Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 490 Dragon Blood Man

Chapter 490 Dragon Blood Man

In the dense forest tens of kilometers away from Ranji Mountain, thousands of beasts are in commotion.

Ah Wei, who was hunched over, showed a painful expression on his face, kneeling and supporting a big tree, his body twitching violently.

The skin of the hand holding the big tree was keratinized blue like a dragon, and it was in the shape of a claw.

Beads of sweat were constantly dripping from Ah Wei's forehead, and the pupils in his eyes were like a slender line, and the pupil color was bright golden yellow and black dots.

Resisting the pain he endured, Ah Wei's hand subconsciously exerted force, easily crushing the trunk of this tree.

At this time, several pterosaurs flew in the sky, and a swift dragon passed by not far away. Just like Ah Wei, their bodies were trembling, as if they were in fear.

"Damn it!" Ah Wei bit his gums to the point of bleeding, but his body became more and more uncontrollable, and his knees on the ground were moving towards the direction of those pseudo-dragons.

Ah Wei knew that there was a real dragon there, summoning a pseudo-dragon with the blood of dragons in its body to obey his orders.

In the end, Ah Wei's body stood up from the ground, spread his feet and started to run in big strides.His speed is not even inferior to those swift dragons. It is unknown how powerful the humanoid body is.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Ah Wei's nerves were already numb. By the edge of an open lake, a red-skinned dragon not much bigger than a human was perched on a boulder, surrounded by no less than hundreds of pseudo-dragons.

In front of the real dragons, these pseudo-dragons behaved as obediently as little mice. Even a ground-dwelling dragon that was a hundred times bigger than him knelt on the ground, listening to the instructions of the real dragon without moving.

This real dragon is Warp Velociraptor Ionde.

His eyes did not conceal his contempt for this group of pseudo-dragons who share the blood of the dragon group. These giant beasts who may have impressive power, in his opinion, are completely inferior creatures, just a moment of happiness for the previous dragon ancestors The failed product that fell.

The reproductive ability of dragons is very poor, and it often takes hundreds of years for them to successfully conceive a child.But the genes of dragons can be adjusted to combine with other creatures to form new species.These new species are all kinds of pseudo-dragons, they are not dragons, but they have some characteristics of dragons.Dragons will give birth to pseudo-dragons after intercourse with different creatures. Compared with dragons born once in a hundred years, these pseudo-dragons have a great chance of being born.

Importantly, these pseudo-dragons are instinctively afraid of dragons and will obey any one of them.

There was once a whimsical dragon who imagined that although the fertility of the dragon itself is very poor, the ability to give birth to pseudo-dragons is very strong.The dragon group should give birth to a large number of pseudo-dragons on each planet, and use the pseudo-dragon to completely obey the instinct of the real dragon, to make various constructions of the pseudo-dragon, and to abandon the habit of migratory birds of the dragon group.The dragon group can choose the type of pseudo-dragon to give birth to the most intelligent and powerful pseudo-dragon to build a stable new civilization.

However, such a very feasible proposal was eventually ridiculed by all the dragons.Ionde is also one of them.

"How can a stupid and disgusting thing like a pseudo-dragon become a member of the noble dragon civilization? These things are only used occasionally, and they are eaten as dry food when they are hungry." Ion De thought as it should. road.

Because pseudodragons can be quite large and fear real dragons, pseudodragons don't even fight when real dragons try to eat them.So every time I came to Imodoa, not only the number of humans dropped sharply, but most of the pseudo-dragons were also eaten.

The dragon group may catch some creatures to do indescribable things. It is reasonable to say that these creatures have a relatively high probability of giving birth to pseudo-dragons, but exaggerated dragon groups often directly eat the creatures that they are stronger than themselves, so the number of pseudo-dragons Not so much.

Ionde looked at more and more pseudo-dragons, and also showed some satisfaction: "The bullshit coalition forces created by those lords may still not be able to cause too much damage to that villain named Bai Zhongfei. But I called With so many pseudo-dragons, the scale is thousands, even tens of thousands. This power is not comparable to the lower human army."

Among a group of trembling pseudo-dragons, Ionde found something interesting.

"Hey, there is actually a dragon blood man."

Ah Wei felt the dragon's eyes drifting towards him, but he couldn't react, his body was still fighting against his reason, but no matter how hard he tried, his body still seemed out of control.

Ionde didn't expect that there would be a dragonblood man among the group of pseudo-dragons.The dragon blood man is also a pseudo-dragon, the product of the indescribable aftermath of the dragon and the human.But the problem is that dragons are generally very large. Many dragons basically swallow people in one bite. If the size is wrong, let alone have any offspring.

Only a very small number of dragons like Warp Velociraptor can have offspring with humans, and then give birth to dragon blood people.

Dragon blood people are rare in number, but because they are a combination of humans and dragons, they have the highest IQ among pseudo-dragons, and there are legends that dragon blood people can inherit the abilities of more dragons, and their power is also extremely powerful.

Ion De said to Ah Wei: "These are beasts without much brains. Although you humans are also inferior animals, at least you have a little more brains. I don't have the leisure to command this pseudo-dragon. You just do it." The head of this pseudo-dragon army."

Ion De spread his red wings, showed a mocking smile, and left a sentence: "If you can still live."

He flew into the sky suddenly, and disappeared in an instant.

Ah Wei was startled, and then saw the other pseudo-dragons present cast malicious looks at him.

Almost all pseudo-dragons are aggressive. They are limited by instinct and must bow to dragons, but they will not be so easily convinced by "the same kind".

Ah Wei was accused of being the leader of the pseudo-dragons, but this obviously wouldn't convince those huge pseudo-dragons. These pseudo-dragons are not very intelligent, but they are still quite hearty and cruel.

Ah Wei felt bad.

A bull-like pseudo-dragon rushed towards him first, Ah Wei knew that he had to fight to survive.

He pulled out a lawn mowing knife from his waist, leaped up suddenly, and slashed fiercely on the neck of this bull-shaped pseudo-dragon, and a big head rolled off.

A pterodactyl leaped down from the sky, and Ah Wei grabbed its claw with quick eyesight and quick hands, and then tore it off.

This is a contest between a man and a group of beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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