Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 458 Escape from the Star Alliance

Chapter 458 Escape from the Star Alliance
Han Jiaxue helped Xu Lanzhou up and asked, "General Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Lanzhou burst into tears: "The head of state, the head of state..."

Han Jiaxue's heart sank, "The head of state? What happened to him?"

The two women supported each other, but at this time the bionic man who followed them to the destroyer aimed his gun at them.

Di An was shocked: "What are you doing?"

Xu Lanzhou looked at the bionics who suddenly turned against each other, and tears fell even more fiercely, "They are not bionics controlled by the head of state, someone has taken away the supreme order!"

Di An and Han Jiaxue were terrified. No one thought that the Supreme Order could still be snatched.

The bionics have no feelings for Xu Lanzhou at all, and the Supreme Command requires them to kill, and they kill.

The gun went off!
Han Jiaxue hugged Xu Lanzhou tightly, her eyes closed.

The sound of the body's bottoming sounded, and Xu Lanzhou watched the handsome white-haired pilot fall down in front of him.

"Let's go..." Di An looked at Xu Lanzhou and made a final sound before dying.

"Di An!" Xu Lanzhou was filled with grief and indignation.

But the eyes of Yuetang people were full of tenderness.

It was the girl in front of her, who scolded him with a serious face and told him not to believe the nonsense that Yuetang people can only be fools, they can also become excellent soldiers.

He thought of that time countless times, and felt that the serious-looking female officer with an immature face was indeed the cutest.

In order to make her words come true, Dean worked a hundred times harder, from the tail of the crane of the flight pilot to the ace of the Star Alliance.

However, the immature girl at that time has now become the general of the space army, and from the way she looks at the head of state, Dean can feel that it is the same love as his own.

One is the descendant of the Knight of Destiny, and the other is the head of the empire. The two are the best match. I am just a lowly Yuetang person, so I shouldn't expect too much.

Standing behind the general, flying for her, and killing enemies for her is my own destiny.

Compared to Xu Lanzhou, Di An is more like a knight!
Now, this knight has finished the last part of his life and dedicated his life to the lover in his heart, even though she has never had any feelings for him.

A great flying ace who died not in flight under enemy fire but at the gunpoint of a conspiratorial mutiny.

The grief and anger in Xu Lanzhou's heart were all ignited. She wanted to rush up to fight these bionics, but before she could move, these bionics were suddenly chopped off in half and turned into a pile of corpses.

Shnaita stepped out of the special cabin.

It was only then that Xu Lanzhou remembered that this Marquivina girl was also a star warrior.

Shnaita said thoughtfully: "It seems that some bad things have happened to your civilization. I can't imagine what it would be like to cooperate with a civilization that opened fire on its general, but I know , you two are good people."

Han Jiaxue was already crying. She was afraid of the unknown, and she didn't know what happened to Bai Zhongfei.

Xu Lanzhou knew that now was not the time for remorse and sadness. She stood up and looked out through the porthole. A large number of Star Alliance warships were coming towards them, and their guns were aimed at them.

Shnetta pressed a button, and the destroyer raised its shields.

Shnaita said: "Okay, now we are called partners, we must leave here, and we are going to start a new adventure."

After all, Xu Lanzhou was a heroine, and she was not at all ambiguous at the critical moment. She immediately went to the captain's console, took out the Starlink smart device from her body, and crushed it to pieces.

"Teach me how to control, we are now going to start the second warp speed and leave."

"There is anti-warp interference here, do you know the interference frequency band?"

"I know."

"Okay then, we can go."

Shnaita operated with Xu Lanzhou, the destroyer's warp engine was turned on, and a small warp bubble enveloped the spaceship.

A large amount of artillery fire hit the Maquivina battleship, and the energy shield was also crumbling, but Xu Lanzhou pushed the spaceship at the last second, and the warp bubble sneaked under the surface of the plane and disappeared from everyone's sight .

In Wuya Palace, Xiao Yu, who had already changed into a head of state uniform, was slightly taken aback.

"You actually ran away?"

Lai Zhicun said: "It is said that Xu Lanzhou and Han Jiaxue boarded the Marquivina destroyer when the incident happened, and there was a surviving Marquivina on board."

Xiao Yu's expression became a little stern, and he said, "The surviving Maquivina people? Why do I feel that this is the work of the collective consciousness of the failed controller?"

Nan Ma smiled and said: "Yes, it makes sense. You have been with that thing for so long, and you even thought that she leaked the location of the Eternal Stone on Earth, and even used the controller's attack to deceive Bai Zhongfei's The Bionic Corps. The controller was killed by Bai Zhongfei's backhand. If this collective consciousness knows what you are doing, it will definitely cause you some trouble."

