Chapter 103 Adultery

Liu Xie flicked the corner of his clothes, since you already know my identity, then I can no longer act as a follower.

You must change your sitting posture and sit upright.

But... don't be too ostentatious, after all, I still have a crush on his daughter.

And still fell in love with two.

Holy crap... are you kidding again?

Cough cough, how could I be a fool, I am the Son of Heaven!
Liu Xie wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and began to giggle.

Big Qiao and Little Qiao watched from a distance, and found that Qiao's father had become so respectful, and they knew in their hearts that these two people were really the assassin hero Qin Lang, and the emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty.

There was shyness in Da Qiao's eyes, his heart was bumping like a deer, and he was a little flustered in anticipation.

I am already this year, and my younger sister is also sixteen years old, and she has already married and had children in someone else's house.

But because of his father's favor, he is still reluctant to marry the two sisters.

Every night, I also fantasize about my true destiny.

But if he waited until he was older, who would still like an old girl?
Until last night, a man walked out of the moonlight, so handsome that it made people sleepless at night.

It is said that a hero who saves the beauty can touch a woman's heart the most.

Da Qiao stared at the gazebo obsessively, with spring tides on her face, the shyness in her beautiful eyes turned into friendship, almost turned into water.

Xiao Qiao was different, she still had resentment in her heart, why a man looked at her little feet.

Thinking of Liu Xie's disgusting gaze, I still feel numb in the soles of my feet, and I can't help but curl up my silkworm-like toes.

That Qin Lang is not annoying, but he is the accomplice of the sinister.

What will father do?
Looking at the situation, which one should I choose to marry?
Although Liu Xie is the Son of Heaven, he is too disgusting. It is said that his concubine has to sleep on Dong Zhuo's bed every day, which is even more disgusting.

That Qin Lang is good looking, but a martial artist, who doesn't know the rhythm, doesn't know how to write, how can he be my husband?

However, if you have to choose between these two...

Of course, the selection is handsome and heroic!
So Liu Xie is just a big pig!
Wait, if Qin Lang is chosen, will he mind that his little feet have been seen by other men?
Not reconciled, really not reconciled!

elder sister……

Xiao Qiao pouted, and tugged at Da Qiao's sleeve unwillingly. After all, he was two years younger than Da Qiao, so his thoughts were very different.

"Hey? Sister, what are you looking at? Your eyes are almost popping out!"

"Ahem..." Da Qiao came back to his senses, and quickly covered the corners of his lips with his sleeve, "Damn girl, why are you calling me so suddenly?"

Da Qiao almost died of embarrassment, as if someone had peeped into his heart.

"Sister, your saliva is about to flow out, in case... in case father wants to kill these two people for the sake of our reputation, you and I don't have to worry about it!"

"What? Killed these two people?"

Da Qiao was shocked, ran out from the corner, and said anxiously: "Father, you can't kill the benefactor, the Qin official saved the life of the daughter, if you want to kill, kill that pig's head!"

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Father Qiao opened his mouth, "What the hell is this? This is the Son of Heaven. Do you want to leave your father with eternal infamy?"

This is cheating!

As a father, I still want to rely on these two people based on what happened last night, and also give you a happy marriage. Why did you suddenly come out and kill someone?

"Daughter, what nonsense are you talking about, don't offend Your Majesty!"

Father Qiao reprimanded loudly.

Originally, I wanted you, the eldest daughter, to marry His Majesty, and she would become a Phoenix girl in the future. If she could give birth to a son, she might be able to be the mother of the world.

Then let your younger sister marry this Qin official, he is a hero to assassinate Dong, and he has the ability to fight Lu Bu again. This monarch and minister, but the best marriage in the world.

Now you dare to say that His Majesty is a pig's head, um... Although it does look like a pig's head, you can't say it clearly!

It seems that Xiao Qiao can only be married to His Majesty, and you are allowed to marry this official Qin!

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Liu Xie woke up suddenly, and suddenly found that Da Qiao was approaching, and was immediately very pleasantly surprised.

The beating last night was not in vain, my impression in this girl's heart has changed after all.

Wouldn't I be too uneasy if I ordered someone directly?

"Officer, official..."

Liu Xie kept winking at Qin Lang.

Along the way, I shrunk what I should have shrunk, I should have washed your clothes, now it's up to you to cooperate with me.

"Hey? Why are you pretending not to see it? Mr. Qiao is still watching!"

Qin Lang just stood there with his head down, not saying a word.

It's not that Qin Lang didn't want to say it, but that he was worried that the system would come out to be a monster again.

Say less and make less mistakes, don't say it's good.

Anyway, throw Liu Xie here, find an excuse to leave immediately, and then you're done.

Liu Xie saw that he had no choice but to smile and said: "I didn't hear what Liu Gong said just now, but you want to give my daughter to me as a concubine?"

After saying these words, Liu Xie admired his wit.

The hint is so obvious, you should understand, right?

I finally understood the meaning of Qin Guanren's words, and I shrank all the way, now is the time to be tough!
"Oh?" Father Qiao was quite shocked. Did the emperor take a fancy to his eldest daughter?

That's good too, save yourself embarrassment.

"If Your Majesty is willing, this is a great blessing for my daughter!"

"Daughter, hurry up and pay your respects to Your Majesty!"

Da Qiao walked over shyly, staring at her toes with her beautiful eyes, but looking at Qin Lang from the corner of her eye from time to time.

Last night, by the moonlight, I just looked at this handsome man, but he was also in the dark, so there was always some blur.

It wasn't until this moment that he really saw the man's appearance clearly.

Handsome facial features, a head of capable short hair, especially the clean eyes, give people the feeling of another world.

This feeling hits the heart all at once.

Isn't this fate brought by God?If not, why did he go to play in the water last night, and why was he saved by this man?

This is still a great hero who is famous all over the world.

Who the hell wants to visit that pig's head?

Thinking of this, Da Qiao also felt that the soles of his feet were numb, as if his little feet should be held in the palm of this man's hands to care and play with them for a lifetime.

Da Qiao just lowered his head, looked at Qin Lang from the corner of his eye, and was infatuated again.

Liu Xie looked at Qin Lang, then at Da Qiao, his eyes turned back and forth between the two.

At this moment, Liu Xie was angry.

This is so adulterous!
I, Liu Xie, don't know how to be an emperor, but we are not fools, and we have been played by Dong Zhuo for so many years and many daughters-in-law.

I still have some ideas about the meaning of the eyebrows of women.

What do you think Qin Lang is doing?
Look at me, I am the Son of Heaven, the Ninth Five-Year Lord!
Da Qiao remembered something, and turned to look at Liu Xie, "Huh? This is the Son of Heaven. This pig's head is probably not as good as that of Dong Zhuo, right?"

"Yo, I finally saw me, hehe..."

Just this one glance completely wiped out Liu Xie's anger.


Qin Lang raised his hand, just a slap.

"Why did you hit me again!" Liu Xie yelled angrily as he stood up and stood up.

You usually hit me, but now in front of beautiful women, can't you save me face?

"You're pissed off..."

Qin Lang pointed to the corner of Liu Xie's mouth and shook his head disdainfully.

With your piggy face, you still want to pick up girls?
If you were not the emperor, you would have to be a bachelor for the rest of your life, believe it or not?
(End of this chapter)

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