Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 491 Pseudo-Dragon Army

Chapter 491 Pseudo-Dragon Army

After tearing open the throat of a giant-clawed dragon, Ah Wei, the dragon-blooded man, was already standing on top of a pile of corpses, and the corpses of pseudo-dragons piled up underneath were no fewer than a hundred.Ah Wei himself was also covered in injuries. His clothes were torn, revealing his strong muscles. It was only visible with his upper body bare. He still had some characteristics of a dragon on his body.

The other pseudo-dragons are no longer so resolute. After all, the beasts are in awe of powerful opponents, and their instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is difficult to violate.And this small dragon blood man in front of him belongs to the type they need to be in awe of.

It was the first time for Ah Wei to encounter such a terrifying battle. He didn't know how many attacks he had suffered. Due to his relatively small body, he tried his best to circle the gaps between the giant beasts, and used the huge body of the pseudo-dragon to cover himself. Look for opportunities to kill enemies.

His lawn mowing knife was long dead, not only was the blade dull, but it was curled.In the end, Ah Wei knocked down the group of pseudo-dragons with his own claws and teeth, punches and kicks.

By this time, he had actually almost reached his limit.But the dragon's instinct made him still work hard to show his strength, because he knew that as long as he showed the slightest weakness, this group of crazy pseudo-dragons would rush up and tear him apart.

However, at this time, none of the pseudo-dragons dared to rush up and continue to provoke Ah Wei.This extremely fast dragon blood man is not comparable to ordinary pseudo-dragons in terms of fighting sense and physical fitness.

At this time, Ionde had also turned around, and was not surprised to see the dragon blood man standing on top of the pile of corpses, but showed a smile instead.

"Very well, you are the leader of the pseudo-dragon."

Ah Wei shook, and tried very hard to force her voice out of her uncontrollable throat: "I... I don't want to be the leader of... the false dragon."

Ionde was not angry, and said: "In front of the real dragon, inferior bastards have no room to bargain. Well, the human coalition is about to arrive at Mount Ranji, and this battle is about to begin. I want you to lead these trash , while Bai Zhongqi is attacking the human army, attack Ran Jishan's army."

Ah Weiyi's golden eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment, but he still lowered his head.

Ionde is very satisfied with the obedience of the dragon blood man, but he doesn't go into what Ah Wei originally thought, because the pseudo dragon is subordinate to the real dragon, this is the truth in the genes.

"You guys are very fast. I'm afraid your father with a unique taste should also be a warp velociraptor."

Ah Wei didn't answer Ion De's words. In fact, his mother was a dragon, but she was indeed a warp speed dragon.This female dragon captured some human males 60 years ago, used them for sexual pleasure, and finally ate them.It's just that she was pregnant with a child, a female dragon pregnant with a pseudo-dragon, which is extremely rare.

It only takes a week for pseudosaurus to be born from embryonic formation.Ah Wei was born from an egg. He has never met his mother, but he is very clear about his origin.

Ionde was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Ah Wei anymore, he drove Ah Wei to lead a large number of pseudo-dragons into action, and the army of pseudo-dragons flying in the sky and running on the ground began to rush towards Mount Ranji.

Ah Wei sat on the back of a giant pseudo-dragon resembling a brachiosaurus, without saying a word.

Ahead was a looted village, Ah Wei looked at it silently.From the smell, he could tell that the person who destroyed the village was none other than Ionde.

Now all the people there have been killed and eaten by Iond.

This obscure village is where Ah Wei grew up.

The memory of Awei, a dragon blood man, was brought back by the flames.

Ah Wei, who was born from an egg, was very weak when he was first born, and he could be eaten by any wild beast.But he met Grandma who was hiding in the mountains to escape Long Ji.Grandma is a kind-hearted woman. She knows how to identify underground tunnels, and thus led the whole village to avoid this dragon disaster.

At the end of the Dragon Age, Ah Wei's mother gave birth to him, abandoned him in Imodoa, and left with the dragon group.At that time, grandma and the people in the village returned to their residence, and Ah Wei was in the woods not far from the village, having been hungry for many days.

Ah Wei has the obvious characteristics of a dragon, which makes the people in the village very scared. Everyone wants to kill him, and only grandma wants to support the child.Grandma is the benefactor who saved the whole village, so everyone is grateful to her, so Ah Wei is allowed to stay.

Ah Wei’s childhood was spent in the nursery rhymes of his grandma and in a poor life. He remembered that his grandma carried him up the mountain to pick jujubes, and he remembered fishing barefoot in the stream by the village.Although the people in the village are still hostile to him, Ah Wei beats children and even adults at every turn, but grandma still protects him growing up in the small village.

Grandma is human after all, and died when Ah Wei was 14 years old.Ah Wei didn't cry when she left, but felt endless sadness.Ah Wei didn't like other people in the village. When grandma left, the other people in the village were already used to his presence.Because of the dragon blood people, no dangerous animals dare to approach the village anymore.As long as he doesn't provoke Ah Wei, he won't hurt others either.

In this way, Ah Wei has lived in this village for 60 years, and he still looks like a young man. People in the village who are about his size have already been buried in the soil, and their great-grandchildren live here.

Now, Ionde has eaten everyone in the village.

Ah Wei doesn't like talking, and doesn't like humans, except his grandma.However, he doesn't like dragons even more.

"The dragon slayer Bai Zhongqi, the big characters he saw in the sky that day must have been made by him. If the dragon slayer can really slay dragons, then let's kill all the dragons in this world." Ah Wei thought silently.

After all, he was so out of place, neither a human nor a dragon, and the group of pseudo-dragons he brought with him were obviously not his kind.

Ionde would not waste the pseudo-dragons killed by Ah Wei, he squatted there and ate them, and the pseudo-dragons watched Ionde eating the corpses of the pseudo-dragons, and all of them shuddered.

Awei looked at Ionde with disgust, he could always feel an inexplicable sense of awe of dragons in his bones, but he could never look down on this self-righteous creature in his heart.They may be powerful and wise, but they are meaner than any living creature.

Passing through the dense forest in front, the outline of the mountains gradually becomes clear, and there is Ranji Mountain.Ah Wei didn't know what fate he would face next, whether he wanted to seize this territory for the evil dragon, or be killed by the dragon slayer on this land.

(End of this chapter)

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