Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 476 2 Changes in 1 Day

Chapter 476

However, Jishan City changed in just one or two days!
The originally dilapidated masonry castle evolved into the current one with a mirror-reflected metal luster and perfect curves within a day.The main castle is at least [-] meters high, and there are four sub-forts in the southeast, northwest, and four fortresses. The five fortresses are connected together to form a building that is far more grand than the previous castle, a masterpiece full of sci-fi and minimalism.

When the residents of Ranji Mountain look up at the castle with blue light, they can't help feeling awe.Many of them knew that if Bai Zhongfei hadn't entered Ranji Mountain, their fate would probably be to be handed over to Longqun by Shaoxiong as food.Bai Zhongqi's identity as a dragon slayer, as well as his various miraculous features, reassured the people living here.

"Since the new lord is so powerful, it should be possible to deal with the dragons." No one can be 100% sure, but at least they can have some hope, instead of knowing that they will die as before.

In addition to this magical castle, the once jagged and unplanned town has also changed its appearance.Zero has built rows of low-rise apartments, and the appearance of these low-rise apartments also has more woodwork, which looks quite emotional.In addition to a large number of apartment buildings, Zero also built some commercial buildings and infrastructure, such as schools, post houses, public security offices and other places.Even the original dirt road was re-paved with a cement-like substance secreted by one of her beasts. Apart from being crude, it was not much different from the roads on Earth.

Holding a book in his hand, Zang Mu Renqing was walking on the streets of this town. It was hard for him to imagine that this was a landscape formed within two days.

"Teacher and Master Zero, what kind of divine power do they have? They can build a city with tens of thousands of people with just a wave of their hands. Although this ability does not look as fierce as the dragons, it is of great benefit to the people." Zang Mu Renqing thought in his heart.

It happened that at this time Zepei galloped past and saw Zang Mu Renqing, got off his horse and said hello: "Brother Qing, where are you, didn't you train those recruits in the camp?"

Zang Mu Renqing sighed: "I think I also have a family background. I have learned the method of commanding and controlling troops from my family's retainers since I was a child, but compared with those strong men sent by my teacher, I am still much more immature. They have their own rules. , and there is attention to everything, and I have benefited a lot. I can see that although the teacher sent me to train recruits, in fact, I am the only one who was trained."

Zepei also nodded and said, "Isn't it the same over there? The teacher summoned the village leaders and elders yesterday to set up a production team with the original village as the unit, and then set up a group within the team. There are families in the group. Each household Distribute grain seeds and agricultural tools. Although each family grows their own fields, they help each other. There are support points on the team, and there are shared agricultural tools and other materials. In short, it’s a big mess. I don’t know how the teacher thought of using such a strict organizational form. Compared with the original method of the lords, this method is quite laborious.”

Zang Mu Renqing said: "Trouble is trouble, but all the farmers in the entire territory are under the control of the Lord's Mansion. What, through this organization, can mobilize everyone in the entire territory. If the teacher has not canceled the agricultural tax, the benefits that can be squeezed out of it are unimaginable."

Zepei laughed and said, "Teacher has far-sightedness, and he doesn't like the little money that ordinary people dig out from farming."

Zang Mu Renqing nodded: "The teacher's talent is beyond what we can imagine. It is our blessing to be able to study under the teacher."

Zepei pointed to the book in his hand, and said with a smile, "You're good, you always take a book with you wherever you go, and it's written in Chinese? How much have you mastered?"

Zang Murenqing cried and said: "Learning this Chinese language is much more difficult than learning our language. The pronunciation and intonation are nothing, they are relatively similar. The key is that the Chinese characters are really broad and profound. In comparison, Imodo Sub-scripts, whether it is our Northeast Lu language, Jiangnan language or the legendary Western soil language west of the mountains, are not as accurate and profound as this Chinese language."

Zepei also nodded, and said: "In our Northeast Lu Wen, although we are used to it, there are too many unclear and confusing expressions. If the Chinese language is promoted, it will be able to improve the official documents and daily usage. It is more accurate, and it is also of great benefit to the implementation of the teacher's various knowledge."

Zang Mu Renqing sighed: "Yes, Chinese literature is not good, and the scriptures handed down by the teacher can't be learned. It's like a treasure mountain in front of you, but you don't know how to enter it. It's really frustrating."

Bai Zhongqi did not have so much energy to write books for his apprentices, there is still zero, although the former artificial intelligence queen of the swarm, although there is no support from the huge database of Iridium, the recorded knowledge is still very large .She directly uses the worm nest to print books, from the Analects of Confucius, Tao Te Ching, Sun Tzu's Art of War in traditional Chinese classics, to modern natural science and Western humanities, all kinds of expositions are endless.

Although she was not able to record all the things in the history of the old age of mankind, she was able to come up with a lot of dry goods.Especially things like basic mathematics, basic physics, and basic chemistry, plus various social theories, logic, and philosophy, the arts and sciences complement each other.

"I don't know how long it will take to learn these skills of Teacher Quan." Zepei said a little confused.

Zang Mu Renqing smiled calmly, and said: "The teacher's profound knowledge is beyond our expectation. If we can learn [-]% to [-]% of his skills, it is enough for us to enter the world. And the teacher also said that as much as possible It is better to have no books than to have no books. We have learned the knowledge from the teacher, and we always need to think on our own, and after absorbing it, we can make it our own. If we copy it mechanically and memorize it by rote, it will have no real value.”

The two young people looked at each other and smiled, and they both saw optimism and ambition on each other's faces.The two of them were not afraid of hardships and dangers, and they found a magical dragon slayer from the snowy mountains, and worshiped him to study under him. courage.

At this moment, a flock of white pigeons were released from above the blue castle and flew in all directions.

Zang Murenqing smiled and said: "The white pigeon has already set off today. I wonder how effective it will be for the teacher to invite all the righteous men and women who are determined to slay dragons from all over the world?"

He held his scroll, full of longing.

(End of this chapter)

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