Chapter 102
Qin Lang closed his eyes and kept praying that it must not be sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

But he knew very well in his heart that this was probably the sisters Qiao and Xiao.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Xiao Aike must not come out to update the mission, and don't open that fairy book.

At that time, there will be a succession task of "you will be responsible after seeing the other person's body", and you must die of grievances.

Therefore, you can't open your eyes, absolutely can't open them!

"Girl, to be honest, I am with this person..." Qin Lang kicked Liu Xie again.

"It hurts~~"

Liu Xie wailed.

"Being acquainted with this person, I really have no face to face the girl, I am ashamed!"

A bright light flashed in my sister's eyes. Not only is this young man handsome, he is also daring and heroic.

But the younger sister didn't take it lightly, it turned out that she was the partner of the criminal, and it seemed that she wasn't a good person anymore.

"Sister, let's hurry home and call someone, first kill this sinister, and then settle accounts with this young master!"

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The elder sister patted her younger sister's forehead helplessly, even if she wanted to settle accounts, she couldn't say it in front of others.

What if someone takes the risk?

What's more, you are going to settle accounts with others, so why are you still yelling at each other?

When things come to this, my sister doesn't know what to do, let's go home and ask my father to make the decision!

At that time, no matter what, the only thing to do is accept the fact.

"The little girl's house is nearby, but the night is quiet, and she is very scared. Could you please send me the way?"

"I am duty bound!"

Qin Lang cupped his hands again, and then opened his eyes.

At this time, the two sisters were already in front of them, and they were as beautiful as fairies.

But Qin Lang's eyes were still clear.

This made my sister feel relieved, and even more surprised in her heart, she really is a gentleman.

"Thank you son for escorting me!"

The elder sister grabbed her younger sister's arm and hurried to a path by the stream.

Qin Lang kicked Liu Xie who was still pretending to be dead on the ground, and said: "What are you doing lying here, get up!"

"Fuck, it's so beautiful!"

Liu Xie jumped up suddenly, "Officer, in my capacity, it's not too much to marry these two sisters, besides, I saw their little feet, it's really..."

"You're so pissed off!"

"Cough cough, how could I be so annoying, by the way, have the impressions of those two women changed about me?"

"What's changed?"

Qin Lang laughed angrily, "I don't even have the urge to hit you, hurry up, if you don't follow, you will disappear!"

In the eastern suburbs of Wancheng, there is a bamboo building.

Qiao's father looked at the two daughters with a livid face. What a family misfortune, what a family misfortune!

As a woman, she sneaked out to play in the water in the middle of the night, and let the man see it. Could it be that she really gave up her father's affection and gave the two of you a white silk?

Or, if you know that the person is a sinner, but you still want to let your sisters fall into the hands of the devil, this life is so long, what should you do?
But if nothing happened, that's fine too. If word spreads, will the Qiao family's reputation be ruined?

"Big Joe, you said that one of them is really that assassin hero?"

Father Qiao suppressed the anger in his heart, he could only hope that the man would be worthy of his daughter.

Or, killing those two to silence the matter can also solve the matter.

"Father, that man calls himself Qin Lang..."

Da Qiao lowered his head involuntarily as he recalled the beauty under the moonlight.

"I don't think it's possible. There are too many people pretending to be other people's names to cheat and abduct. Qin Lang is a great hero. How could he be with a sinner?"

Xiao Qiao said dismissively.

Sister, you are too superficial. Seeing that young man is good-looking, you feel like losing your soul.

You and I said at the beginning that the future husband should not only be outstanding in appearance, but also be good at writing and martial arts, be able to conquer well, and be an all-rounder.

I would rather have a piece of white silk hanging on a beam than just marry someone casually and spend the rest of my life.

"You two, shut your doors and think about your mistakes here, and don't come out without your father's permission!"

Father Qiao was so angry that he couldn't sit still, he got up angrily, and pushed open the door.

"Where are those two outsiders, I have to kill these two bastards!"

The next morning.

In the open space outside the bamboo building, there is a pavilion with four stone benches and a chessboard in the middle.

The three sat together, and the scene was quite awkward.

Qiao's father asked cautiously: "How do you prove that you are the hero Qin Lang from Fangwai, and how do you prove that he is the current emperor?"

As soon as Qin Lang revealed their identities, Qiao's father was shocked immediately.

Now I'm wondering if it's true or not?
not right...

This emperor, how did his face become so swollen? Could this be the emperor?
And he looked like a servant, bending over and smirking, looking too frustrated.

This person pretending to be Qin Lang is somewhat similar to the rumors.

As long as it is confirmed that these two people are not such identities, they will kill them directly.

Qiao's father was still cruel, and everything was for his daughter.

Qin Lang clearly sensed Qiao's father's killing intent, and said with a slight expression, "Your Majesty, quickly reveal your identity, and don't let Qiao Gong misunderstand!"

"Ah? What does it mean?"

Liu Xie was dumbfounded, "How the hell did I reveal my identity? When you took me out of Yanzhou, you didn't take anything with you!"

"Fuck, you still dare to talk back to me, don't you?"

Qin Lang slapped him, and Liu Xie became dizzy for a while.

This kid really has a tendency to be masochistic. If he doesn't beat him for a day, he will start to die, and after the beating is over, he will definitely stop.

"you you……"

Father Qiao's lips trembled, his fingers trembled, and his whole body trembled.

"Who are you fooling? If he is the emperor, how dare you beat him like this?"

"If he is the emperor, after you hit him like this, he shrinks his neck and just keeps silent?"

"Looking at how old I am, you two think Joe is an idiot?"

"Come on, let's rely on ourselves!" Qin Lang resisted the urge to beat up Liu Xie again, and said silently: "Pirate hypnosis pen!"

In the next moment, a pen that looked very frustrating appeared in his hand.

Pointing the pen at Father Qiao, "Poof", a burst of white light came out.

Father Qiao suddenly became in a trance.

"Remember, I am Qin Lang, an official from Qin, and he is Liu Xie, the current emperor!"

Father Qiao nodded blankly, and said, "You are Qin Lang, a member of the Qin official, and he is Liu Xie, the son of today..."

"OK... bang..."

Qin Lang put away the pen and snapped his fingers.

Father Qiao's spirit suddenly shuddered, his blank eyes dissipated and turned into a thick fiery look.

"Grassman Qiao Xuan, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

Liu Xie was also a little dazed, the white glow just now flashed into his eyes.


Qin Lang slapped Liu Xie on the head again, "Don't pretend to be confused, now Qiao Xuan knows that you are the emperor, let him wake up!"

Father Qiao felt that something was wrong again, but he just didn't know what was wrong.

Strange, does anyone dare to beat the emperor?
Fuck, why do you think it is justified?
How about I slap it too?


Wait... This is a serious crime against the Nine Clans!

But why is this person okay?Ok?What happened just now?Someone hit the emperor? is this possible!

I must be remembering wrong!
A pirated memory pen is terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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