Chapter 492
Bai Zhongqi stood quietly on the top of the city tower, and the wind was fierce. The students around him were all wearing armor and cloaks, and they were heroic in the wind. Only he himself was still the uniform of the head of state, which was meticulously white.

Under the city is the enemy army array, at this time the coalition forces of the Northeast Land princes finally arrived at Wankou Pass.This may be the largest military operation in the history of this planet. The soldiers of the coalition army, wearing uniforms and armors of different colors and territories, all have evil faces on their faces and look quite bluffing.

Every lord has his own flag, and they lined up in the big formation for more than one shot, which looks quite spectacular.The banners of these lords are mostly complicated, and many of them use the images of animals as markers.

Zang Murenqing said to Bai Zhongfei at this time: "Teacher, we should also have our own banner. Without a banner, the army cannot be strengthened."

Bai Zhongqi continued to serve the beast force these days, but he didn't pay much attention to this matter.The swarms never needed a flag, they only needed an order from the queen, and they rushed to kill without any scruples, and could even be eaten by their own people without any scruples.

Zero turned out at this time, holding a flag with a white background with a golden pattern in his hand. The golden pattern is exactly the three-way lightning that represents the iridium star.

Seeing this thing, Bai Zhongqi felt a little prickly in his heart.This flag has been taken by usurpers, and to see it is to remind myself that I am now an exile, a loser who has lost almost everything.

Bai Zhongfei caressed the surface of the flag. Several students looked at the teacher's somewhat complicated expression, and were also a little curious about the relationship between this flag and Bai Zhongfei.

Bai Zhongqi unfolded the flag and said in a deep voice, "Then let this flag represent the real king. In the universe, there is only one person who can be represented by three-way lightning, and that is me."

"Zangmu Renqing, show our flag."

Zang Murenqing felt the aura emanating from Bai Zhongfei, and he solemnly took the three-way lightning flag from the teacher's hand, clasped the heavy flagpole with both arms, and the strong wind blew, and the war chess was like iron.

A few students stood under the three-way lightning banner, with their chests upright, a sense of pride welled up in their hearts.They gathered together to fight to save the humans in Imodoa. The teacher Bai Zhongzheng is their leader. This flag will represent their courage and will. Today they will defeat the coalition forces in the Northeast Land, and then they will fight against the giants. The dragon stomps underfoot.

Under the city at this time, in an extremely luxurious car, Ge Cimijiang, the lord of Guiwang Mountain, was sitting in it, with two maids serving him, and a full set of incense burners and snacks were prepared. , holding a short sword, which is the command token of the Guiwangshan army.

Ge Cimijiang sighed long and long: "Today's battle is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. However, the people of Jishan, ignorant of the general trend of the world, tried to resist the Dragon God, and they should be destroyed."

His eldest son said: "Father, this pass city is very strong, if you want to conquer it, you will have to spend a lot of effort."

Ge Cimijiang waved his short sword and said, "We have nearly a hundred trebuchets and a hundred thousand brave warriors. How many soldiers can Jishan have? Just bombard it with trebuchets for a few rounds and push the ladder up. It must have been captured."

His order was then conveyed to the various lords, which also showed how inefficient this coalition army was.Orders issued by several important commanders cannot be directly transmitted to the troops, but must be commanded by various lords.For larger troops, the lord had to tell the generals below. By the time Ge Cimijiang's order was delivered, more than an hour had passed.

"Report—My lord, a knight holding a banner came down from the city and said it was your third son, Zang Mu Renqing."

Ge Cimijiang was shocked when he heard this: "What?"

He hurriedly turned over, opened the curtain of the car and looked forward, and saw a lone figure in front of the army formation, holding high a golden patterned banner, standing proudly in front of the three armies, with extraordinary aura.

Seeing that it was really his son, Ge Cimijiang immediately jumped on his horse and brought his two sons to the front of the battle.

"Qing'er, why are you here?"

Zang Mu Renqing, who was holding the banner, had a cold expression on his face, and there was a bit of reluctance and disappointment in his eyes. His loud voice could almost be heard clearly by everyone in front of the battle. Zang Mu Renqing said: "Father , I am now a student of Teacher Bai Zhongqi, the lord of Ranji Mountain, and follow him to learn the knowledge of saving the world and the people, slaying dragons and thieves, and helping the world."

Ge Cimijiang's face turned red. He is the lord of Guiwang Mountain and the commander of this crusade, but his son appeared in front of the battle and even joined the dragon slayer, which damaged his face and turned him into anger.

"Presumptuous! You dizzy and unfilial son, quickly throw this rotten flag at me, and come back to me. How can the Lord Dragon God be compared to you, sober up quickly, and go home obediently! "

There was no emotion on Zang Mu Renqing's face. He still held the flagpole firmly. He said, "Father, this is my son's advice to you. If you turn your back on the shore, there is still a way out. Abandon the world. It is really shameful for Wanmin and us human beings to be begging dogs!"

" bastard!" Ge Cimijiang almost vomited blood.

His second son had long been displeased with this younger brother, so he raised a long knife and shouted, "Father, wait for my son to bring this unfilial younger brother back to you."

The second son rode his horse and dragged his sword, and he was also majestic and majestic, winning applause from everyone in the army.

But the villain was handsome for only three seconds after all. He just came out and was a few meters away from Zangmu Renqing. Zangmu Renqing swung the huge flagpole violently, and knocked his second brother to the ground with the flagpole.He has great strength, force and skill, which is not comparable to his second brother.

After all, Zang Mu Renqing was thinking of his compatriots, this time he didn't hit him on the head, otherwise Zang Mu Renqing's brute force would have smashed his second brother's head like a watermelon.

Ge Cimijiang was furious: "It's reversed! You rebellious son dare to be so rebellious, let me go up and take him!"

The sergeants of Guiwangshan came out one after another, but Zangmu Renqing didn't bat an eyelid at all. He snorted and dragged out his Gatling from behind.

"Pay the price for your cowardice and shamelessness."

The barrel of Gatling's gun started to rotate, and the bullets sprayed out frantically. The sergeant who hit him was smashed to pieces immediately, as if hitting the waves of a cliff.Waves of sergeants couldn't get close to Zangmu Renqing, and they fell to the ground one by one. No one had ever seen such a terrifying weapon. It seemed that the Gatling in Zangmu Renqing's hand was the bell of hell. Send people to death.

(End of this chapter)

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