sunk in the confrontation. In terms of the quality of firepower, the Star Alliance battleship was obviously superior. The number of enslaver warships on the screen in front of Emperor Taizien fell faster than that in front of Xu Lanzhou. faster.

This is no longer a battle where the Star Alliance unilaterally hangs the enemy. The fleets of the Cosmic Army and the Silver Plume Army continue to have their ships sunk after their energy shields are breached.

(End of this chapter)

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