Three Kingdoms: The opening system forced me to marry Diaochan

Chapter 105 Don't Worry About Too Much Debt

Chapter 105 Don't Worry About Too Much Debt

Qin Lang sat aside, looking at the people in front of him as if watching a play.

But the more I look at it, the more I feel unreliable. Marriage has been a major event since ancient times, and there are quite a lot of rules. How can you still play like this?

If I had known this earlier, I would have just taken Liu Xie back to Xuzhou. What kind of trouble did you come here for?
In the current situation, if you refuse directly, you may really die.

How can this be good?

Qin Lang scratched his head, why was I so popular in ancient times?

Fortunately... Fortunately, Xiao Ai didn't come out to join in the fun. There is still room for maneuver in this matter.

As long as the succession system does not start the task, we will be able to turn the tide, just a word, procrastinate.

And you, Liu Xie, why are you so proud of yourself here? She clearly didn't want to marry you, so she cried like this!


Father Qiao looked at Liu Xie, then at Qin Lang, and laughed with satisfaction.

These two sons-in-law are so awesome, it's as if they are sitting at home, and their blessings come from heaven.

One is the current emperor, and the downcast emperor, he is also the emperor!

One is a great hero who is famous all over the world, and he is also a legendary outsider!
Who said there is no such thing as a pie in the sky?This is not what fell from the sky.

"Your Majesty, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Three days later will be a good day, a very good day!"

Father Qiao also has his own ideas. You are the son of heaven, but now you are living among the people. If you wait for you to return to the imperial capital and hold the wedding according to the rules, it will have to wait until the year of the monkey?
Holding a small wedding in private, although it is unreasonable, but it finally has a reputation, and it is urgent to follow the authority and keep everything simple.

"Three days are good, three days are good!"

Liu Xie definitely agrees, as long as they get married, not only can they get the full protection of the Qiao family, but they can also have beautiful women in bed every night when they rest.

This is really my own woman, now there is no Dong Zhuo, nor Cao Cao, this is finally mine!

"Officer, what do you think?" Father Qiao couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he saw that Qin Lang was silent.

Did this person beat the emperor just now?It seems to be... But it feels a little fuzzy.

"Come on, all of you people in the Eastern Wu area belong to Di Renjie!"

Qin Lang sighed, and clasped his fists together: "Thank you Mr. Qiao for your kindness, and thank you for your deep affection, but I already have a marriage contract, I don't know if the girl is still willing to marry?"

Da Qiao heard that if he was struck by lightning, this person would actually have a marriage contract.

Doesn't it mean that after getting married, you can only be young?

"I don't know where the son's fiancee is, and who is it, can she compare to the thin willow posture of a young girl?" Da Qiao asked, suppressing the throbbing in his heart.

Qin Lang squeezed his chin, Diao Chan appeared in his mind.

If it is Diao Chan, it is still indistinguishable from Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

It's just that Diao Chan's historical status brought her an inexplicable aura that was even stronger.

As for Sun Shangxiang, she will definitely be a big beauty when she grows up, but she is still a little girl now.

If you talk about Diao Chan, will it hurt Da Qiao's self-confidence?

Besides, Diao Chan's marriage contract is also systematically determined, and Sun Shangxiang is the most serious marriage contract.

How could he procrastinate at Sun Shangxiang at that time, so what can he do here?

When the time comes, Wancheng will be captured by Sun Ce, and under the pressure of the army, will Qiao's father dare not marry his daughter?
As for Liu Xie, just bring him back to Xuzhou.

Even if Liu Xie is sent back to Cao Cao, he can't let him miss things here!
"My lord... But what kind of lies are you thinking of, do you want to deceive the little girl?" Da Qiao said resentfully.

"No, I never lie to women!"

Qin Lang thought about it carefully, and it is true that he has never lied to a woman.

"My fiancée is Sun Shangxiang, the only daughter of Sun Jian, the former governor of Changsha City. Have you ever heard of it?"

"The daughter of the Sun family?"

Da Qiao was heartbroken immediately. Although Sun Jian died in the battle, the name of Sun Ce still spread throughout the Jiangdong area.

Sun Jian's influence is still unmatched!
But I remember, is the daughter of the Sun family ten years old now?

"Ah? How could this be?"

Father Qiao sat down on the stone bench, devastated.

You can't let your daughter marry and be a child?

But with his own strength, how could he compete with the Sun family?

"Why is Qiao Gong like this? Since ancient times, men have three wives and four concubines, and I have hundreds of concubines, let alone unmarried wives?"

Liu Xie couldn't understand it very much. For those rich and powerful people, Qin officials can catch up with saints.

Even if your daughter can't become a regular wife, being a regular wife still has status. If you have to be a regular wife, doesn't it depend on your daughter's means?

"Yes, Your Majesty is right!"

Father Qiao wiped his face, and finally he didn't get into a dead end.

This official Qin also looked to be in his twenties, and it was already a miracle that he hadn't married a wife yet.

"Big Joe, officials are heroes, how can there be only one confidante in this life, what do you think?"

Da Qiao glanced at Liu Xie, and with just this one glance, he felt that the grievance in his heart disappeared without a trace.

Anyway, I am much luckier than my sister, so how many concubines of Liu Xie have to serve Dong Zhuo, that would be life would be better than death!

What my father said was even more correct. How can a woman who is jealous be worthy of being loved by a hero?

"Officer, it's the little girl who thinks too much, and I hope the officer will not be angry."

Da Qiao saluted slightly and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Father Qiao also had a serious face. Anyway, my daughter has lost her reputation. If you Qin officials don't nod today, then no one will leave!

You have made a great name in this world, but you don't believe that you dare to bully a weak woman from beginning to end.

You have to get married in three days. If you don't get married, the old man will go to heaven and earth, and he must seek justice for his daughter!

"Officer, look at this girl, I feel sorry for you, your rock-solid heart hasn't been melted yet?"

Liu Xie was almost in a hurry. Looking at Da Qiao's appearance, he couldn't help hugging him into his arms to comfort him.

Why don't you Qin officials speak?Could it be that he really wanted to be that heartless and heartless person?
The point is, if you don't speak, what will I do?
Can we still get married in three days?

This old boy surnamed Qiao will definitely not let go!

Da Qiao lightly parted her cherry lips, the tip of her pink tongue was faintly visible, and her voice called "official man" was lingering and sentimental, and it was as clear and moving as an oriole.

Qin Lang trembled all over, this woman is indeed a monster, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, the ancients have never deceived me!
"Miss Da Qiao, marriage is not a trifling matter. After I go back to my hometown and report to my parents and teachers, I can spend the rest of my life with the girl. Otherwise, if the name is not right and the word is not right, won't it be a disappointment to the girl's reputation?"

It was the same delay with Sun Shangxiang at the beginning, and this excuse has risen to the height of morality, and it must be used one by one.

If you have too many debts, you don’t worry, if you have too many lice, you don’t itch. If you owe one Sun Shangxiang, you still owe it, and if you add another big Qiao, you still owe it.

What's more, there is still a Diao Chan waiting in Xuzhou!
(End of this chapter)

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