Chapter 475
With little effort, Bai Zhongfei occupied Ranjishan Castle and threw the lord into his dungeon.The lord's private army was basically taught by Bai Zhongfei's left hand. Lang Risong's existence made many private soldiers change camps very quickly. He was imprisoned by the fighting humanoid beast.

Seeing Zang Murenqing and other students excited, Bai Zhongfei was very calm.This is just occupying a small territory that is not in the mainstream, and the level is still the feudal civilization of the Middle Ages. A few students have no idea that their teacher once controlled a huge civilization with a population of tens of billions in the infinite star sea, with thousands of warships. Occupy hundreds of planets.

It's just that all of these no longer exist. Bai Zhongfei is now just a little lord who was lucky enough to be accompanied by the queen of the swarm, and occupied a territory on a small planet in an unknown universe.

He was a little confused for a moment, Bai Zhongfei knew exactly what he was going to do, he wanted to get back everything that belonged to him, and tear the usurper into pieces.But it is too far away from this goal, he can only hide this hatred in his heart, continue his own strength little by little, and find the way home.Only before he fell asleep at midnight, could he feel the pain like a knife.

He didn't want Zero to know, and he still had a gentle look every day, which seemed to be the same as before.But only he himself knew that the old Bai Zhongfei had disappeared forever with that accident.

People will always advance and change in unpredictable directions. When you suddenly look back, you find that you no longer know yourself.

Wearing a white cloak, Bai Zhongqi brought four students to the "tribute camp" set up by Shaoxiong. At this time, Lang Risong's subordinates had already untied the mountain villagers here, but everyone was still timid and frightened. Dare to run around.

The handsome and handsome Bai Zhongfei in the white cloak easily became the focus of people's attention. At this time, not only the people in the tribute camp were present, but also the people in the town ran out. Everyone saw the appearance of running out. There were no private soldiers to cause trouble in the streets, and no lackeys of the lord to manage things. Everyone didn't know what was going on.

When they saw the man in the white cloak striding out, everyone was frightened by his aura and dared not approach him, but they also slowly surrounded him.

Bai Zhongzhen jumped onto the high platform with one step, and his energetic voice spread throughout the audience, saying: "Fathers and folks from Ranji Mountain, Shaoxiong, the unworthy local lord, is trying to betray the people of Ranji Mountain, and let the evil dragon eat, in order to get How shameless is the life of him and his lackey! I, Bai Zhongfei, am a dragon slayer in the Daxue Mountain. When the Dragon Age is approaching, I will go out to fight in order to save the world. Shaoxiong can’t protect everyone, and I, Bai Zhongfei, will definitely protect you. Mountains and plains are originally fertile soil, but Shaoxiong forbade the people to cultivate and live. Today, I am the lord of Ranji Mountain, and I tell the people of Ranji Mountain that the land on the plain can be divided into ten acres for each household. The land can be divided into [-] acres for each household, and you will not be charged a penny of agricultural tax. In the future, Ranji City will set up a school so that every child in Ranjishan can study and understand. From then on, the people of Ranjishan are united , love each other, and create a paradise on earth.”

Bai Zhongqi's words are still very inexplicable at first glance, especially the mountain people here, who don't know who he is at all, but his reputation as a dragon slayer is really powerful.Almost everyone has heard the story of the last dragon era when they were young, the story of slaying dragons and manpower fighting dragons.

The people in Hebian Village met Bai Zhongfei and were rescued by his kindness. Bai Zhongfei made a promise to divide the land, and everyone cheered and cheered.When the mountain people and townspeople in other villages saw someone cheering, they also cheered.

Then someone knelt down to the heroic man in the white cloak on the high platform, and everyone else followed suit. Then everyone knelt down on the ground, and even the four students of Bai Zhongfei knelt on one knee, looking at the high platform proudly. old-fashioned.

Seeing everyone kneeling down, Bai Zhongqi didn't feel any panic, nor did he have the slightest sense of superiority.He is a man who likes to add responsibilities to himself too much, but as long as he shoulders this responsibility, he will fulfill it.

This is the promise of a man, and the promise of an overlord.

Lang Risong was also quite surprised when he saw it from below, "Who is this Bai Zhongfei? If he becomes a lord and is not familiar with agricultural taxes, wouldn't he ruin his job? Hey, if I have his skin and aura, maybe Being able to be a big shot, the ability to make people kneel on the ground just by appearing on the stage, is probably really like those fateful people in the story."

After Bai Zhongqi finished speaking, he didn't stay long, summoned Lang Risong, and said: "Among the private soldiers, those who are self-motivated, undisciplined, and resentful will be sent home. My guards don't need many people. One hundred It doesn’t matter if it’s dozens or dozens, they must all be loyal and virtuous.”

