Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 459 White Worm

Chapter 459 White Worm
Falling in the boundless darkness, the only heat that Bai Zhongfei could feel came from the soul stone on his chest that contained Zero Soul.Even if the body is destroyed, Zero still accompanies him in this way, even if he is going to hell.

Bai Zhongzheng knew where he was. This is the void, the so-called gap between one universe and another universe, an area that completely denies existence.In other words, entering the void, Bai Zhongfei itself is no longer a substance that exists in the world.

He couldn't feel anything else, except for the warmth of the soul stone, and even the arm that had been losing blood, now he lost his feeling.

Bai Zhongzheng was full of unwillingness, even more remorse, as well as worries about his relatives and friends, and worries about the future of the Star Alliance under Xiao Yu's control.

But no matter what kind of ideas he has, there is no way to do anything.

In the darkness, he felt that he was getting more and more tired, and thought to himself: "Maybe if I just sleep here, I will die forever."

He laughed at himself: "Why didn't I think that I would die with the label of a loser and a usurper."

Just when he was about to fall asleep, Bai Zhongqi thought of the strange dreams he had had many times.

"It actually became a reality, that strange dream. But in the dream, I seemed to have become a big butterfly and came back to life? Or does the big butterfly refer to the meaning of breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly?" His eyelids became more and more dizzy. The weight got heavier and he couldn't hold it anymore. When he closed his eyes, he was finally surrounded by complete darkness.

At this moment, Bai Zhongfei seemed to feel that he was in a cradle, and a gentle woman was looking at him. She was wearing a long dress at home, and her face looked a bit like Zero with fairer skin.

The woman smiled sweetly at Bai Zhongfei, and Bai Zhongfei fell asleep like a baby.


When Bai Zhongqi woke up again, he was awakened by pain.

The moment he opened his eyes, what he saw was a big white bug lying beside him, gnawing at his bleeding arm.

"Damn it!" Even though he was weak, Bai Zhongqi still had the courage to grab the stone on his chest, and slammed it hard at the big bug that looked like white jade.

This big Baiyu worm was the size of a baby, and it was very happy to eat Bai Zhongfei's flesh and blood. It never expected that Bai Zhongfei would fall down with a stone.

This blow almost exhausted all the strength of Bai Zhongfei, who was already extremely weak, and the stone unexpectedly smashed into the head of the big white bug.

Bai Chong let out a miserable cry, and showed his ferocious fangs towards Bai Zhongfei. Bai Zhongfei wanted to call my life to an end, but he saw the stone smashed into Bai Chong's head, slowly sinking into Bai Chong's body.

Bai Chong couldn't care about Bai Zhongfei anymore, and began to struggle violently, as if trying to resist the stone from entering his body.

Bai Zhongqi realized at this time, isn't that stone the soul stone containing Zero's soul?
Bai Zhongyu believes that it must be Zero in the soul stone, who is saving himself.

"Come on, Zero!"

After struggling for a few minutes, the big white worm finally stopped breathing, and the big dent in its head returned to its original state.

Bai Zhongqi didn't know what happened, so he retreated slowly to prevent the big white bug from violently attacking people.

For a while, Bai Zhongfei finally had the time to observe his surroundings.It was pitch black, with only a faint light. It looked like some kind of deep underground cave, and there was an underground river flowing not far away.

By the river, there is a huge but very beautiful insect egg that has been broken open, the big white insect should have crawled out of it.

Just when Bai Zhongqi was hesitating, the big white worm moved again.

Bai Zhongqi was so frightened that he was about to turn around and run away, but found that he was too weak to get up at all.

But the big white worm didn't seem to be interested in him anymore. Instead, he turned his head, ran to the cracked eggs, and started to eat the eggs.

Bai Zhongqi was in shock, watching the big white worm nibbling on its eggs, the more the worm ate, the bigger it became, and when the whole worm egg was eaten, it actually became bigger than a person.

Bai Zhongqi's heart is not good.

But at this time, the big white worm unexpectedly spit out a white thread, and in a very short period of time, it turned itself into a huge cocoon.

Bai Zhongqi suddenly had some associations. In the strange dream, he turned into a huge butterfly, and the butterfly metamorphosed from the cocoon.

Instead, he was no longer afraid at this time, and instead came to the side of the big worm cocoon, guarding the cocoon.

Bai Zhongqi looked at his severed arm, and it was not bleeding at this time. It seemed that the corrosive liquid in the mouthparts of the worm had already corroded his flesh and blood into a section, which instead played a role in stopping the bleeding.

Although he lost an arm, Bai Zhongfei was not afraid that he would become disabled.There are too many biomedical technologies in Iridium technology that are reborn with broken arms.

"It's just that now my Supreme Command has become Xiao Yu's, and I can no longer use Iridium Technology."

Bai Zhongqi felt a little sad, he reached out his hand to touch his chest, and took out a small key pendant.This is his previous game archive, but it was inexplicably closed after the new game archive was opened.Later, because he was almost invincible with the supreme command, he didn't bother with the old game archive that became a key pendant.

The key pendant, which has never issued a supreme command, has never been discovered by Xiao Yu, and it has been lying on Bai Zhongfei's chest like this.

When Bai Zhongzheng was lost in confusion and was thinking about how to activate this old game save, a hole was opened in the huge white cocoon.

Bai Zhongqi did not run away, but slumped on the ground and watched.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of pure white hands protruded from the crack of the cocoon, and they separated the whole cocoon with force.

Inside, there is a beautiful woman with white skin like snow, long hair like waterfall, tall, slender and well-fitting, with big breasts and fat buttocks.

When Bai Zhongqi saw her face clearly, tears welled up in his eyes.


The woman inside cheered, and with her seductive body naked, she jumped into Bai Zhongfei's arms, cupped his face, and kissed him heavily on the lips.

Bai Zhongzheng was dumbfounded at the moment of being kissed, but after realizing it, he hugged her with his only arm instead.The hand is smooth and delicate, there should never be a wonderful touch in the human world, but he doesn't have any charming emotions in his heart, only a deep nostalgia for the person in his arms.

She raised her watery peach eyes, which could almost melt people's hearts.

Susu's voice uttered a word that made Bai Zhongqi sad but uplifting: "The head of state."

Bai Zhongqi nodded heavily: "Well, it's me!"

Zero smiled tenderly, and buried the scorpion head in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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