Xiao Yu said disdainfully: "I don't know if it is true, but even if it is, so what, the Huan Neng Cannon is in our hands, and what kind of waves can a Xu Lanzhou turn over?"

"Go, my subjects are still waiting for me."

He walked through the doorway of the gallery to the minaret set up on the hilltop on the coast of the Palace of No Cliffs.Standing beside him were Ji You and Lai Zhicun, covered by dark shadows, when he stepped out of the corridor, the sunlight slanted on his body, dispelling the darkness covering him.

Numerous suspended cameras were aimed at him, and his appearance was transmitted to thousands of households in the Star Alliance.

"Star Alliance, welcome your head of state!"

--split line--

Kentaro and his little friend Lupika, who had already returned home, were watching TV. This was the day when the head of state issued a victory declaration to the Star Alliance.But when people cheered and waited for the head of state to appear, the person who came out was the space army commander.

"What's going on here?" Lupika gasped.

Kentaro was also at a loss: "I don't know."

Like them, almost everyone in the world has no idea what happened.

In the secret research institute of Country C, Lin Yin struggled and protested to the catgirls, saying, "What are you doing? This is kidnapping!"

Lina, the eldest sister of BBY, took out her smart device, which was playing the head of state's declaration of victory. She said, "Miss Lin Yin, the Star Alliance has changed."

Lin Yin almost bit her tongue: "Eh? What about the head of state? How about Xiao Yu? Why is he wearing the head of state uniform?"

In the video, Xiao Yu's voice rang out emotionally: "...the former head of state, Bai Zhongfei, felt deeply guilty and remorseful for launching a war that caused countless casualties among soldiers and civilians. A reincarnation, left our world. Before he left, in view of the fact that I turned the tide in the war and protected the citizens of the Star Alliance, with outstanding feats and abilities, I was granted the Supreme Command. From now on, I , Xiao Yu, is the head of the Star Alliance."

"The Star Alliance will establish a single head of state system. The head of state is the leader of the country and the will of the country! Everything in the Star Alliance belongs to me, and everyone in the Star Alliance is my subject!"

"Star Alliance will become a towering civilization in the galaxy, and I will lead my subjects to revitalization."

"Surrender to me! Pray to me! I am your head of state, I am Xiao Yu!"

His face was full of confidence, he used anti-gravity to lift himself into the sky, and swung Fang Qiu like a magic stick, showing his majesty.

Lin Yin was almost dumbfounded, she began to stammer: "Hey, what's going on here!?"

A flat-chested green-haired girl came out and said bluntly: "You see, there is an ambitious usurper."

Lin Yin became concerned and worried: "What happened to the head of state?"

The green-haired girl said: "Hey, you still care about that kid. It seems that you still have a little friendship. But you shouldn't worry about him now, you are labeled as a former Fuhrer party, and your breasts are so big Such a foul, do you think Xiao Yu will let you go?"

Lin Yin shuddered.

Lina took Lin Yin's hand and said, "If it's someone like Xiao Yu, he will definitely not bring benefits to the Star Alliance. Under his rule, this civilization will have no hope. Come with us, you The power of technology can help more people.”

Lin Yin was stunned for a while, then looked at the green-haired girl, and said, "You know the whereabouts of the head of state, right? Is he alright?"

Cuihai snorted, and said: "I just found a girlfriend in name, but in the end, many girls were worried about him. This guy is really lucky. Well, if I want to tell you, you have to be the singer of the Galaxy Battle Technical support staff, can you leave the Star Alliance with us?"

Lin Yin asked: "Can you help everyone bring the head of state back?"

Cui Hai smiled and said: "You are very smart. From what I said, you can tell that Bai Zhongfei is not dead yet."

Lin Yin stared at Cuihai and said, "You are not an ordinary person, you know about the coup d'état of the Star Alliance."

"That's natural, hurry up and tell me whether you agree or not."

"Okay, I promise you."

Cuihai compared with a few catgirls with V-shaped scissors, laughed and said: "Well, I can only tell you that Bai Zhongfei is really miserable now, but it is impossible for such a lucky guy to be defeated by Xiao Yu." Damn it, he'll be back when the time is right."

Lin Yin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

"Except that I, Xiao Yu, may deal with it, what about General Xu and the head of state's girlfriend?"

"Those two have already been rescued. This time, Bai Zhongfei is the only one who is unlucky. Xiao Yu will probably clean up the Star Alliance in the future, but I don't think many people will be killed. After all, everyone is not so closely related to Bai Zhongfei. Moreover, there is a supreme order, so resistance is very meaningless. Oh, except for those stupefied youths from the Silver Plume Army who will deal with Xiao Yu to the end, the others will still be Xiao Yu's subjects honestly."

Lin Yin breathed a sigh of relief, but was filled with endless regret, and sighed: "The star alliance is so good, why did it become like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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