Lang Risong nodded again and again.

Bai Zhongqi left the camp, Ling, wearing a big cloak that covered his perfect figure and shocking appearance, stood at the corner of the street and looked at him with a smile.

Bai Zhongqi asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"No, the head of state is the head of state after all, even if you live here, you still have the heart of a king in your heart."

Bai Zhongqi laughed at himself, didn't talk about it, but said: "I'm afraid there will be a lot of mountain people living on the plain this time. You can use your mind to build a house for everyone."

Zero stuck out his tongue, pretending to complain and said: "Oh, the head of state is really commanding people. Shouldn't we continue to expand our military power now? It's not worthwhile to waste my energy building these ordinary houses."

Bai Zhongyu shook his head and said, "There is nothing unreasonable. After all, we are not a simple swarm civilization. We take the path of reverse bionics, and after all, we still want to create a civilization that can benefit more people."

Zero complained: "Holy Mother."

Bai Zhongqi laughed awkwardly.

Seeing his cute appearance, Zero couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, you are the head of state, and I will do whatever you say."

Zero immediately took out her insect nest from the subspace, and the current insect nest is already very huge, and Zero is working very hard to cultivate her own abilities.When the insect nest appeared, the people in the territory fell down in fright and retreated one after another.Zang Mu Renqing and the others saw Zero Crossing using the subspace, and probably thought that the insect nest was an enemy at this time.

Zero has already accumulated a lot of nutrition, which is the basis for her to create beasts.A large group of gluttonous beasts also rushed out from the subspace, their hideous appearance made them even more frightening, and then they devoured the surrounding woods, bushes and weeds, and then threw themselves into the insect nest.

A smile bloomed on Zero's beautiful face, and then saw the huge insect nest suddenly spray out a cloud of seeds, and then sprinkled on the ground.These seeds got into the ground by themselves, and the next scene shocked everyone beyond measure.

After these seeds fell to the ground, they seemed to have endless growth power, and immediately broke out of the ground, like rapidly growing trees, and these trees continued to grow and grow at a high speed visible to the naked eye, but they did not become towering. The appearance of the tree did not grow leaves, but instead kept intertwining roots on the ground.

"Hey, isn't that a house?" Xuerli exclaimed in shock.

I saw that after these trees continued to grow, they actually formed three-story wooden houses. The original round trunks began to become square after formation, but the corners were rounded. On the outer skin of the huge trees, there were cracks. There are square openings, some of which can even be opened horizontally, which are clearly windows and doors.

"This... Did the teacher do this?" Gangnaji couldn't believe his eyes.

Bai Zhongfei turned around and said to all the witnesses: "All the residents of Ranji Mountain can share a house, and they don't charge a penny, and they belong to each family."

The rows of three-storey townhouses created by zero-use beasts are like low-rise apartments in the old era on the earth. The low-rise apartments transformed by these beasts not only have a look, but also have the characteristics of ordinary people. required life functions.

Wooden solid conduits form the water pipes, both inside and out are clad with metal.These water pipes are like the blood vessels of house beasts, extending in all directions and working well.

These house beasts can also keep the residents inside warm in winter and cool in summer, and can provide natural wind circulation and automatic heating capabilities.In addition to the function of the air conditioner, it can also heat the stove, which is equivalent to an induction cooker.Finally, bulbs are installed in each room for lighting.These functions can be realized because the beasts themselves are alive, and together with water and energy, they can automatically provide such services to the residents inside.

Integrating various functions needed for human habitation through a huge beast is also a method Bai Zhongfei came up with.With these house beasts, the living standards of the residents of Ranji Mountain can be raised directly to the industrial age.

Zang Murenqing and the mountain residents were all dumbfounded when they saw that the trees growing from the ground spontaneously grew into three-story buildings.Even if they don't know the inner world yet, such mighty power can no longer be expressed simply by admiration.Some people even knelt down again and prayed to Bai Zhongqi and Ling who were in front of the building.

Lang Risong saw that his eyeballs were about to fall to the ground, and he cried out in his heart: "What kind of dragon slayer is this? I think this is clearly a god! To have such a thick thigh in my arms, I, Lang Risong, will grow up in the future Already!"

Bai Zhongyu was very satisfied with the rows of apartment buildings surrounding the castle, and he smiled and said to Ling: "Keep up your efforts and swallow that castle too, let's live a life with electric lights, air conditioners, washing machines, and refrigerators." .”

Zero was quite helpless, but he still did it. This time, the huge insect nest directly opened its huge mouth and swallowed the castle whole.

(End of this chapter)

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